Four (jimin pov)

Just a Fan

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Idk. It makes me happy( ゚ Д゚)

knowing someone is reading this piece of crap makes me wanna write more pieces of crap



the pool scene. Im sorry for everyone who aboards that ship. I promise that ship will sail smoothly on future chapters? Idk man. If anyone's still interested in this piece of crap. Shout at me. Shouting motivates me. Lol.

Let us begin. Cue Sana's sound effect..

dun dun duuuunnn..

Chapter four Jimin POV

   "Chimchim, I was calling you for the past tree hours." Sana whines and pout for an extra effect.

   "And you don't think I don't know that?" Jimin rolled his eyes. He then snatched his cellphone from the table. Jimin was careful to angle the camera of his phone so that his face is still on the frame of the screen while he got up from his hotel bed.

  Sana has been calling him non stop. Jimin was good at ignoring those calls but he checks every call if its from his Aunt. He doesn't want to miss a call from his Aunt knowing she's the one monitoring Sana's condition.

   "Why aren't you answering then?" Sana brings her camera near her eyes and pretends to be looking through a peep hole. Jimin regrets answering the video call. His twin was getting crazy.

   "When I arrived at my hotel room I immediately fell asleep." Jimin saw the coffee he bought earlier and took a sip only to spit it right back into the cup. Argh. It was so good when it was hot.

   "You're so gross." Sana made a puking sound.

   "Why are you calling anyway? It's already past ten pm there. How many times do I have to tell you that you should rest Sana." Jimin was thinking of ordering food. He remembered he hadn't eaten since his flight.

   Jimin saw Sana's eyes grew wide and he can tell she was excited about something.

   "I am resting chimchim but I missed you and also I have to tell you something." Sana sits up and leaned her back on the head board of her hospital bed. Animatedly prepared herself for which looked like she was about to announce a prophecy. She even cleared . And that earned eye rolls from Jimin. "Guess what?!" Sana made a sound. dun dun duuuun.

   "My babies are in that hotel!!!" His sister squealed and he figured Sana was flapping her arms like she was a startled chicken coz Jimin kept seeing the floor and the ceiling alternately.

   "Sis chill. You're gonna have your IVs flying out of your hands." If Jimin can only reach out to her sister through his phone he already done it.

   "I HAVE CHILL CHIMCHIM. I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF THE WORD CHILL. OMG. OMG. MY BROTHER IS NEIGHBORS WITH BTS. OMG. OMG. MY BABIESSSS.. MY TWIINNNN. YOU'RE GONNA SEE THEM IN THEIR PERSONAL TIME!! DOING THEIR USUAL PERSONAL STUFF THEY USUALLY DO!! " Sana hugs a pillow throwing away her phone somewhere on her bed. Jimin can hear her muffled screams but he can't see anything. His phone screen was all black.

   "Okay, the last one doesn't make any sense and I don't know whether to think my sister is a sasaeng or the epitome of weirdness." Jimin said loud enough to make sure his twin hears it from the other end. Just then, he remembered the elevator incident earlier. He groans. He is now sure that was indeed J-hope. Then who's the guy I shared the elevator with. Is he a member too or a staff? Please let him be one of the staff. He wasn't gonna tell his twin that he saw JHope. He was going die first before he'll tell Sana about the embarrassing elevator incident.

   "Sana, do I have to do the Hi-touch?? Can't I just go home after the concert?" Jimin wished on every falling star in that night sky. Does the wish count even if you didn't see the actual star falling?

   "Wait- of course you have to be at the Hi-touch. I already paid for that." I guess it doesn't count then.

   "Taking pictures aren't allowed though, and I don't know why but I think it's so unfair you know.. they allow it on other countries when they do Hi-touch. But anyways, you don't have to take pictures.. you just have to have my babies sign the album I packed with you.. and don't forget the yellow notebook.. I already bookmarked questions for each of my babies. Dont you dare skip on Hoseok Oppa. All you have to do is open that and don't be weird in front of them. You're gonna be fine with that aren't you? I mean you're a guy and you don't seem to like them that much-well I will be prying for your soul if you become an ARMY after the concert coz you know, if you're gonna fanboy over my babies at the concert then believe me, you're gonna die and live seven times at the Hi-touch- freaking crap-CHIMCHIM CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!! YOU'RE GONNA BE INCHES AWAY FROM THEM. OMG. YOU'RE GONNA FANBOY SO BAD. OMG. I CAN'T BREATHE- wait, erase that-just survive the Hi-touch and give me my babies concert pictures. Im gonna need it for the photobook im gonna release. Please don't die." Jimin saw Sana took a deep breath after her monologue.

   "I don't want to know what you're talking about. I just want to eat and rest." Jimin doesn't bother to understand his twin when she was on her fangirling mode.

   "And chimchim the DSLR-"

   "Stop. Rest. Sleep. Miss and love you. Byeee sis~~~" Jimin ends the video call and tosses his phone on his bed. If he didn't end the call, Jimin was hundred percent sure Sana will talk about the group nonstop, like she does with her friends over the phone. And he doesn't want to hear that.

   Two hours and a meal later. Jimin remembered the hotel had outdoor pools. He saw that there were cushioned lounge at the pool side. He decided he needed some fresh air and he was in the mood for a good book. He just hope the pool wouldn't be too crowded.

   When Jimin reached the pool area and he thanks his stars coz there was nobody there. Finally Im gonna start enjoying this trip.

   He choose to lay at the center lounge and opened his book. The lights from the lamp post behind him gave him enough light to read his book but that light doesn't reach the pool. There were colorful tiny lights around the edge of the pool instead. They give dim lights creating a nice scene. It looks like the light dances on top of the water. It also looks like the two elements are kissing and dancing to their own song.

   Jimin starts reading where he left off. He heard a splash of water. Well, so much for being alone. He didn't bother to look at the source of the commotion. He focuses on his book instead.

   "Yah. I win!" Jimin heard a low toned voice in korean.
   "No, you lose. You're the first one to swim up for air." And it was followed by a laugh and more water splashing. Clearly, it was from the ones swimming in the pool. By the sound of it they were two guys.

   They were under the water the whole time? Jimin was amazed of how long they can hold their breath. Maybe they're singers.

   Jimin was intrigued when the laughter and the splashing stopped. He looked at the pool thinking the two was under the waters holding their breath again.

   But he didn't expect that the two boys was s*cking the breath out of each other. One was clinging to the other by the neck. What the ?!

   Jimin has nothing against guys liking guys. He's even friends with a gay couple. And he meets a lot of homouals at his dance classes. They're really fun to be with and a lot of them are really nice. He just didn't expect to witness it here. At a public pool. At his face. Jimin frantically scanned the area. Thankfully it looks like they were the only ones around. The couple doesn't seem to notice him yet. He was about to stand up when-

   "What are you doing?!" Jimin heard the same low toned voice that he heard minutes ago.

   Jimin's eyes unconsciously flew to the spot where he last saw the two guys. He caught the one who asked pushing the other guy away and swam quickly to the nearest edge of the pool. Jimin turn his gaze to the guy who was left alone in the pool. Shock was written all over the guys face. Jimin can see the guy was hurt by the sudden rejection. He even looks like he was gonna drown himself.

   Then Jimin buries his head into his book that he now held in his eye level. Pretending to be reading and got up, not lowering the book from his face. He witnessed the two guys kissing each other with equal passion then it turned into a full rejection from the guy with the low toned voice. He doesn't want to witness a suicide scene of the rejected guy too. That would be too much, thank you very much.

   Jimin got up and turn towards the path way that leads to a spacious hall inside the hotel. He has only taken a step away from where he sat when he hit something causing his book to fall off his hands. That something was a guy. The guy held Jimin's arms to stop him from falling onto the ground first.

  "Sorry, I didn't saw you." Jimin was quick with his english.

   "How can you see where you're going with that book glued to your face?" Jimin winced at the guy's words.

   Jimin was about to say he was sorry again but he realized the guy was speaking in korean. And the stranger yelled at the guy who's at the pool maybe still thinking of drowning himself.

   "Yah! Get your stupid out of that pool! You wanna catch a cold? Do it when the tour is finish. You crazy kid! " The stranger lets go of Jimin's arms. Jimin eyes flew to the strangers arms and face.

   This guy knows the two guys from that dramatic pool scene? Wait- Did he saw the two kissing? Did he see me saw the two kissing. And what TOUR? Wait. Is this the elevator guy again? Oh God. Please I can't take this anymore. If the guy at the pool still thinks about drowning himself then Jimin would beg the guy to drown him first.

   Why does this guy keeps on showing up when im in a weird situation. Give me a break. Jimin closed his eyes shut  

   He felt a soft flick on his forehead and Jimin's eyes opened. The stranger was still inches away from him. Did he just flicked my forehead?! Why this-

   "Don't close your eyes. Weird sh*t happens when you close your eyes." The stranger winks at him. Causing he's heart beat skip a little. what was that? He's a freaking guy. My heart can't skip just because a guy winked at me.

   Jimin was startled when the stranger got down mere inches from where he was standing. Jimin backed up a little. He can feel his face flushing hot. The stranger stood up and held his book to him. Oh. Okay. My book. That fell.

   "Really brat. It seems weird sh*t happens when we see each other. Well, I wonder what will happen next when I see you. Keep your eyes open and that pretty mouth close when that happens okay? Or else I maybe the one to close it for you." The guy leaves with the same amused smirk in his lips leaving Jimin mouth still open with embarrassment and a little frustration.

~End of chapter four~


that ship drowning in that pool. Im sorry. Shout at me. Slap me. Idk. 

Waitttt~~ did I make that two pool guys so obvious to be ---- and ---???? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

and i'll just leave this here >> min_suega

come find me in that blue bird social media thingy.

hearts to all of you💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


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Kaynne #1
Chapter 4: I'm loving this wooaaaaa.
Chapter 4: I'm loving this!!! I'm sure jimin going to love suga like seriously he should. They keep on bumping on each other in a wierd situation XD
Chapter 4: Ooooooooooooooooo
I am really curious as to where this is going~ hehehe
Continue authornim~ i cant wait for the next chapter~
rhione0523 #4
Chapter 4: I dont find that many stories where jimin isn't included in bts but when I do find one, I always support it so fighting authornim! I'll wait for the next update!
Chapter 4: Guys. I think gonna change this story to Rated M?
Chapter 3: Please update~ this story is interesting