


1. this is a closed roleplay. do not interact with outsiders, including those who have left/haven't been verified yet. no talking about freelance accounts or other roleplay agencies on the tl, it should all be kept in dms.

2. one account per head! we doubt you have two.

3. no face chasing, otp chasing, or biased replies. we want to be a family so make everyone feel welcomed! say hi and greet people. talk to each other, have conversations, and get to know your members. it's not that hard to be friendly.

4. don't get *cliquey* *cliquey*. you can make group chats to talk with each other but refrain from posting screenshots and such on the tl. it can make people feel left out.

5. the tl is unrated, but any actual sm*t goes down in the dm. don't go overboard with s*xual stuff and cursing. remember, we do have minors!

6. no drama on the tl. if you have issues with someone, discuss it through dms. if the situation escalates any further, please consult the admins before we take initiative of the conflict!

7. derogatory terms are strictly prohibited, such as: n*gga, f*ggot, r*tarded. this does include words like rat and snake.

8. ooc talk is not encouraged on the tl, however, if you want to do so, please use brackets! fl talk is strictly prohibited and should only be in DMS!

9. memes are allowed but please know your boundaries! you can post a few every now and then but please be aware that it can make people uncomfortable if the timeline is bombarded with them! 

10. reach 50 tweets within 24 hours of arrival. 48 hours of inactivity will result in an immediate kickout with no chogiwarning.

11. love wins! but before you do any loving, there is a dating ban. both parties must have 500 tweets. we care about you and want you to make sure that you are committed to each other before doing such thing! move in couples are chogiwelcomed.

12. character changes happen with 5 day intervals. temporary character changes are unlimited and last for 24 hours (can be lengthened upon request). please do not abuse this. it can get confusing at times!

13. maximum semi hiatus is 2 weeks and maximum hiatus is 1 month. the p*ss is your character's birthday.

14. please inform base if you're getting into a relationship, changing characters, going on hiatus, or leaving.

15. have fun!


how to join

1. subscribe to the thread as it is mandatory. we will be checking. upvoting is optional but chogiwappreciated.

2. check the masterlist to see if your desired faceclaim is available. if you can't decide who to be, refer to our chogiwishlist. we only accept asian faceclaims at the moment.

3. comment down below to reserve and don't forget the password! we don't accept reservations through twitter.

4. once accepted, you have 24 hours to make your account. do not makeit before getting an admin's approval.

5. username format is (IDOL)YEO / YEO(IDOL) in all capitals. you are free to be creative, but you must have the name of your faceclaim somewhere in your bio if doing so!

6. if you're using a recycled account, make sure to clean out the followings and tweets beforehand.

7. follow base, admins, and the rest of the members.

8. mention base for verification! we hope you have a great time and make special bonds with us at neukkyeo!

admin reserved00
blackpink / jennie
ioi / somi doyeon pinky
nct / jaehyun
cyeoming soon!
cyeoming soon!
about us
first chogiwa, then danbeone, and now neukkyeo! this will be the last part of the trilogy, so please come and make it worthwhile! we will welcome you with open arms!
cyeoming soon!
EST. 021417
feb 14: grand opening!
stats. This whole box scrolls.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipscing elit.

Cras cursus fermentum.


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