Chapter 13

Good Bye Baby

The bell rang for the end of the school, Suzy closed her locker and was about to leave, when her friend Hyeri approached her "hey Suzy, want to come over my house and hang out??"

Suzy beamed and nodded "yeah sure"

They walked together till they arrived to Hyeri's house, they entered the living room "wait here, I'll go change and come back" Hyeri told her, and went up the stairs

Suzy looked around, at the comfortable looking place, when she heard someone unlock the door

She turned slowly, and met eyes with a guy "who are you?" he asked her

"I…" she walked back "ouch" she hit her elbow on the edge of the table behind her

"Are you ok?" he went close to her

She smiled embarrassed "I'm fine" *this is so embarrassing >< why did this happen to me especially in front of this good looking guy*

*she's so cute* Kikwang thought

Sorry, did I take long??"  Hyeri was coming down stairs

she saw Kikwang "oppa" she grinned widely "what are you doing here??"

"Your mom called me, she said that she really needs a file from her office room and she can't get off work" he explained

"Oh" she nodded in understanding

Suzy stood there puzzled, Hyeri turned to her "I haven’t introduced you guys to each other" she motioned towards Kikwang "this is my neighbor Kikwang oppa" she turned Suzy's way "and this is my best friend, Suzy"

Kikwang shot her a killer smile, Suzy kept staring at him *he's familiar I saw him before … but where..??* She kept trying to remember 

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4everhite #1
Your story is really great! I hope you continue making them! I love Min's story the most andshe is probably my bias in miss a. I hope you make another story for her :)
Take that Lee Gikwang~! I hope you die a lonely person~! Uh-huh... well the Gikwang in this story. Not in real life >_<
Omo, I might get in trouble if I start reading this now so I'll just save it for later~ the story seems interesting too
lisitha #4
really like this story.
And the end... adorable>°<
Aww great ending!!! :P
Vrisbogh #6
happy ending.. XD
this is the great ending XD <3
He's such a jerk. Bleh. ><
ahhh....happy ending...i love happy ending and each one of them have a baby/babies...junior miss A...cute...thank for the nice story admin!...i like it...thank you so much!..^O^
Vrisbogh #9
i love this chapter.. cuteeeee
MsKrazy #10
Love this couple.... Super cute