Who Would Have Thought

Who Would Have Thought

If you had asked Min-Seo if this was what she expected from her training camp in L.A. for the next 3 months to be like, she would have laughed it off and told you no; not in a million years.

Sure, she and her quite possibly future group mates were sent to L.A. under their company to undergo training with a former idol who had set up shop in L.A. for a lack of a better phrase - to be exposed to the possibilities of the world and just let loose for once all the while training. She found it weird that her company would be okay with this considering they had hounded her and her fellow trainees with strict regimen and schedules since they day they signed away their soul to become idols. To just up and say ‘hey, we are sending you to L.A. to have some fun but also to train. You cool with that? Good? Okay.’

It perplexed her greatly along with everyone else, but who were they to judge their company’s decision.

And glad she was that she didn’t judge, because when they found out whom the idol they would be working with for the next 3 months turned out to be the one and only Krystal Jung, well, lets just say she didn’t care she sold her soul for this.

Cause its freaking Krystal Jung.

Min-Seo grew up admiring Krystal Jung adamantly, and to actually be in the her presence daily under her tutelage for the next 3 months, well she could have died right then and there and be hellova alright with it all. Same could be said to the other trainees that were there with her.

Krystal Jung was a precious gift from god. Not only was she a former idol much respected for her past endeavors in record breaking CF’s, but also a member of the famed girl group f(x). There hadn’t been much know about her whereabouts after the group had split respectfully after over a decade of performing together. Each member had gone off to do their own thing and stayed relatively out of the limelight, opting instead to focus on their own personal life without the ever-hovering of media trying to get a juicy story. All Min-Seo and her companion trainees knew was that Victoria had retired back to China to open her own dance academy near her home town and was working on a small fashion line; Luna stayed in South Korea pursuing her singing career and starring in musicals mainly, with a few drama cameos here and there. As for Amber, the social media butterfly of the group shifted from posting regularly to only occasionally; mostly about her travels with a splash of photos with her friends or pets, rarely anything overly private. As for Krystal, nothing really changed about her social media; she still rarely posted and even if she did it was all aesthetic based. Perhaps a once in a blue moon shot of friends and family but even those were artistically blurred for purpose.

The first day of training camp shook the whole group of trainees – a group of approximately 30 people. The shock on everyone’s face when they recognized and realized that Krystal Jung of all people would be their teacher created a phenomenon. Some of the trainees even fainted at the sight of her. Min-Seo couldn’t really blame them. Privately, she was inwardly squealing from delight herself.

“I am so happy the company sent us here!” one of the girls, Jia said in glee. Everyone nodded in agreement.

After getting over their thunderstruck at the presence that is the goddess Krystal Jung, the real training began. Everyone knew Krystal to be the type of person who gave the impression of blasé or iciness, but in actuality, she was a sweet and caring person. However, for the past two weeks Krystal had been nothing if not for a lack of a better term, a slave driver.

Min-Seo couldn’t even think back to the last time she had been so overworked in both dancing and singing classes. Krystal Jung was a meticulous type person, she always wanted the best from trainees and if she thought they weren’t giving her their all, she made them redo it from the top until she felt satisfied. Throughout the two weeks all she saw in Krystal were the hardened eyes of a former idol who had to endure the same training she was received now. She could understand the reason why Krystal was so vehement in pushing them to their breaking point, to prepare them for even worse later when they did become idols, but honestly, Min-Seo just wanted a break. Her body felt like it was a meteor that was ready to come crashing to the Earth without hesitation.

One day though, Krystal Jung walked in with a completely different expression than the ones she usually used with the class. No, this expression quietly shocked the entire room. It was a dazed expression full of love with lightly flushed cheeks as if they were part of her make up.

“Um…. you okay Jung-nim?” Ji-Ho asked concerned.

Krystal blinked once. “Hm? Oh! Yes, I’m fine.”

“Anything good happened recently?” Sun-Young smirked jokingly.

Krystal grew redder and cupped her hand to her face trying to calm her blush.

“Sorta. Our wedding anniversary is this weekend.”

The room grow so quiet that if a pin were to be dropped, the sound would have radiated like a sonic boom. Everyone’s eyes zeroed in on their teacher’s hand, finally noticing for the first time the small gold band around her ring finger.

“You’re married?!” The entire class screeched.

Krystal blinked at them. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Hearts were broken and crushed that day for the people who liked her way too much. Everyone wondered who was the lucky person who married the former idol and beautiful princess so much so that they put such a love-struck expression on her usually schooled face. Min-Seo on the other hand wondered how the hell did they not noticed the ring on Krystal Jung’s finger to begin with. It might have been the fact that they never really paid attention, or the fact that they were more focused on not dying or trying to impress her to notice. It could even be the fact that Krystal wore other rings on her finger and the minimalistic nature of the said wedding ring was so subtle that it went unnoticed.

Who knows.

By the end of the first month, there were much improvements in all the trainees and dare Min-Seo say it, her stamina sure had improved greatly. Must be all that taxing (slave driving) that Krystal Jung had drilled into them day in and day out.

No more scandalous news was revealed after the impromptu announcement that Krystal Jung was married; life went on for the training camp as usual, that was until the fourth week of the second month. While teaching the trainees how a specific part of the choreography went alongside the assistant teachers, a delivery man came into the studio with a dozen roses and balloons for Krystal.

“I have a delivery for a Krystal Jung!”

Everyone stopped what they were doing to turn and stare beadily at the intruder.

Krystal glanced at the delivery man at first before she gave an exasperated look and lightly smacked her face with her hand – covering the small blush forming on her cheeks. It did not go unnoticed by the few trainees closely standing next to her.

“Oh, Am. So dramatic.” She said as she stepped forward to accept the flowers and balloons.

Curiosity nipping at her, Min-Seo raked up the courage to ask, “Who’s Am?”

“My idiot wife.” Krystal said plainly, staring at the bouquet of flowers and small note attached to the bundle.


What?!” The entire studio erupted in a screech.

“You’re gay and married?!” Jia squeaked. “Holy !”

Min-Seo eyed the bundle of roses in Krystal’s arms and the floating balloons above her head as another one of her trainee mates asked, “Is there a specific reason as to why she’s sending you flowers and balloons?”

Wearily Krystal sighed and picked at a random rose gingerly. “She got into a bit of an accident trying to prove that she was still…… young. I got mad at her for being stupid and refused to even talk to her last night, hence the bouquet of flowers and balloons as her way of saying she’s sorry.”

The class blinked owlishly at her confession, unsure how to process the new tidbit of information.

Min-Seo wonder exactly what the hell this ‘Am’ person did to make Krystal Jung mad enough to end up sending flowers and balloons to her as an apology. Not a few minutes later another delivery person came, this time a woman carrying a giant fruit basket also addressed to Krystal. Then another one came soon after the delivery woman, only this time it was two men carrying a giant teddy bear the size of a grizzly bear. The stuffed animal was so large that the two men had to duck the head of the bear in order to squeeze into the studio. They even halted the exist of the delivery woman who frowned trying to figure out a way to get out without being smothered by the plush bear.

“D-Delivery for a Princess Jung!” One of the carriers squawked out. He clearly looked out of breath. His partner didn’t look any better.  

Min-Seo witnessed Krystal groan audibly from embarrassment. “Look, I think it might be best that we end class early for today. It’s just going to be a hassle. I’m pretty sure more deliveries are on the way. Everyone just go and enjoy the rest of the day.”

With that Krystal Jung dismissed the class.

Min-Seo observed as Krystal went to her bag near the corner and rummaged through her purse until she located what she was looking for – her phone. Giving a small fond smile she quickly typed out a message and hit send. The last thing she heard Krystal mutter before she left the studio was, “Stupid llama.”

Min-Seo scratched her head in bewilderment. What did she mean by ‘stupid llama’ anyways?

She didn’t know why but that titled seemed eerily familiar to her, but she just could not put her finger on it.

Everything started to make sense right after the second month ended. The entire class was on a short break when the door to the studio came slamming open making everyone in the room jumped five feet in the air from the suddenness of the intrusion.


Standing by the door way was a little girl no older than 5 years old with her legs spread wide in an adorable stance with her little Totoro backpack swung on her back. She gave a pouty face with her nose upturned to the sky as if she was trying to make herself more intimidating than she was.

A few trainees had the audacity to coo at her adorableness.

Umma!” She yelled again and came barreling towards Krystal, who without breaking stride picked up the little girl with ease and nuzzled her plump little cheeks lovingly.

“What are you doing here?” Krystal asked.

The little girl put her index finger to her lips in a shush manner.

“Hiding.” She eye smiled.

Krystal only rolled her eyes good naturally in response.

Outside the opened door, the trainees could hear panicked shouting.

“Ari! Where are you?!” The voice said panickily. “Please come out from where ever you are, or else your umma is going to kill me.”

When the figure entered the studio, the person looked frantic and winded like they had just run a marathon. Upon seeing the little girl, now named Ari, in Krystal’s arms, the person launched themselves at the pair comically.


The person latched on to Krystal like a parasitic leech nuzzling the little girl and Krystal at the same time.

The whole class gapped at the person in bewilderment.

Krystal groaned before giving the clamped person on her a deadly smile.

“Amber, you better release me this instant or so help me, it’s going to be you sleeping in JackJack’s bed tonight.”

At the mentioned threat, Amber released her vice grip on Krystal as if she had been electrocuted.

“Huh…?” Min-Seo blinked once. Twice. Third times the charm to be sure she wasn’t hallucinating.

“EH?!!!!!” Min-Seo animatedly shrieked. She pointed her finger at Amber and blurted out, “You’re Amber!! Amber Liu from f(x)!!! What the hell are you doing here?!!”

The rest of the trainees finally registered that another former idol was in the room and that person being the infamous Amber Liu, the heartthrob of every budding teenage girl who grew up during f(x)’s reign in kpop. She was every girl’s girl crush and at that very instant was standing front and center in person. A few soft thuds could be heard in the back of the studio as some poor souls had just passed out from hyperventilation.

Amber nervously rubbed her neck bashfully at the attention she was receiving.

“Sup everyone.”

The little girl, Ari in Krystal’s arms wiggled her way out and skipped towards Amber, tugging at the corners of her hoodie.

Ya, Appa you lose. You owe me beef and ice cream tonight.” She sated matter-of-factly.

Amber chuckled. “Sure, sure, little princess.”

Turning back to the entire class Amber addressed them nonchalantly, “Hey everyone, working hard I hope. Hopefully this one,” she jerked her thumb back towards Krystal. “Isn’t such a slave driver.”

Again, the class ran silent in fascination and awe.

“Excuse me?” Krystal hissed behind Amber with her arms crossed defiantly.

“Oh~” Ari sang. “Appa is in trouble now.” She smirked.

Shaking her head, Min-Seo tried to process all that was going on. Umma? Appa? Amber was here? What is this?

That’s when things started to click in her head. Even she was skeptical that the conclusion formulated in her head was real.

“Um, not to pry but why is the little girl calling Amber-nim Appa?” The rest of the class nodded in agreement.

Before either Amber nor Krystal could answer, the little girl holding on to Amber’s jacket answered for them with a sparkle in her eyes.

“That’s cause they are my Appa and Umma! I’m their daughter!”

EEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH???!!!” The entire class screeched so loud that the glass screens were threatening to explode.

Amber laughed out loud but then stopped and spun on her heels to stare at Krystal incredulously.

“You…. You didn’t tell them about me?” She pouted like a child.

Krystal rolled her eyes and deadpanned, “No stupid. Why would I?”

The entire class watched as if a drama was performing live right in front of them. Amber’s exaggeration of near tears made them all snicker.

“You’re so mean, princess. Why wouldn’t you tell them you are married to the most awesome person ever?” Amber wailed. “I feel cheated.”

Even little Ari was having none of that water works and patted her Appa sympathetically all the while shaking her head in disapproval.

“Might as well do it now.” Krystal murmured shaking her head. “Everyone,” She grabbed the attention of the class.

“You probably already know who this is, but I guess I owe everyone a proper introduction. This is Amber, my former group mate from f(x) and also my overdramatic llama wife.”

In hindsight, Min-Seo probably should have seen that coming considering if she thought back to when Krystal Jung admitted to have been married to another woman and that one time she caught her calling the person she was texting ‘Stupid Llama.’ There has only been one person to ever have that nickname and she felt dumb that she didn’t register who Krystal had communicated with immediately. Min-Seo felt like smacking herself in the face for her blunder, besides it was a well-known fact that after the group departed, Amber had returned to L.A. and then soon after it was rumored Krystal had also taken residence back in California, L.A. to be precise. So how she did not put the pieces together was beyond her.

The trainees were buzzing with excitement at seeing both former idols they admired in one room and married with kids at that! She watched as Amber, Krystal and their daughter Ari form their own little world chatting quietly and laughing. They really did look like a happy little family. Honestly, both idols had not changed much since their idol years. Min-Seo smiled at them, happy that they found their own happiness and instead of observing them further, turned to chat excitingly with her friends about the development that Kryber was real all along.

The chatting in the room was silenced abruptly when Amber yelped and promptly dashed out the door screaming something along the lines of, “Sky’s still at my sister’s place. Shoot, my sister’s gonna kill me if I don’t pick him up soon. He better not have wreaked havoc, better yet, she better not have corrupted my poor son!!”

Krystal and Ari shared a look before both mirrored an exasperated sigh. From her vantage point, Min-Seo definitely could confirm that little Ari had taken after her Umma, Krystal 100%.

“Class is dismissed. Forget about tomorrow. I’ll let you guys have a three-day weekend.” Krystal said quickly. “If you all will excuse me, I have a llama to skin alive. That idiot, how can she forget about picking up our son? He’s not even that far from our house.” Picking up her daughter she retrieved her belongings and sprinted out the door after her wife without a second glance at her stunned students and assistant teachers.

“Is it just me or does anyone else want to ask Krystal-sshi if Amber-sshi can pop up again. I need a full background story here. Too many things are just spluttering out of my mind as to what just happened.” Jia said. Min-Seo nodded wholeheartedly. She had a lot of questions she wanted to ask in regards to Kryber and how they ended up married together, with kids, in L.A. after the group went their separate ways. Now that she thought about it, when she grew up on f(x) rumors had circled multiple times about Kryber dating.

Could it be, all those rumors were true? If so, she had to hand it to the couple, they sure knew how to hide it from their fans all this time.

She knew Krystal wouldn’t divulge, but she knew someone who would and she was sure she could bribe her with beef if her hunch was right.

Yeah, hopefully little Ari would show up again soon.

A/N: Hello All! So yeah, I wrote this little one-shot since I was bored at work :P Like I said my old works are on a different computer thus I was unable to work on the others. Quite frankly I like my old computer's format better, that's why I usually type and post from there. 

So for all those who are confused as to why I have switched things up, its just because I wanted to try.

Anyways for some reference as I am sure that all you guys are curious about the background of this story and I have left some holes, therefore I shall fit it.

1.) Amber moved back to the States to start her own recording and production company.

2.) Krystal moved with Amber back to the States to establish her own smaller training company that worked with all entertainment companies, not jsut contracted to one. Like in Go f(x) where they worked with Kevin Maher (Think that's how you spell his name).

3.) Kryber have been dating for a long time. Off at one point then back together again and this time lasted til they ended up marrying.

4.) Reason why they moved back to the States is, well teh obvious, they could get married.

5.) It's really up to you all to imagine how their wedding and proposal went.

6.) Kryber has 2 kids like Amber stated in Amazing f(x). They have a son and daughter. The son is the older of the two.

7.) The kids' names are special. Ari is a play on letters for the Korean name Ae-Ri meaning love and gains, merit, profit. A fitting name for a mini baby Jung. It's also a pretty special name in regards to me (won't divulge into that). The son's name, Sky is in reference to Amber once stating in RM that if before they debut they were picking stage names and she was deciding between Taylor and Skylar (Sky) but ultimately ended up keeping her name. Quite frankly, I find the name Taylor a bit tacky and overused (Sorry to anyone named Taylor) thus I used Sky (Skylar sounds....eh. Again, sorry, my opinion) In Dutch it means shelter or even guardian. And Amber said she wanted her son to be born first so he could act as a protectrate to his little sister.

8.) I didn't mention Kryber's last name because, well, take it how you will. You can imagine Krystal taking Amber's last name or vice versa. Personally i'd have them hyphenated as Jung-Liu or Liu-Jung. Whatever. Didn't know how to fit it in the story so I just left it out for the notes.

Anyways that's teh break down of this story and the gaps in between. Hope you guys liked it. Let me know if you guys want anymore background or gaps filled that I've missed.

Til next time.

Tiger Out.

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amberaddict #1
Chapter 1: Love it! Short but super sweet thank you
Bluekkkmt #2
Chapter 1: Aww....This is so adorable!!!I love this story.
Chapter 1: Precious ?
Chapter 1: Simple, cute and fluttering. Thank you! It makes me feels dreamy. Ohh my Kryber heart~ ?
Chapter 1: Adorable. I wish this could be possible in our world. Man, imagining it just makes my heart flutter. Sequel!
llamavan #6
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!! Their story beforehand can totally be a fanfic!
kanne99 #7
make this into a fic author please!
Chapter 1: Awwww My Kryber heart this is So sweet ... I Love Kryber Familiy... <3 <3 <3 I Hope this happen in real life .... hehehe.... Thank you author-nim for this wonderful one shot, but I Hope there is another part of this story :D
King_Aston #9
Chapter 1: Awww great one author
KryberWah #10
Chapter 1: This one shot is too good that it needs an upvote~ I like the way how you reveal the info of Kryber's cute little family piece by piece as the story goes, which makes it more interesting to read haha~ Good job and keep it up~ Btw, you're other stories are good too *thumbs up* :)