You Can Call Me Monster


Prompt // @ ofchanandbaek : Chanyeol persuades Baekhyun to become like him — a monster but he doesn't realize that Baekhyun makes him human again


Baekhyun sat in the same place, he was shaking slightly, and Chanyeol noticed. Chanyeol always notice. 

"When you're heartless, it's easier to get through life, Baek," Chanyeol whispered, his hands gripping Baekhyun's shoulders. 

"There's no commitment, you don't have to be afraid of getting hurt! What more can a human ask for?" Chanyeol's voice gradually got louder and more enthusiastic.

"How about love? I want to fall in love, Chanyeol,"



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real interesting!
continue sis!