
Perfect Harmony

Sehun’s nimble fingers danced across the rigid strings of his old, beaten up cello. There were too many cracks on it’s body for anyone to count. The neck was stained with who knows what. Not to mention the varnish had rubbed away in many places. His mother had tried to get him to pawn it for some quick cash, but he couldn’t bring himself to actually do it. Many times he’d been sat in the parking lot of the nearest pawn shop, cello in the back seat, a few minutes away from having the cash to put towards something else he’d probably sell years from now. But he always came back home, cello strapped onto his back. This was his first instrument, ever. He never took it with him when he traveled, now he had a much more expensive and much more elegant cello. He mainly used the old one to practice new, intimidating pieces which he just couldn’t seem to get down. Like now for instance, he was given a piece Monday and it’s been four days later and Sehun was having trouble shifting across strings. This was something that troubled him greatly. Shifting had always been one of his strong suits, except for this piece. It was kicking his right now, and he couldn’t stand it.

Sehun put the instrument back into it’s case and left it in the corner of his practice room. He loosened his bow, and left it to hang on the wall with all the others he had purchases over the years, each one for a different . He left the room, ready to be away from everything having to do with that stupid song. Why this piece? He wondered. Why? He left the door to the practice room slightly ajar, not truly caring if the door closed all the way or not. As Sehun walked into his bedroom, his phone rang from the oakwood nightstand on the other side of the room. The bed groaned beneath him as he splayed across it, stretching his arm out and grabbed his phone. “Hello?” He muttered into the phone. It was barely noon, but he was already tired of speaking to people today.

“Hey Hun!” Chanyeol piped. “Oh.” He groaned through the phone. “It’s you.” Sehun heard Chanyeol scoff on the other line. “You’re always so mean to me. Anyway, do you have any plans tonight?” Sehun hesitated to answer. Of course he didn’t have any plans. He never does, but that didn’t mean he wanted to spend his evening leaning against a bar sipping some lamely named alcoholic beverage, watching Chanyeol making a fool of himself trying to dance for hours upon hours. But unfortunately as Sehun answered with a quiet “No.” That’s exactly what he found himself doing hour later. However Chanyeol wasn’t making a fool of himself on the dance floor, well not just yet. He had said something about introducing him to someone. His name was.. Jongdae? No, that wasn’t quite right, but it was something similar. Sehun stared out onto the dance floor, waiting for whoever to show up. He didn’t particularly want to be here right now, clubs weren’t his thing, but the prospect of meeting someone knew was marginally exciting. His life was a bit bland here lately, maybe something like this could add a little spice.

He was soon after taken out of his thoughts when Chanyeol damn near fell out of his chair trying to get to the person who just came through the door. “That him?” He mumbled. Chanyeol slapped a hand on Sehun’s shoulder. “Yep!” He shrugged Chanyeol’s hand away, which made the older boy stumble and almost lose his balance. One of the men that just walked inside rushed to help Chanyeol stabilize himself, the other disregarded the scene entirely and headed to the dance floor which hinted that he probably wasn’t with the first. “You okay man?” Sehun couldn’t help but choke on his drink at the sound of the stranger’s beautiful voice. , calm down will ya? He mentally curses, while wiping at the dripping alcohol from his chin. “Just had a little too much already. You know how that goes Jongin.” Jongin, that’s what it was. Sehun had never been one to stare, but damn this guy was quite the looker. He couldn’t resist staring into his mahogany colored eyes, and at his gorgeously tanned skin. Everything about this guy oozed , even in the way he leaned against the bar, pale blonde hair draped beautifully and ever so carefully across his face and button down black shirt bunching up in all the right places. Jongin was so beautiful and at the same time so full of… mystery. Sehun was living for all of it.

“Baekhyun’s still outside. He got a call he swears he  just had to take.” Jongin made air quotes. Sehun let his sinful mind wonder to all the things those pretty hands could do to him, hopefully later. Chanyeol nodded. “Figures.” He pointed over to Sehun. “This is who I was talking about over the phone the other day.” He focused all his attention on Sehun. He would never say it, but he was feeling quite intimidated under the gaze that had been casted upon him. He shifted in his seat as the man in front of him spoke. “Kim Jongin.” He stretched his left arm out and extended his hand out to the only one of the three that remained seated. “Oh Sehun.” His breath caught in his throat as Jongin went to say something, but was interrupted by a short male yelling as he entered the building. “JONGIN, WHERE ARE YOU?!” He simply raised his arm up for him to see.

Sehun gasped at the sight of who he assumed to be Baekhyun. He was practically speechless. Jongin couldn’t even hold a candle to this guy. He was beautiful. He was gorgeous. He was stunning. He was astonishing. There were too many words to describe his incredible god-like beauty. His skin was very different from that of Jongin’s. It was very chalky in comparison, but alas still completely breathtaking. He wore a heavy layer of eyeliner that only enhanced the color of his bright blue eyes. They were way too vivid to be real, but even if they were contacts, they suited him extremely well. He wore all black, shirt, and skinny jeans, except for the colorful jacket that gracefully hung off his shoulders. Random shapes in several different colors embellished the fabric of the jacket. Compared to Jongin, Baekhyun was quite a bit shorter, but Sehun couldn’t find it in himself to care. “You okay?” Chanyeol whispered in his ear. It took him a few moments to gather himself and speak seeing as how the small, enchanting male had made all words and reasonable thought leave him.

“Yeah, just fine.” He choked out.

Chanyeol turned away from him, diverting his attention back to Baekhyun and Jongin. “You finally made it!” He welcomed him with a slap to the shoulder, something Chanyeol did frequently when talking with his friends. “Ah, well sorry it took me so long. If I didn’t take that call Kyungsoo’d have my head on a stake. Anyway, who’s this cutie and how long before I can jump in his pants?” He said casually, pointing a beautiful finger towards Sehun. Chanyeol smirked at his short friend’s bluntness. “Sehun.” Sehun lifted his own hand, and greeted him with a quick two finger wave. At this point he couldn’t really form words, especially not after his comment towards him. It was a miracle he was even breathing.

“Byun Baekhyun.” He said, leaving the group to find some sort of alcoholic drink but not before sending a wink Sehun’s way. He could just feel his cheeks turning a deep shade of scarlet, and he hated every second of it. Chill. Baekhyun returned shortly after, a fruity smelling drink in one hand, a bottle of who-knows-what under the opposite arm, and tray of shot glasses filled to the rim in the other. “What’d you do, go behind the counter and rob ‘em blind?” Jongin gasped. Baekhyun let out a high-pitched laugh, one Sehun found himself wanting to hear again. “I may or may not have sweet-talked the bartender. Pretty cute. Name’s Minseok.” Baekhyun set the drinks on the bar in front of them, and in no time all four men were practically -faced, but none of them really cared. It had been months since Sehun had touched so much as a beer, and probably years since the last time he got this drunk. None of the four men could stand up straight by themselves. As they made their way back to Sehun’s house, they had their arms suspended across each other’s shoulders in an attempt to maintain what little balance that remained after the night’s drinking.

Sehun struggled to get his keys out of his pocket, mainly because he couldn’t remember what pocket they were in, but once they were finally in his grasp, he still had trouble finding the keyhole. Baekhyun was cold and tired, so he snatched the keys from the taller boy’s hands and stuck it into the door, and swung it open. Jongin immediately plopped down on the first couch he came into contact with. He didn’t say anything else as he fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the couch pillows. Chanyeol stumbled into the guest room which happened to be the first door you came across once you turned down the hallway. Sehun dragged Baekhyun behind him to his bedroom. Half of him wanted to fall asleep seeing as how it had been a long night, while the other half so desperately wanted to the beautiful man senseless. However, the decision was made for him when Baekhyun pushed Sehun back onto his bed and began drunkenly kissing him.

Baekhyun was on top of him, grinding their hardening members together needily and kissing him as if there was no tomorrow. Sehun broke the kiss several minutes later, even though both men were panting heavily, it was only to remove Baekhyun’s shirt. Baekhyun happily complied, lifting his arms up over to his head for Sehun to rip the shirt from his body and toss it to the other side of the room. “You’re so ing hot.” Sehun mumbled, right before pulling Baekhyun back down hard to continue making out. Baekhyun whimpered as Sehun roughly grabbed onto his hips, holding him in place as he started to grind up against him. “Hunnie, I n-need you.” Baekhyun moaned. Sehun usually couldn’t stand the nickname, but right now coming from Baekhyun, he swore it was one of the best things he’d ever heard. Sehun flipped the two over, quickly leaning away from the smaller male to remove his shirt. Sehun instantly praised every higher being for keeping up with his gym membership. Oh how he hated spending hours upon hours in that building, but he got all the reward seeing the look on Baekhyun’s face once his shirt was off. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” His deep voice pierced the heavy in the room.

Without another word, Baekhyun pulled Sehun back down to him, and the blonde male began an attack on the smaller male’s neck. Baekhyun couldn’t hold the back the moans that fell from his lips. His neck was oh so sensitive, making it his greatest weakness. If he wasn’t already down to Sehun, he certainly was now. And he needed to make that very apparent. He frantically rubbed their bulges against each other in an attempt to rile Sehun up. Baekhyun knew it worked when moments later, he was sat back up to remove the rest of his clothes. He started with his shirt and then hurriedly moved to his jeans. Baekhyun’s ministrations had affected Sehun more than he realized, but while he waited for him to undress himself, he worked his own jeans off, popping the button off and shimmying them down his pale legs. Both men were left in their boxers. Sehun hovered over Baekhyun once again, connecting their lips fervently. He slid a hand down in between the tangle of their bodies, reaching for the elastic waistband hanging tightly on Baekhyun’s hips. Sehun grasped him firmly, making Baekhyun squeal out.

Sehun couldn’t hide the smirk that took form over his lips. He continued on, slipping into the tight confines of his blue boxers. Baekhyun hissed once Sehun’s hand finally wrapped around his hard . His fingers barely moved an inch when Baekhyun's phone sounded off somewhere in the room. “I g-gotta.. get that.” He spoke.

He was breathing heavily because of Sehun’s previous antics. Baekhyun had barely recovered by the time he got to his phone and answered the dreaded call. He knew this was bound to happen but he had hoped Kyungsoo would have forgotten or maybe fallen asleep by now. However, that was not the case. He’s barely pressed the green accept button before the yelling started. “I THOUGHT YOU WERE COMING HOME, I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK. I'VE BEEN TEXTING YOU AND JONGIN ALL NIGHT. IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR PHONE? DO I NEED TO BUY YOU A NEW ONE??!” was the first thing he heard. Baekhyun sighed as he left Sehun’s bedroom to pick up his conversation in the privacy of the hallway. “Why do you keep acting like this?” He groaned into the phone. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” Kyungsoo continued to scream into the phone. Baekhyun lowered his voice, and moved farther away from Sehun’s door. He knew he wasn’t going to be listening in, but he just would rather be safe than sorry. “You know exactly what I mean.” Baekhyun and Kyungsoo had been living together since practically the start of high school. Everything was going peachy until Baekhyun had to screw everything up and him one night, or several. Ever since then Kyungsoo acted like they were dating or something. Baekhyun hated it, however he hated being without release even more so there’s that.

“I’m getting tired of you treating me like a dog on a leash. We ed like once, let it go.” He couldn’t believe he was even having this conversation right now when he could be off having the time of his life with that beautiful blonde boy just down the hall. “DAILY FOR LIKE A WEEK AND A HALF IS NOT ONCE.” Baekhyun scoffed. “You know what I meant, but that’s not the point. Kyungsoo go find someone else to hound over. We’re roommates, best friends, nothing more.” Before he could respond, Baekhyun hung up. He put his phone on silent and left it in the hallway. He went back into Sehun’s room and saw the younger fast asleep. Damn! There went all his hopes of continuing what they’d started. He crawled into bed beside Sehun. Baekhyun found himself falling asleep pretty much the second he’d closed his eyes.

Maybe next time.

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I'm sorry but have you posted this story anywhere before???