

Jin  lays wide awake the next night thinking of the numbers scribbled on his table. They play in his mind like a code he has to crack and torment every essence of his being. 

Jin hears V scowl beside him, he doesn’t know how he hears a scowl precisely yet somehow his sixth sense allows him to know exactly how his ‘friend’ feels.

When he awakes in the morning, Jin  realises anger in his heart. V is ‘asleep’ next to him, and his pale skin is almost illuminating, ghost-like even as he stays perfectly still, staring at the ceiling under his closed eyelid 

Jin wakes up and walks the kitchen .  Looking around the room, the kitchen table catches the JIn’s  attention, and he remembers the phone number and about Jungkook  once more.

Jin knows for a fact the long, deep scratches engraved in the wood were not there before he went to sleep last night. They were perturbed and estranged, stretching over and masking the number that they ominously etched away

In a split second Jin’s  absent minded gawking switches to a fit of panic. He tries to make out the numbers of Jungkook’s phone but he couldn’t . 

. Now that it definitely isn’t an option, all Jin  wants to do is call Junkook ; he has questions for the tall, dark and handsome man who has walked into his life unprompted and – dare he say it – wants to get to know him

 Jin wants to take that offer 

Jin wants a chance at something real.

Jin doesn’t even know what ‘real’ is.

This hurts a lot, and the Jin can only sob  as V watches from the tall door frame. He leans lazily within the wooden arch and he observes the sorrow in Jin’s eyes 

Jin looks particularly weak today as he falls onto a wooden chair with little regard for his bones; he couldn’t care for the pain induced right now. Jin thinks that this is what regret feels like, he is wrong because this, in fact, is what true desire feels like. 

V has always been enough for Jin  because Jin  has always been enough for V.

V can see that changing before his very eyes as they begin to bleed trailing  down his pale cheeks only to puddle on the wooden floorboards below.

A few mundane weeks of a moody V and Jin  going about his messed up life in the usual way; slipping in a and out of reality as if it had a revolving door, Jin sees Jungkook again. 

They seem to be living in the same area, and Jin is delighted to cross paths with the younger  in the streets.

V is not.

Still, the day is sunny, and the birds sing loudly under the thick canopy of velvet leaves, . Jin  is finding it very hard to be miserable despite V’s  opposition to his happy encounter.

The elder loves the way Jungkook  speaks with his hands as he gets over engaged while telling his life story as the two – no three – of them sit in a rustic café on Jungkook’s  side of the district.

V hates it, he tells Jin  this repeatedly: “Let's go, you do not need him; you have me,” he informs.

Jin  loves the way Jungkook  dresses in jet black all the time, it is even as if he rides a motorbike – head to toe leather. It really doesn’t matter that he is actually dressed rather inappropriately for the weather because Jungkook  looks amazing.

V thinks this looks stupid and makes sure to express his disapproval to Jin again, V wants to get right up and walk out of there maybe bashing Jungkook’s  skull in before he does so.

 V hates Jungkook .

Soon enough V notices Jungkook become a more constant fixture in their life’s and will not stand to deal with it.

  In fact, he plans to tell Jungkook where to stick his happy smiles and polite, caring hugs; V thinks they feel gross anyway.

“Whats wrong Jinnie?” Jungkook  asks one day as the two sit on the plush sofa in the large airy room, half watching the TV half lounging around for the sake of being able to.

Jin doesn’t see the point in lying as V shoots the pair glare from his window seat and then looks away in a childish slump.


“V hates you.”

Jungkook  scowls, not sure if this should really bother him or not, “Oh.” he manages, at first, not following with anything else as he awkwardly thinks of something to say. 

“V, Huh?”

Jin nods, “he thinks you’re-“ Jin says  “V thinks you’re taking me away.”


Jungkook  sighs as he averts his gaze from Jin; he really wants this to work, he really does yet can’t see it doing so if this ‘V’ continues. 

Jin is obviously ill, and Jungkook does want to help. Maybe if he can lend assistance, then the two of them could start something – something normal. 


“And-“ he begins pausing in anticipation as he doesn’t know whether or not asking questions is wise. Jungkook  minutely remembers a mention of ‘V’ from when they were children, frankly, it is scary 

“-where is V?”

Jin chuckles, not sure if he is mocking Jungkook’s stupidity or feeling miserable; he has known something isn’t right with V for a long time, he knows other people can't see him. 


“He is sitting on the window sill.” Jin proclaims almost monotonously “He likes it there.”

Jin shivers as he looks over to the opening in the wall. The windowsill is rather wide and scattered with cushions, it fits the generally Victorian feel of the room, and Jungkook finds himself wondering if this is one of ‘V’s’ preferences.

“N-Now?”Jungkook  stutters “Like, you see him sitting there, just like you see me?”

Jin shrugs, his eyes looking right through Jungkook  as he speaks terrifyingly objectively: 



Jungkook  is vexed. “what?” He questions because, honestly, nothing makes sense to him and Jin  is going to have to explain.

“You made him angry” 


Jin brings his legs up to his chest and hugs them tight as if to protect his chest


When V gets angry Jin gets paranoid;
it hurts when V is unhappy.

“What?” Jungkook  repeats like a broken record  

“It's just the blood –” Jin  states with an alarming lack of context “ – I don’t understand it,”

he continues as the beautiful hollows in his face, housing his eyes dribbles blood down his pale cheeks. At first, Jungkook  thinks the other is crying thus tries to bring him in for a hug yet becomes physically repulsed as he realises the sinister truth of the nauseating fluid. 


“It’s… it’s painful.”  Jin cries

At this point Jungkook  is out, he has his phone in hand and is dialling the emergency number.

“I look like V,” Jin  mumbles only just coherently  

“He bleeds too, I think he makes me do it so we are the same.”

Jungkook  wants to shout: ' V’, but knows better by now and rejoices in the fact the ambulance is coming because he thinks he may need it too. 

V is happy with himself.

Jin can see his toothy grin from metres across the room and can hear V tapping his  fingers  against the glass in a repetitive pattern.  

Jin thinks V is scary and wonders what it would be like if he is to just go away

  Jungkook  becomes more fearful as he hugs to Jin’s  side, not caring about the blood 

“Help me,” Jin whispers , he looks afraid as if V would hear him " please ... save me" 

“I… want to.” Jungkook  regrettably answers as  he picks Jin up in his arms. The ambulance he called is too slow , he is going to carry Jin to the hospital by himself .






“I’m sorry,” Jin mentions as the pair start to walk home, covering the sun-soaked path hastily. 


Jin stayed in the hospital for good three days , V didn’t come for a visit ,Maybe he was guiltey for doing that for Jin.In the mean time Jin doesnt care , He was truly happy. Jin’s heart clenched when he remembered that he had to go back to V 

“Are you ignoring me?” Jin sulked 

Jungkook  shakes his head “Just thinking.” 


  the bleeding had been so real, every distort of reality he witnessed when around Jin seemed real.  Jin  is just so raw, so vivid with emotion that Jungkook  affiliates with him tremendously.

Maybe what is real and what isn’t doesn’t matter anymore

“How about You and I go get a burger?” 


Jungkook  smiles sincerely, stopping before Jin and looking him directly in the eyes. 

Jungkook   thinks Jin is extra beautiful today; he is radiant under the city sun, and his raw red lips are a pretty crimson as he bites down on the bottom and smiles a little. Jin has the most exquisite smile.


“Yes,  I would like that.”


Jungkook  believes he  might just like Jin quite a lot... more than just childhood aqquaintace 


Jin had been visiting Dr. Jung more often with Jungkook. Jungkook keeps telling Jin that it would help him , and Jin believes Jungkook more and more Dr. Jung hands over medication for Jin's schizophrenia

V doesnt like the sound of it ... not one bit.

“Do you love me Jinnie ?” V asks as he sits on the bed while Jin changes into his clothes, his hair is still wet from his shower, and V smiles as he sees the scratches on the older’s , broad, .

He did that.

Jin  scowls, “Of course I do, I’ve known you all my life.” 

As he speaks these words, Jin  realises what he is saying and wonders why V has looked the same all this time. V had never been particularly young nor old yet somehow, in Jin’s eyes, they aged together; 


“Then why do you take this?” V asks as he throws the package labelled Risperidone onto the floor before Jin’s tense feet, the latter has to blink twice as he knows fully well the packet is in his cabinet.

Why is V so good at materialising out of nowhere?


“Its to get rid of me, isn’t it.”


  V looks angry , scary and murderous . Jin doesn’t like him like this , not one bit . It scares him. 


“I don’t know V.” Jin sobs “What are we doing living like this?”


V shrugs as he finds himself before the other, staring predatorily. “We were living perfectly fine until that son of a came here and ruined it all!! ” 


 Jin looks anywhere but V’s eyes; he has observed something new – or maybe just acknowledged it – V’s eyes are matte. Matte alike to tarmac, not shiny and full of life like those of anyone else’s.

Not like those of the living.

“You think you know.” V proclaims with a creepy smile, still sitting before Jin’s  colour drained face.“They told you I am all in your head.”

Jin nods tearfully because V has that look on his face, that devious smirk and hollow eyes, hollow, matte eyes.

“Let me tell you.” V whispers as he leans into Jin’s ear, pressing his flat, cold palm on the other’s chest and V knows it's real as the other does so. 


“I’m real, so dreadfully real,” V tells ominously

Jin knows the drugs won't work.


V Thinks he got his point across 


“ Besides.” He is so close that Jin  can’t help but look into those horrifying orbs “You’d get lonely.”

Jin agrees but doesn’t think this point valid. 


“I’m already lonely, V – Lonely and scared.” 


This may be the most daring thing he had ever mentioned to the other and regretted very it soon after; Jin could hear V’s  heart beat so fast and violently that it felt like his own. 


The other did nothing but stare as he cried crimson tears from his repulsive sockets 

“You’re eye—” Jin deadpans due to a lack of surprise and sheer lack of words “—It’s bleeding again …”

 “from stress.” V lies 


Jin thinks it's ironic that V is the stressed one. 


 “You want a cloth?”

“I’m going to go away for a bit.” 

Jin  raises an eyebrow as he gets to his feet very quickly, eyeing the pool of blood on his wooden floor  


Jin  raises an eyebrow as he gets to his feet very quickly, eyeing the pool of blood on his wooden floor  


Jin  raises an eyebrow as he gets to his feet very quickly, eyeing the pool of blood on his wooden floor  

 V's blood is thinner than his own

“You can’t,” Jin tells rather surly, maybe its his turn to be the one in control “You’re in my head.”

V scoffs as he fluidly makes his way over the dirty ground and towards the exit“Then how crazy does that make you?” 

He vanishes an instant after, seeming to just disappear without a trace.

 He knows full well what happens when V leaves, Jin is no stranger to the horror that plagues him and neither is Jungkook .

This is why the former is so surprised that his friend is willing to stay over to calm his nerves. Jin  knows that Jungkook  doesn’t deserve this.

Jungkook  still feels he has a debt to pay; a while ago jungkook mentioned that he read a book – a psychological one – it mentioned how server bullying could lead to all sorts of mental issues.

Jungkook feels that Jin’s schizophrenia is his fault . not really Jin thinks  but in Jungkook blames himself all the time. Jin forgives and forgives but Jungkook cannot forgive himself.


“Why am I like this?” Jin asks Jungkook , the next time he meets the younger .


 “you’re not like anything.” Jungkook  lies hugging Jin close  “you're all right.”  


But both of them knows this isn’t true…. 






Proof reading this story again , made me realize how creepy this is ...lol I think   I need a docter 






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Chapter 2: omooo I Want more!!! so interesting
Bonbong #3
Chapter 2: Oh god this is so Good. I need more!!!! I still don't really know What is V. V seemed very scary
Chapter 2: I very very love genre like this! Dark, thriller, psycho and creepy! But i love fantasy romance, too! Awesome stories!
Yeah, we need a doctor. Doctor Jin from Dope MV! :D
Back to story. Jin got schizoprenia? But i think V wasn't only imaginary friend, he was Jin's darkest side of his heart/mind.
V really hates JK! Of course, he knows that JK wanna help Jin to 'erase' him from his life.
Well, JK always feel guilty with Jin eventhough Jin has forgiven him. Not only that, JK fall for Jin..
Chapter 1: Firstly, i thought V was only demon, ghost or genie, maybe 'a curse'. But i thought again maybe he's Jin's alter-ego?! His darkest side?!
But, i guess V is such a 'thing' that lives inside Jin's mind and heart. And it's connected with Jin's bad child memory/past.
And bloody tears, hmm so creepy and sad.
Ahh, JK appears! He's very nervous met Jin again. And Jin still remember him very well. JK wanna help Jin as a friend, maybe he intents to fix his mistakes in his past. I think JK still feels guilty for what he did to Jin.
Hmm, i found a typo. You write 'why is it so hard for Taehyung to answer a simple question?'. You wrote 'Taehyung' not 'V', authornim. ;)
kayandrawa #6
Chapter 2: How couldu not realize that ur own story is creepy af?? XD nevertheless I love this story so much since I love those genres with psychology in it as it intrigues me soooooooo very much >.< Why didnt u put a dark or psychological tag on this fic >~< I already knew that this fic would turn dark somehow after reading the first few paragrphs of chapter 1 lol
RisaJindeux #7
Chapter 2: OMG, poor Jin TT
It's a great story! I like this kind of plot; It is kind of disturbing, but it is not cliché and much less boring.
Please, update! <3
Jinni99 #8
Chapter 1: Please update...... Taejinkook........
Chapter 2: WHAT IS THIS BLEEDING FROM THIS EYES THING?! and poor Kookie, he feels responsible for this T_T huhu my babies!
Mijieesan #10
Chapter 2: is V is some sort of demon or monster? I do want jin to forget V but , I feel bad for V. He seems so lonely . But poor jin too. Huhuhu