Bad Thing

Who I am?
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"Am I out of my head, out of my mind? If you only knew the bad things I like. . ."


The head of every department were congregated in board room. We can see the happiness in Ms. Kim's face. Yoona was in yer usual neutral face. Everyone was happy for the spilled news. "Well I guess this is the right time to celebrate right Miss Im?" Ms. Kim smile at Yoona, Yoona just nod. Everyone clap their hands. "So I guess we will celebrate in a bar?" Taeyeon asked Yoona again. Yoona wrinkled her brows. "You should go with us. You are the CEO anyway." Tayeon smile and we are listening to the two. 

Yoona stands from her seat and get her coat. "Go celebrate I  won't stop you. Look over them. I am not going." Everyone look at Yoona who just left the room. Taeyeon scratch her nape. She look at us and smile, and sign us that she will leave already. I just feel sad knowing that Yoona won't be there. I guess I will not go either.

Sunny and I were in the pantry of the office she keeps on pestering me on going to the bar later. "Jessi, you should go with us. You know we could look for some gut there too, besides it's company's expense and not ours." Sunny was to excited on telling me to join, but I am persistent on not going. 

"Though I want to go, I can't. My sister will be alone toning and I think that's not appropriate." I told Sunny with an apologetic look. Sunny finish the coffee she was making and puff. "How old is she? I see her last time here. I guess even a high schooler can be left alone how about a person that is working already?" I guess my excuse wasn't working here. What will I tell her? Miss Im is not going so I will not?

"Don't tell me it was about Miss Im??" I tense up on the sudden mention of the name of my reason. "What are you trying to imply?" Sunny gave me a teasing look. "Don't you dare lie to me. You think I don't know that you have hots for Miss Im?" Sunny told me, and I can feel face blushing. "Don't worry I can say that the two of you look good together." Sunny told me and I blush harder. "Really?" I ask in excitement, and Sunny tease me again.

"This is a pllace for work, and not chatting around. Miss Jung at my office now." Sunny and I were both shock seeing Yoona standing in the ingress of the pantry. I just nodded and follow our boss. Sunny was still making fun of me. 

I gently close the door as we enter the office of Yoona. "Have a seat." She coldly says and I comply. I seat awkwardly there. She was in her swivel chair looking at me intently. I gulp and don't knoow how to act. I feel with Yoona looking at me like that. I cna feel my blood running to my face making me look like tomato. 

Yoona was giving me a look that I can't even say what does it mean. She stand from her seat and the next thing I know she was kneeling in front of me. She touch my hands and I feel electricity running my whole body. Yoona was still looking at me, and I look on the other side of her office.  I hear Yoona chuckled. I look at her and she gave me the bored look again.

"I am thiking of all the possible person to do this, but I think you are the one who is capable of doing so and will meet the standard of the  person I am looking for." I knit my brow, I don't know what she really mean. I mean it is not like a fifty shades of grey type right, darker rather, whatsoever.

"Act as my girlfriend. I will double your salary or give any other benefits you like. Any fringe benefits you would like, tax free." Yoona stand as she put her hands in her pocket. SHe ress her   in her dek and smile at me. I want to laugh her offer. I mean she was offering me a big thing. It's a win win for me don't she know? Plus she really think like a business woman, telling me tax free? WOW! I am blushing right now. I want to jump this building and shout what Miss Im offers.

"Do I have to give you a time?" Yoona asked me. I immediately shook my head. I facepalm realizing that I look to geedy to be with her. I hear Yoona chuckles on my behavior. Then I  suddenly feel confuse why Yoona wants someone to act as her girlfriend. "I know you are confuse why, but the first thing I want you to do is wear the proper clothes and I will fethyou later 7 pm sharp. You may go." Yoona told me and  left the office after saying goodbye.

I don't know, but I gess this is a lucky day for me.


I was preparing for myself. I look at my phone and see it was 5:30 pm I still have 1 hour and 30 minutes to prepare. "Unnie!!" I get annoyed wwith Krystal, she barge in to my room and was giggling. Someome was looking for you. I crease my brow and was shock to see who was stunding to the doorway of my room. NO other than Im Yoona.

"Miss Im?!" Yoona look at me from head to toe. I was on my robe, she look at my bed and see my party dress. "Don't tell me that was the thing you will wear? I facepalm, I can sense that she don't like it. "I a glad that I go here too early, I know that you are such a failure. Wear anything we are going somewhere. Five minutes Miss Jung." With that she left. Krystal look at me and we both squeal. 


I was on the couch inside a boutique. Beside me was Yoona who was checking something in her phone. The attendant here were preparing something. "Ms. Im this our new collection. These dresses are limited edition." The woman smile as she introduce their new product. Yoona look at me and back to the attendant. "Give her the best makeover." Yoona told them and the nect think I know I was draggedd by the employees here.

I look at myself and I can't believe I got the great makeover with just 30 minutes. Yoona look at me and look at the attendant. She walk to head employee and talk about the price. I just seat on the couch and wait for Yoona. Then she went to me signing that we are leaving. I was seated in the passenger seat of her car. 

"You look better than I thought." Yoona told me and she start the car. I got annoyed with her statement. I was mesmerized by my ownself, while to her I am just a 'better'? Not even best? arghh.. I never knnow that Yoona could be jerk as this. I want to rolled my eyes, but I remember Yoona is my boss.

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_SinRin_WonRin_ #1
Chapter 3: WaaaaaaahhhhHhhHhHhHH...
Where's the update????! ????
jy1730 #2
Chapter 3: Tiffany will be appearing right?
r_sky418 #3
Chapter 3: Omo omo omo!! Yoona is too cold hahaha.
Look,they're good together. I dunno,why sica said like that to yoona. Sica has reason right? Btw,i'm looking forward to next chapter
YoonSicForever722 #4
Chapter 3: Omoooo!!!! This is it.... Starting their lab lab yieeee~ love this chapter thor!!! Thanks for the update...
allayjadhule #5
Chapter 3: Waaahhh yoonsic kissing ^^ party hehehhe its ok if they act like couple but i belive they will together in the end but still wonder what reason sica in the past ... ?? Thanks thor for the updte hehheehhe
allayjadhule #6
Chapter 3: Still waitt for your updte thor heheheh
KhimBerry #7
Chapter 2: Aww I love this chapter so muchhhh , Yoong is very adorable ... she is so cold outside but inside she still have a very warm heart ... Andyway I love Krystal childish character here kekekeke
oungie87 #8
Chapter 2: Hahaha, look how soojung being so cute when she is crying... hihi, seriously thor i love this story too much... nah, i hope tiffany will have her presence in here... never boring to wiat this story update
allayjadhule #9
Chapter 2: Love too never change the way they used too .. yoong really change like ice hehehhehehe next thor
KhimBerry #10
Chapter 1: Oh one more thing author , I love johny here ... It's great if there are aliitle more interaction between Yoong and him ..don't bet me wrong I still yoonsic fan ..