3-D Valentine Special: Part II

TWICE - One Shots
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DahMo (Kim Dahyun + Hirai Momo)


Ah Valentine’s Day. The day where you get a present from your true love, or you give one and it’s all romantic and lovey-dovey. And then you kiss and it’s a fairytale ending as they melt into each other’s arms. Well, it was the opposite case for Dahyun. Yeah sure, she had gotten ones in elementary school with the Power Puff girls on it or Sailor Moon, but never something like a rose or a box of chocolates.


Dahyun was walking into school, other girls walked past by her carrying flowers and big sparkly cards that say ‘Be Mine’. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for herself, so she sulked, overshadowing her usually bright aura.


“Hey Dahyunnie!” Chaeyoung, her best friend, said as she ran up to her all smiley.


“Hi.” She said in a monotone voice.


“Dubu how can you be so gloomy on such a romantic day?” Chaeyoung said, emphasizing the last two words dreamily.


“Well it’s not like I’ve ever gotten anything on this so called wonderful day.” Dahyun said but realized Chaeyoung was no longer listening. She was on a different planet, staring at Myoui Mina, who she had been crushing on since 9th grade. Mina was one of the members of the famous Japanese girl group called J-Trinity.


“Chaeng, Chaeng you’re drooling!” Dahyun yelled.


“Wah. Oh, ew!” Chaeyoung screamed as she wiped her drool off.


“Tried to warn you.” Dahyun said, smirking. She knew her best friend had it bad for Mina.


“OMG! Dahyunnie, Mina is coming over here!” She whisper screamed. Dahyun decided to let her talk to her crush without any interruption, and she knew the younger was internally grateful to her for that.


As Dahyun walked towards her locker, she saw Momo, another close friend of hers and was also a member of J-Trinity, leaning against it. Once Momo saw Dahyun approaching, she gave her a huge grin which the latter reciprocated. Momo could make Dahyun smile in an instant. It was just her thing.


“Hey Dubu. Happy Valentine’s Day.” Momo greeted.


Dahyun sighed and said, “Not happy. Just Valentine’s Day.” as she opened her locker.


She turned to look at Momo, whose smile faded into a frown.


“Why no happy?” Momo asked as Dahyun closed her locker and began walking to homeroom.


Dahyun has never told anyone that it actually bugged her she never had a real valentine.


“It’s nothing.” Dahyun simply said, but she already knew what Momo was going to say to make her feel better.


“Dahyun, you know anything you have to say means something to me.” Momo said and put her hand around the other girl’s shoulders.


She just sighed and leaned on Momo as they walked. Momo then kissed the top of her head and whispered, “You mean a lot to me.”




Dahyun was sitting on the beach. She was gazing at the ocean, taking in its scent and serenity.


Chaeyoung told Dahyun at lunch that Mina gave her a white rose and asked her to be her valentine. She said yes, of course, so now they are spending this night together watching movies at Mina’s house alone. Sweet and simple, just the way Chaeyoung likes it.


Momo, however, was nowhere to be seen after their classes ended. Dahyun had no idea what the Japanese girl was up to. Probably romancing some chick, she thought. A chick that she was too good for. Momo didn’t think so but Dahyun sure did. For Dahyun, Momo was wonderful so she only deserved the best girlfriend. She was so sweet, caring, comforting, cute, and… perfect.


“Dahyun? Is that you?”


Dahyun heard the voice of who she thought she just found out she had loved all this time. Good timing.


“Yes, it’s me.” She replied, her gaze still fixated at the ocean as Momo came over and sat beside her.


“Dahyun, I know something’s been bothering you today. Please tell me.” Momo softly said then she took Dahyun’s hands, forcing the younger to look at her in the eyes.


She didn’t even try to say ‘Nothings been bothering me’ because she knew that was a huge lie. She thought that it was time to tell the only person she trusted with her life.


“Momoring… Valentine’s Day has never been good for me. I have never had a true valentine. Someone who’s always gonna be there. Someone to hold my hands with at a scary movie. Someone to cry to. Someone who I can go to in my sweats, hair messy, makeup ruined, eyes red from crying and the first thing she says is ‘Baby, you’re beautiful’ and means it. I want someone for once in my life to love me for me.” Dahyun said as a tear, she didn’t know she was holding, finally escaped out of her eye.


Momo lifted Dahyun’s chin and looked her in the eyes, deeply, as in real deep.


“Dubu, don’t you know I love you? I always have been there for you. I’ve been there when you cried. I’ve seen you at your worst and still thought you were the most beautiful person alive.” Momo sincerely said. “I love you, Dahyun. Will you be my Valentine?”


Upon hearing Momo’s sudden confession, Dahyun burst into tears.


“How could I have been so blind all this time? She was right there. She always was and always will be…” Dahyun thought to herself. She suddenly felt like floating as her heart thumped loudly against her chest.


“Yes Momo. I want to be your valentine.” She finally croaked out.


Momo leaned in and kissed her with the love they had always shared.


Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad after all.



MinaYeon (Myoui Mina + Im Nayeon)


Nayeon shrugged and fixed her hair using her hand as she cleared nervously.


“Well I live here. You live here. No one else lives here. So…”


Mina’s smile was positively radiant, so bright and warm it reminded Nayeon of sunshine. She can feel embarrassment creeping into her face and she returned to the kitchen to ensure she didn’t burn the lemon chicken in the oven. She heard Mina removed her coat and shoes, the soft tapping of her feet along the parquet flooring as her arms circled around Nayeon’s waist and her face nuzzles between the older’s shoulder blades.


“So all these flowers are for me?” Mina softly asked.


“I know I’m extravagant and selfish, but even I have to admit that buying half a florist shop for myself seems a bit excessive.” Nayeon muttered, poking at the vegetables that were browning in the pan. Mina’s fingers curled against her stomach, not quite ticklish but not quite innocent either.


“Probably a little bit excessive.” Mina agreed with a kiss to Nayeon’s shoulder as she pulled away and wandered over to the cupboard to remove two glasses and pour the bottle of red wine Nayeon had left on the counter earlier.


Nayeon could hear Mina humming to herself as she moved around, a contented smile on her face. It pooled warmth around her heart to see Mina so happy, moving so freely in the limited space they share.


“I love you.” Nayeon said, quietly. It hanged in the air for a moment before it gets inhaled by Mina and her smile widened.


“I love you too.” Mina said, handing the other girl a wine glass and clinking them together.


“Happy Valentine’s Day.” She said, giving the older a seductive wink in the process. “This is our second valentines together. Oh how time flies…”


Nayeon took a sip of her wine before tugging Mina towards her, arm stretching around her shoulder with her glass outstrectched to avoid accidentally tipping it over Mina and staining her clothes.


“Happy Valentine’s Day, Penguin.” Nayeon said, bumping her nose against Mina’s as she leaned in for a kiss.


Mina huffed a laugh against , her tongue tasting of the red wine when it deepened and Nayeon almost decided to forgo the meal she had been working on for a couple of hours.


“And yeah, time do flies so fast.” Nayeon said after they broke away from the kiss.


“You’re getting old, my bunny babe.” Mina teasingly said, lips curling up into a gummy smile.


“Yah! That hurts.” Nayeon pouted, holding onto her chest pretending to be hurt.


Mina laughed then she cupped Nayeon’s cheek and showered her with light kisses, “You’re just as attractive as the day we met,” she mumbled in between kisses.


“If you’re not still saying that when I’m fifty…” Nayeon threatened, hushing Mina’s laugh with more kisses until she pulled away to sip wine over the younger’s shoulder.


“Well, you’re already halfway there so…” Mina pointed out, ducking free from Nayeon’s arms with a snort when the latter could only gape at her in outrage, the wine wobbling in the glass as she struggled to held her hand steady rather than make a grab for her naughty girlfriend.


“You’ll pay for that later.”


“I look forward to it.” Mina smirked and winked at her, spinning slowly to ensure Nayeon gets the full view of her ‘y figure’ before she slinked off to the living room to wait until dinner is ready.



MoSana / SaMo (Hirai Momo + Minatozaki Sana)


“Can I open my eyes now?”


“Of course you can’t, it wouldn’t be a great surprise if you do.”


“Then can you at least tell me where you’re taking me?”


“And spoil the surprise? Nah, don’t think so.”


Sana heaved a sigh, “Momo.”


“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” Momo said excitedly. She continued

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Heyboiii #1
Chapter 13: Cute
12 streak #2
Chapter 14: <3
themicah #3
Chapter 13: Loving this collection! Hope you can make a one shot for MiMo, too :)
Natsuki37 #4
Chapter 14: Please make jeongtzu please.. :-)
heesica10 #5
Jeongmi then sajeong!
chaeyu11 #6
denisha #7
Chapter 13: Such a sweet 2yeon ^^ i hope to see more
Chapter 14: Nice story!!
Hanlex #9
Chapter 13: Aweeee what a sweet 2yeonie~~ I love how Nayeon come back to the grocery to see Jeongyeon reasoning out buying a varietes of Milk~~ So sweet !! And pinky oppa lol xD another one pleaser
Hanlex #10
Chapter 8: JeongMi then SaJeong~~