So Far Away - Chapter 1

Unexpectedly Not So Far Away
The new year just began, and it’s already pretty sad for you. You didn’t know what the hell to do with yourself! You were losing hope due to another year of possible loneliness and misconceptions of future happenings that could go either right, or wrong. 



“Does anyone even like me?” you depressingly asked yourself.

I’m at the peak of my youth, yet I haven’t even experienced a so-called “true love” or even the idea of, “love”. I’m starting to think, maybe it won’t happen to me in this lifetime. What if I’m reincarnated, and even my past life was lonesome and depressing? That’s the epitome of always being in situations that don’t work out well. By situations, I mean the ones that have to do with individuals I’m interested in. 


High school is almost ending, and everyone seems to be finding themselves, yet I’m still here waiting for the new experiences that could come to me at any moment, without my notice. Sometimes, I feel as if I’m the only one being left behind. With the various aspects of the typical, youthful ideas made by society that enlist the experiences teens should go through, I’m left behind. I’m not a party-type of person, nor do I enjoy drinking, like the teens nowadays.

I’m not weird, but I’m different. 


Through the endless, or stressful days that seem to never-end, I just go with the same, old and similar routine. It’s honestly boring, and I have quite an amount of heavy regrets. Before my high school life ends, I want to experience some of the moments those in movies wish for. 

I hope my dream isn’t so far away.

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