
What Matters Most

Chapter 1


Name: Byun Baekhyun

Age: 28 years

Occupation: Manager

Likes: Singing loudly in the car, coffee

Dislikes: Not being in control

Marital status: Single as


The shift in weather is subtle, yet increasingly noticeable as the days follow into the months of Autumn. People start changing into outfits with more layers and thicker coats. More people flow indoors for warmth of the heaters and the company of others.

Baekhyun enters his usual cafe and heads straight for the counter, already knowing what he wants to order. It's a quick transaction. He gives the person his order, they take his order, he gives them his money, and they quickly prepare his drink. In no time, he’ll be out of the shop and into the cold autumn air again. Only this time it's different. It's been different a couple of times recently.

"Baekhyun hyung." His name is whispered into his ear and he immediately flinches at the sensation of someone's breath touching his skin. He turns around and finds himself staring at a person's chest. A collared shirt under a jumper with a crest on the left chest.

Looking up, he sees a young boy staring down at him, grinning. "Hey, hyung," he greets.

"Oh, Sehun. How are you? I haven't seen you in, what? Two days?" Baekhyun replies. Sehun shrugs. Baekhyun's coffee is handed to him and he thanks the person before turning away. "How's school?" Baekhyun asks the boy. Sehun grimaces as he goes on about his poor time management skills and how he needs to start stepping up his game.

"You'll be fine. Young school boys like yourself are full of energy," Baekhyun encourages. Sehun stares at him blankly before his face contorts into something of displeasure.

"I'm not that young," he grumbles. Baekhyun lets out a hearty laugh.

"You're 17, 11 years my junior. I'd say you're pretty young, kid."

"Age is just a number." Sehun shrugs Baekhyun's comment away. The man has to calm himself down so he doesn't try and shake the irrationality out of his head.

"Where's your friend?" Baekhyun asks. Sehun points to a vague direction in the corner of the shop. "Jongin's over there. He's trying to catch up on some Shakespeare. The teacher told him off today for not knowing the plot in today's lesson."

Baekhyun nods, trying to remember the last time he picked up a proper book to read. Sehun suddenly leans forward and drops his head on Baekhyun's shoulder. His body instantly tenses up, not knowing what the boy was going to do. With his young age, Sehun is unpredictable, as he should. He's got a whole life ahead of him, ready to make spontaneous decisions without needing to think too far into the future. About his future. Baekhyun also tries to remember the last time he was like that, then he glances down at Sehun and determines it was probably been about 11 years.

"What are you doing?" He decides to ask.

"Resting. I'm tired, hyung," the boy whines. He turns his head to rest into the dip of his collarbone.

"Sehun. Stand up properly." Baekhyun can hear the strain in his voice but he doesn't bother to think too much about it when he can feel the insides of his body burning from the sins he's committing just by having Sehun beside him.

"Why?" Sehun asks.

"You'll ruin your back and your posture will be like Beauty's Beast if you keep bending over like that," Baekhyun lies. He couldn’t care less about his posture. Sehun grumbles something about having good posture for 95% of the time but he still listens and stands up straight.

"You're on break right now, right, hyung? Come join us for a bit. I need help on some math homework," Sehun says as he pushes Baekhyun towards the direction of his table. Baekhyun doesn't even bother to put up a fight because he knows it's useless. He's greeted by Sehun's friend, Jongin, who seems to be on the last page of the act he's meant to read.

With two students in their high school uniforms seated with him, Baekhyun feels very out of place. As a grown, working businessman, Baekhyun wears the usual suits to work and with the dropping temperatures, Baekhyun's opted to throwing on a trench coat as well, which he knows screams the fact that he's putting on an act because anyone who knows him is aware of his desire to wear oversized shirts all day and comfortable track pants.

Sehun sets out his math textbook between them and flips a page with a few questions circled. Baekhyun stares at the page, not even bothering to register anything. "I'm on my break and you want me to help you with math? Sehun, you do realise that I haven't touched this stuff in a while, right?"

"But you manage to help me every other time! Doesn't your job revolve around math?" Sehun questions with narrowing eyes.

"Yes and no. Other people do most of the work for me. or I have computing systems to take care of it for me," Baekhyun replies, narrowing his own eyes at the younger. Sehun doesn't say anything and just pushes his textbook closer to Baekhyun. Giving up, Baekhyun takes it and pulls it closer to him and checks the first circled question.

Jongin, who was watching the ordeal in silence lets out a chuckle. "You really are spoilt," he says to Sehun.

"It's because I’m cute. Right?" Sehun asks Baekhyun.

"You keep telling yourself that," Baekhyun replies as he grabs Sehun's workbook to see his working out.

"Will you start believing it if I do?"

Baekhyun stops what he's doing and stares at Sehun, unimpressed. Somehow, the boy had managed to scoot himself closer so that he's not seated right next to Baekhyun, his chin resting on his shoulder. Sehun sits up properly, hands in the air as he backs away.

Sighing, Baekhyun moves to change the subject and pushes Sehun's work to him. "Here, you've got all the working out right but you forgot to integrate this part so it messed up the final answer," he explains, pointing out the error in Sehun's work. "You need to check you work more often. Most of the questions you ask me for help are because you miscalculated something."

Jongin sniggers before he suddenly yelps in pain. Baekhyun glares at the boy beside him, who sits in his seat innocently as if he didn't just kick his friend from under the table.

"Sure, but this one I really have no idea how to do. I tried multiple times but I have no idea how to approach the question," Sehun says as he flips through a few pages and points out a certain question. Baekhyun reads it and nods.

"Ah, this. I hated these questions," Baekhyun comments.

"Do you know how to do them?"

"Of course, I do," Baekhyun scoffs. "Listen properly because I’m only going to explain it once."

Sehun scoots closer again until his arm is pressed against Baekhyun's. Jongin also joins since he's in the same class, but he knows the meaning of personal space, so Jongin just scoots a little closer till he's able to see Baekhyun work out the question.

As much as he tries to concentrate of helping the younger complete the question, his mind drifts back to the heat of the arm comfortably pressed against his. When he's done explaining the question to the boys, they thank him with exaggerative gestures of bowing their heads down on the table a few times. Baekhyun laughs and gently pinches their ears.

"By the way, does your place accept work experience, Baekhyun hyung?" Jongin asks.

"Uh, not sure. Maybe. I don't think anyone's really tried," Baekhyun answers with a frown. "Why?"

"We're being forced to try work experience for a week. Jongin still hasn't found a place yet. Forms are due end of next week," answers Sehun.

"I've got a friend who owns a dance studio. I could ask him to take you if you want?" Baekhyun suggests. He sees Jongin's eyes light up instantly as he nods. Baekhyun takes out his phone. Checking the time, he hopes that Yixing isn't in the middle of class right now as he calls the number.

Sehun watches Baekhyun in the corner of his eye as he finishes the questions Baekhyun had fixed up for him. He'd known the man for a long time, since his older brother is friends with him, and never has he ever denied any favours that were thrown his way. If he couldn't do them himself, he would try to get someone else to help the person in need. It's one of the many things he admires about the older man.

"Alright, thank you, hyung. I'll send the kid over to you soon. Yeah, Jongin's his name. Alright. Catch up soon, hyung. Stop being so busy," Baekhyun laughs before hanging up the call. He turns to face Jongin, who is watching him eagerly. Baekhyun reaches out and ruffles his hair.

“He said he’s fine with it, so you better behave because you’re representing me. Put this number into your phone, Yixing will give you all the directions to the shop and whatever else you two need to talk about,” he tells Jongin. The younger boy nods eagerly and takes out his phone to save the number.

Sehun prods Baekhyun’s arm with the back of his pen. The older ignores him as he waits for Jongin to type down all the details on his phone. Huffing, Sehun slumps back into his seat and slides down. When Baekhyun finally turns around to face him, Sehun is scrolling through his phone.

“What was it, Sehun?” Baekhyun asks. Sehun glances at Baekhyun for a moment but then turns his attention back to his phone. Baekhyun doesn’t think anything about it and his attention is brought to his phone when it chimes. Bringing one hand up to hold his phone, Baekhyun unconsciously lets his free hand rest on Sehun’s knee, sliding it up a little to his thigh when he rests back in his chair.

Sehun remains quiet and continues to scroll through his phone for a while longer before he locks his phone and decides to get back to work. When he does move, so that he’s closer to the table, it seems to bring Baekhyun’s attention to where his hand is. Baekhyun yanks his hand away from Sehun’s thigh, as if he were touching something scalding hot. He catches Sehun’s slightly confused expression but the boy says nothing as he silently slides his textbook closer to his body and continues his work.

Baekhyun slides his hand into the pocket of his trench coat and clenches it into a fist. With one last check of the message on his phone, Baekhyun stands up. “I’ve got to go back to the office. My break is over,” he announces. “Good luck on your studies, kids,” he adds.

“We’re not kids,” Sehun comments dryly, head still down, focusing on the pages in front of him. Baekhyun stops moving and slowly takes his hand out from his pocket. He rests his hand on top of Sehun’s head for a moment before sliding it down to the side of his head and caresses it.

“Well, you’re still students,” he says softly. Sehun pulls his gaze away from the words and numbers he wasn’t really focusing on and looks up at Baekhyun. If his touch is not his weakness, then it’s the way Baekhyun sees Sehun look at him. His eyes always seem to be able to venture into his soul, as if he can hear Baekhyun’s thoughts and emotions.

Taking a quick deep breath, as if to snap himself out of it, Baekhyun turns to Jongin and pats him on the shoulder before making his way to exit the shop. He doesn’t want to look back, so he yanks the door open and embraces the cold autumn air.

Buzz buzz

Baekhyun’s just entered his office and into the elevator when he gets a text message. He sees the name of the sender and he lets out a big sigh.


>Oh Sehun<

> Hyung will probably tell you this soon, but we’re having
an anniversary party to celebrate the how many years of
marriage between my mum and his dad. You’re invited.


When he finishes reading the text, Baekhyun closes his eyes for a while until the elevator reaches his floor. When the doors finally open, he steps out and heads to his office. His co-workers greet him and he returns their greeting with a nod of his head.


Ok thanks. I’ll be sure to keep my schedule open <


With that, he puts his phone aside and gets ready to work. He compiles a couple of documents on his desk and spreads them out. He stares at the blankly, unable to focus. He sees his notification light flashing on his phone and he reaches out to grab it.


> No worries. Looking forward to seeing you


Baekhyun chucks his phone into the drawer of his desk and desperately tries to focus on his work instead of how soft a certain person’s hair is, how nice their skin is under his touch, or the way they blatantly stare at him because they don’t care for his weak heart and seemingly diminishing morals.

For crying out loud. He’s almost 30. How is his sanity dependent on a teenage boy? Baekhyun drops his head onto his desk and hopes for the work to complete itself because he doubts he’ll be able to.

There’s a knock on the door and Baekhyun calls out to let them in. It’s a fellow co-worker of his that he’s known since he started working for the company.

“Hey, Chanyeol. What are you doing all the way here from the marketing department?”

“I’ve got presents for you,” Chanyeol says with a grin on his face. Baekhyun’s face immediately turns sour when he sees the bundle of papers in Chanyeol’s hand.

“Please don’t,” he says as he rolls his chair away from his desk. Chanyeol ignores it and drops the pile on his desk. He laughs when he sees at how devastated Baekhyun looks.

“Good luck. I finished as much as I could for you, but some areas require your expertise and we really need you to sign those off for us. Thanks, buddy!” Chanyeol tell him as he turns to leave.

Rolling his chair back to its original place, Baekhyun forces himself to focus and tries his best to complete as much as he can.




The sound of clicks and keystrokes fill the silence of the room. Baekhyun comes to a good stopping point in his work and decides to take a break. With a big stretch, he yawns and relaxes into his chair. It’s well past the time he was meant to go home but his workaholic tendencies kicked in, locking him down in his seat to complete his work. His arms rests on the sides of the chair as he stares blankly at the words on the screen in front of him.

His entire body is stiff from being seated too long, and his eyes can barely focus on one thing without his head aching. Baekhyun sighs and saves his work before standing up to stretch. Checking the time, he decides he should head home and complete the rest of the work in the comfort of his home in pyjamas. He makes a last-minute decision to go to the supermarket to buy groceries for the week instead of being lazy and simply ordering some take away.

Exiting the building, Baekhyun hops into his car and drives to his local store. When he arrives in the parking lot, he’s able to immediately park nearby the entrance because it’s too late for anyone else to go out, especially on a weekday. He’s tightens his coat around him as he enters because of the air-conditioning in the shops.

Baekhyun makes quick work to grab a basket and starts throwing in snacks and other things that he thinks he’ll use to cook throughout the week or on his days off. He’s comparing the differences between brands of bread when he senses someone come up close behind him. He ignores it, thinking it’s just someone who doesn’t understand the concept of personal space and just wants to check out some bread as well.

“Baekhyun,” he hears his name whispered into his ear and Baekhyun violently flinches away from the person immediately. He faces the person with a glare but freezes when he sees who it is, laughing loudly because of his reaction.

“Fancy seeing you here!”

Baekhyun places his hand over his chest to calm himself down. “Junmyeon hyung! You can’t just come up behind someone and assault their ears like that,” he cries, now rubbing his ear to try and get rid of the weird sensation.

Junmyeon laughs at him and pats him on the shoulder apologetically. “Sorry, Baek. Couldn’t resist. We haven’t had a chance to meet up in a while. It’s nice to bump into you occasionally,” he says. Baekhyun nods.

“Honestly, what’s with you brothers. Sehun did the same thing to me earlier this evening,” Baekhyun frowns.

“Oh, speaking of Sehun, he’s –”

“Hyung! I found the ice cream – oh Baekhyun hyung!”

Baekhyun stills at the sound of the person calling out his name. No, not again. He doesn’t know if he can handle it. Before he can move, Sehun jumps behind Baekhyun and wraps his arm around Baekhyun over his shoulders. Baekhyun feels the heat of his body against his, his broad chest pressing against his back, and the additional weight added on his shoulders because Sehun is too tall to stand and rest against Baekhyun’s smaller frame at the same time.

“Twice in less than 24 hours. It must be my lucky day,” Sehun teases with a grin on his face. His chin rests on Baekhyun’s shoulders, his face dangerously close to Baekhyun’s. Baekhyun’s about to use his free hand that isn’t holding his shopping basket to shove Sehun’s face away when Sehun suddenly flinches and moves away from Baekhyun.

“Your posture, Sehun. Don’t hunch over like that,” Junmyeon reprimands. Sehun rubs his as he stands up straight, face evident of displeasure.

“I just wanted to hug Baekhyun for a bit,” he sulks. Junmyeon sighs and reaches up to pat Sehun on the head before he takes the ice cream from Sehun and places it in the trolley he’s been pushing around.

“It’s Baekhyun hyung, mind you. And you’re probably making him uncomfortable. You’re a lot taller than you used to be,” Junmyeon says with a smile. Baekhyun shares his own smile, albeit awkward as he glances around the display of different bags of bread and decides to throw one of the bags he was comparing before.

“No, it’s fine. Nothing to be uncomfortable about,” he assures them. He then glances around again and says, “I need to finish off the rest of my shopping. I don’t want to hold you up either so.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Myself and Sehun were just having some bonding time because we’ve both been busy with our own works,” Junmyeon explains. “We’ve just finished getting everything we needed so we should probably leave no anyway. I won’t keep you longer than needed. See you soon, Baek!”

Baekhyun smiles and turns to leave when Sehun nudges Junmyeon’s side and mutters something under his breath, causing Junmyeon to quickly call out again to stop him from moving.

“Oh right! Baekhyun! Thank goodness, I almost forgot. Out parents are having their marriage anniversary in a few weeks. It would be great if you could join us. We’re having close family and friends joining over the weekend,” Junmyeon says. Baekhyun nods quickly.

“Yes, I’ll be sure to try and clear up some time. Just give me the details as soon as you can so I can arrange for it,” answers Baekhyun. Junmyeon nods and replies, “Sure will. I’ll contact you when we know the details. It’s been good seeing you again.” Junmyeon steps forward and hugs Baekhyun, patting him on the back as he moves away. Baekhyun nods again and waves goodbye.

Sehun jumps behind him and flings his arms around Baekhyun’s shoulders before he can step too far. “Goodbye, hyung,” he whispers before pulling back, not letting Baekhyun react before he’s already back to Junmyeon’s side, pushing the trolley away.

Staring at their disappearing backs in bewilderment, his heart races and he wills himself to calm down. He reaches up to rub his collarbones, where Sehun’s arms had rested on, as if to remember the feeling for a moment longer. Realising what he’s doing Baekhyun reprimands himself and quickly walks away to collect the rest of his items.

Baekhyun takes his time looking for things to fill his basket, needing to draw out time before he goes to the registers to ensure he doesn’t bump into the other two again. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to keep the remnants of his sanity if he has to be around a certain person again.




A few days later, in the early morning hours, too early to be called the start of a new day, Baekhyun’s phone consistently rings, waking up the sleeping figure from his deep slumber. Groaning, he slaps his hand over his bedside and feels around until he recognises the familiar shape of his phone. Eyes squinting at the glaring light flashing in his face, he swipes to pick up the call.

"Yes?" Baekhyun croaks.

"Baekhyun! Good morning. Did I wake you up?" he hears on the other side of the call.

"No, no, of course not, Junmyeon hyung. Of course, I was already awake at," Baekhyun pulls his phone back and checks the time, "5 in the god damn morning. Hyung, what the hell?" Baekhyun groans as he flops back onto his bed, pulling the covers over his body. On the other side of the call, Junmyeon laughs.

"I would say sorry, but I’m not going to," says Junmyeon. Baekhyun can almost hear him smiling on the other end of the line. "Listen, I need a favour. Do you think you could bring Sehun to your work for a week? His school has this experience thing and I told him I would bring him with me but work has been busy and there are too many things we need to look into for this month's issue so I can't have him around whilst everyone is rushing about."

"Can't he just go to another division? I'm sure he'd find it more interesting to follow his creative executive brother for a week than follow around an ordinary businessman, hyung." Baekhyun can feel his stomach stirring, his heart fluttering, his veins surging from the rushing of his blood.

"I don't know what you think I do for a job, but it's nothing like it is in Superman. Plus, I think it'll be better for Sehun to follow you around for a week. Get a feel of what it's like in the real business world. You know, how boring it can truly be," Junmyeon jokes. Baekhyun rolls his eyes.

"Do I need to sign some forms or something?" He asks.

"I'll sign most of it. I'll just need you to sign it off at the end and it'll be done."

"Ok, thanks hyung. Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all. Go back to sleep. See you soon," Junmyeon says before hanging up. Baekhyun puts his phone away with a sigh. Turning to lay on his back, he stares intently at the ceiling, desperate to go back to sleep.

Last night he'd had some difficulty sleeping because of an issue at work keeping him up later than usual.

Staring at the blank ceiling above him, Baekhyun realises that he won't be able to fall back asleep. Now stuck with his consciousness, Baekhyun throws his covers off as he comes to the realisation of what he'd just agreed to do. A whole week with Sehun. Under his care. Following him around wherever he goes.


A/N: Hello! New story about Sehun and Baekhyun this time. I'm still trying to figure out most of the dynamics of their relationship but I feel like it'll start writing itself.

Anyway, thanks so much fo reading! Subscribe to keep up with random updates if you'd like to and leave comments on what you think. It'll be much appreciated.

Untill next time!

Much love, aekcso

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binnybunny #1
Chapter 2: Just get together!
I miss this fic so much 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 please keep going. Pleeeaaaaaaassse
Chapter 2: Oooooooh ok so i sehun the one with the crush and baekhyun knows about it, thats why he acts awkward? Hes slowly feeling something for the younger as well
xiumingum #4
I'm already in love with this! I hope you'll update soon ♡
alliesalice #5
Chapter 2: Just found this!!! Man im starting to ship sebaek now hahaha
playfull_prinxe #6
Chapter 2: aww sehunnie (>^ω^<)
Chapter 2: ah~ nice chap! i'm glad you finally updated, i was looking forward to this fic.
Chapter 2: Update soon! <3
Yay!! I got so excited when I saw that you updated this!! Sehun is being so sneaky hehe I love it. I can't wait to see what happens next! ヽ(o♡o)/

Btw reading this story inspired me to write my own Sebaek one. I gave you credit as inspiration!~ I will be looking forward to your next update! Fighting!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و