
Pray You Catch Me
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Jimin was sitting in their hotel room’s couch as he was waiting for a text from his twin sister. Her class had ended hours ago, but she still hasn’t gotten home yet.


To: Chae-riri (poop emoji) - 2:14PM

Baby sis, where are you?


Within a few minutes, the young boy had gotten a reply from her,


To: Minnie - 2:17PM

Who the are you calling “baby sis?” I’m only two minutes younger than you and your childish .


To Minnie - 2:18PM

But I’m in his car, he was persistent to hang out today.


When her brother saw that last text message, he began to panic because of course, he knew what she meant by “his,” and they both knew that it was bad. However, there was little to nothing they could do.


To Chae-riri (poop emoji) - 2:20

Tell him to take you here right now, we have to go to Uncle Boseon’s house for some reason. So hurry.


It took her about ten minutes to get home after that, and when she walked in the suite using her key card, she looked so relieved that she was back.


“What happened?” Jimin asked as he stood up from the couch, also relieved that she was home in one piece.


The young girl shrugged, “Nothing, the usual.”


He sighed, “You’ve got to be kidding, well that’s just great.”


“Well there’s nothing anybody can do, is there?! No, so let me just deal with it because you’re lucky enough that you don’t go through this.” she suddenly yelled at him.


Jimin was shocked by his sister’s outburst, “H-Hey, Riri… I wasn-”


“It doesn’t matter. Stop acting like you’re helping me, because if staying on the sidelines is your excuse of helping...then just don’t even bother with the whole situation, alright? That’s why I asked you to stay silent, because you’re not going to help me in the way I want you to.”


He noticed the anger and the sadness in her voice and desperately wanted to say something, “I just want to be there for you, I made a mistake and took it out on you before and I’m still so sorry about that.”


Her expression didn’t change, “You weren’t there for me then, so why would I need your help about it now? You’re my brother, Jimin...but if your plan was to ignore me, talk about me to Mom, and live in the same house as me, then you don’t say that you made a ‘mistake,’ the real mistake was me.”


“W-What do you mean that you were the mistake?”


She sighed as she ran her hands through her face, “Were you even there when everything happened?! Did you not say horrible things about your own sister in front her face and mom’s? Were you not looking out the window when I was touched then hit, and didn’t do anything about it? Right, you must

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Chapter 12: Awhhh, her uncle is happy :’)
Chapter 11: Your author notes have inspired me <3
Chapter 10: Dun dun dun 0_o
Oh snap, it’s getting so serious now!
Chapter 10: Chae! Thanks for the update and I understand what you’re going through so take all the time that you need :) I really love your story and the couple, so I’m excited to see what’s coming up next ^^ YOU NEVER WALK ALONE!! Peace ✌? ?
Chapter 9: Someone let me be as rich as Yoongi !! xD
Chapter 8: Author-nim, take all the time you need. I am also working, studying and taking care of the house as well as my family so I understand the situation you're in. Remember to look after yourself and keep yourself healthy!
Chapter 6: Ughhh this story never fails to make me cry DX