Rolling Tears

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painful reality 


My old one shot, let's see how cringey it actually is.


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Chapter 1: Though short, it's a gem of a true. The world in which we live now is filled with three-fourth of haters against LGBT. Hope this wouldn't continue in future and love will prevail over hate. Good one.
shioriusagi #2
Chapter 1: Why this felt so REAL? (TT^TT) " Both knowing about tomorrow being the same day as it was today. Back to their schedules. Nothing new. Again, again and again.." why so damn true?! The society is really hopeless in accepting that love has no boundaries and knows no gender. The angst hits right in the heart. Their love is painful. You did a great job Author-nim! Kudos to your masterpiece ♥ Hoping you'll write more~