Part 5

The Best Things Can't be Arranged

Hoseok avoids making eye contact with the younger when he exits the bathroom, partly because he’s still embarrassed and partly because of how good he looks after just having showered. Hoseok has to choke back a hum of appreciation upon seeing Hyungwon’s dark, wet hair all askew against his forehead. He shakes his head vigorously, as if he’s on some kind of commercial. Hoseok hurries past him into the bathroom, trying his hardest not to stare at the modelesque prince.

Hyungwon stares after him, thinking his behavior a bit odd. He merely shrugs, though, thinking it’s just because he feels awkward about walking in on him in the shower.


Hoseok takes a bit longer in the shower than Hyungwon feels is necessary, slightly irking the younger. He waits with his book, feeling too impatient to try and read while he waits. He doesn’t know why he’s so anxious to go on this outing with the older. All they would do is talk. He thinks it’s possibly due to Hoseok nearly seeing him earlier, but it isn’t as if he actually saw anything. Besides, Hoseok had been indescribably cute when it happened it was impossible to be mad at him for it.

Hyungwon doesn’t really like admitting that particular fact, but can’t really keep himself from doing so. He just couldn’t deny how adorable that lisp had been, and how clumsy the older was to run right into the door. He finds himself wanting to make Hoseok that nervous again, somehow, just to see that reaction once more.


He finally hears the bathroom door open, and glances up to see Hoseok fully dressed and running a towel through his hair. He doesn’t even meet the younger’s eyes, a blush creeping up his cheeks. Hyungwon chuckles lowly at noticing this, and he follows Hoseok back to the bathroom. He watches as the older runs a product through his hair and begins to dry it.

“Do you always take so long in the shower?” Hyungwon asks, leaning against the doorway. Hoseok jolts for a moment, as if surprised by the younger’s voice.

“I…” Hoseok mumbles, unsure of what the exactly the right answer is. Hyungwon chuckles, a playful smirk coming to him.

“What’s the matter, hyung?” he says. “What’re you so nervous for? Didn’t you like what you saw earlier?”

“I d-d-d-didn’t s-see anyth-thing!” Hoseok bursts out, spinning around to face Hyungwon. “I s-s-s-s-swear!” A blush flares up on his cheeks, seeming only emphasized by his usual pale pallor. Hyungwon can’t help the laugh that bubbles up at seeing the older so flustered. He leans forward, hugging his middle as a light yet exuberant laugh escapes his lips. He straightens back up, trying to fight it back down after a moment. If he doesn’t control it now, he could be laughing all day and they wouldn’t be going anywhere.

“Sorry, hyung,” Hyungwon says at seeing Hoseok’s confused expression. “You make it too fun to tease you. I just couldn’t help it.”

“Y-Yah!” Hoseok says, obviously put at ease by the younger’s confession judging by his lessened stutter. He playfully throws a hand towel at Hyungwon, adding, “It isn’t n-nice to make fun of your hyung!” Hyungwon chuckles again, shaking his head at how easy it is to read the older.

“Hurry up, already,” Hyungwon sighs bluntly. “Half the day is gone by now. At this rate, we won’t be leaving until nightfall.” He then pauses, adding jokingly, “Unless that was your plan all along.” Hoseok begins to argue that no, that wasn’t his plan at all. At least, Hyungwon assumes that’s what he’s trying to convey with his nervous babble.


They manage to leave soon enough, and walk side by side around the woods surrounding their vacation home. Silence snakes its way between the two young men, choking the words in their throats and making the air around them incredibly awkward. Hoseok wracks his brain for something to say, but can’t think of anything. Last night they’d talked about their families, and bonded over how neither of them can really cook… What else is there to discuss?

“So,” Hoseok murmurs, becoming increasingly exasperated with the continuing silence. “What do you do in your free time?”

Yes, Hoseok commends himself, of course, hobbies. Great job, Hoseok. Hyungwon hums thoughtfully, glancing up at the canopy of leaves above them.

“Mostly I just read,” he answers at last. Hoseok waits a moment for him to elaborate, but he doesn’t.

“What kinds of books?” Hoseok goes on, desperate to get some sort of conversation going.

“Anything I can get my hands on,” Hyungwon shrugs. “I’m not really picky. Though, the libraries in my kingdom were a bit lacking, so I didn’t really have the luxury to develop a specific taste.”

“When we get to my kingdom,” Hoseok says, a thought coming to him, “I can show you where the most renowned libraries are. I think you’d like them.” Hyungwon breaks his gaze on the leaves to glance over at the older, an unreadable smile forming on his lips.

“I think I will,” he murmurs, a beautifully intrigued light dancing within his eyes. Hoseok gets the sense that the younger means more than just the books, but he can’t figure out what or why. All he knows is his mouth is going dry and his fingers are starting to fidget and pull at the ends of his sleeves. He his lips anxiously, the movement earning an amused smirk from the younger before he drops his gaze.

Hyungwon chuckles under his breath. The musical sound dances lightly on Hoseok's ears, and he can't help but smile in return, the sound easing his nerves slightly.

He glances around, absentmindedly grasping onto Hyungwon's hand as he takes in their surroundings, and is pleasantly surprised when the younger doesn't pull away.

He could honestly get used to this.

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Chapter 6: What a lovely story you have written!! (♥ω♥*)
It's so fluffy and sweet that it melts my frozen heart hahaha.
I love the way Hoseok is so caring towards Hyungwon and vice versa. Everything is so pure around them that I can't imagine this fic with angst or .

Can't wait for the following chapters to come! (。♥‿♥。)
Chapter 2: I'm a new reader who fall deeply in love with your story!

Is so cute and fluffy that gives me diabetes! I like the way Wonho cares for Hyungwon even if they haven't met each other before.

I'm gonna read the following chapters right now! You gain a new subscriber!
patiiShcj #3
Chapter 6: OMG thank you for the update! I'm one of the new readers xD
Can't wait for the next update :D
Chapter 6: Well, It's nice to have an update, even after all these months. I honestly thought you discarded the story.
Anyways, I'm glad they're starting to fall for each other and anticipating the next chapters ^_^
patiiShcj #5
Chapter 5: It ends here? :(
Chapter 4: Cutipies......
I just realized that i'm not subscribed to this!!!!
Why does this always happen to me?!?!?!
Chapter 3: aaaw! I like this so far! Really adoreable and interesting!
Chapter 3: i can't wait for more i want them to make out *eyes emoji*
Chapter 2: this ramyeon loving prince i sweAR TO GOD
bubbletea62646 #10
Chapter 2: Awwww how cute