Valentine's Date - PART 2

Valentine's Date for Rent
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Thirteenth Hour


“Aren’t you too happy eating your jokbal?” she asked me. She only had three bites yet, I think.

“Of course!” I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes and started to stuff food to .



“It’s because you’re eating with me.” I smiled as I moved my legs up and down like a child.

I saw her rosy cheeks as she faced her right.

It’s the first time that I have someone eating with me except for Min and San. I think that’s why I’m happy right now. Thanks Dahyun.



Suddenly I saw a disappearing jokbal in my plate. My eyes went to the person in front of me. She’s already savoring eat. “YAH! I told you no stealing of MY FOOD.”

“Buh you said ah can-“ is full. “Chew first”

“As I was saying, you told me I can do whatever I want. And that’s my favorite part!”


“Yeeeeeeeeeesssssss” and ate another piece.

“Okay then I forgive you”

“Why?” She said while chewing

“Because you’re a cutie” I stuck out my tongue

“Thanks” she showed me a toothy grin because she haven’t finished chewing. I just sighed.






“YAH! THIS ARE ALL THE SAME PARTS OF THE PIG!!!!!!” I yelled as soon as I realized it.

“FOOL YOU!” she winked at me.

“tch” I continued to eat



We talked as we eat. And I felt this warm feeling. Like it’s the one coming from a family when they eat together. Thanks Dahyun, really.



Fourteenth Hour


I’m here again in my previous position in the sofa watching the tofu continue her reviewing. I started wanting attention but I decided to just play games on my phone. She really must have a hard time in physics since she’s reviewing way earlier that it was supposed to be.

I didn’t realized I fell asleep.



Fifteenth Hour


My eyes opened at about two-thirty in the afternoon. I saw Dahyun’s frown and I sat up in the sofa and observed her further.


“Frustrated?” I asked with a hoarse voice and small eyes.

“You’re awake.” She did not answer my question. I sat down on the carpet beside her and looked into the book she’s glaring a while ago.

“Any problem?”

“Well… I can’t answer this question.” She pointed a problem in the hand-out. “Even with the reference, I can’t understand it.” She pouted. Cute!

“Let me help you” I read the question and recognized it. It was our topic too. “Why do you have this subject?”

“I’m in advanced class of first years you know.”

“Ahhh.” That explains why she’s in our building yesterday. Nerdy.

I lifted up the ball pen and started to scribble on the extra sheet of paper. It’s a solving problem in physics. Not boasting but I’m really good in math and analyzing problems even in science. Although I hate science, when it comes to solving problems in it, I’m great. I handed her my answer and she looked into it. She widened her eyes then faced me with a smiling face.

“Woah! WOW! You’re good. And I understand it easier. Thanks honey!” I smiled at her behavior.

“You’re welcome my lady” I winked at her. She then started another set of question.

I can’t understand what I’m feeling every time I’m with her. Or should I say from the very first time she chatted me. I felt like we’re somehow connected if I’ll think about it properly. I’m attracted to her. No! I already like her, I think.



“uhhh” I unconsciously said not too loud but she heard it.



“Hmmm?” I did not heard it.


“I...” I unconsciously said again. Then I realized she’s already looking at me.


“Why?” she smiled. Gahd! NO! MOMO! I can’t! Think of an excuse! HURRY!!!!



Sixteenth Hour


*Chapel bells ringing*


HOOH! Save by the bell “I’m hungry. HA-HA-HA” I let out a cracked laugh.

“Wait I’ll-“

“No I’m gonna prepare snacks. Continue your work.”

“Okay. Thanks.”


I brought out some bite-sized cookies and chocolates. I made some orange juice and placed them now on the table where Dahyun is working. I started to eat but she’s not getting any so I fed her a chocolate. She looked at me.

“Thanks but I’m not hungry.” She then faced her book again.


I can’t stand this anymore.


I stood up and went behind her. She’s so busy that she did not realized I’m already behind her. She’s between my legs. I hugged her from behind and she’s startled. She looked at me but blushed because of the short distance between our faces.

I reached for some cookies and about to feed her.


“Ahhh!!” I treat her like a child. Cutie.

“arhm na a kidd” she said while munching the cookie. “I’m not hungryyy~”she pouted.

“No.” I protested. “Just stay still and I’m gonna stay here while looking at your answers. I’ll feed you from time to time, okay?” I smiled at her.

She faced her reviewers again but I saw her reddened cheeks. “O-okay”


We stayed like that for who knows how many minutes. I’m comfortable at my place that I can even stay here for the rest of my life. Exaggerated, I know. But that’s what it feels like!

I hugged her a little tighter and rested my head on her back when we finished all the snacks. She did not react so I stayed. I then thought if I should ask her if I can cook for our dinner later. It’s not obvious but I can cook some dish.


“Do you want to cook for dinner?” I heard her saying. I did not answer.

I think I might creep out if she really can read minds.

“I told you I can’t read minds.” Whoa! How can I believe that?

“Well, you just read my mind.”

“It’s not reading mind. It’s called observing.” She snickered.

“Liar.” I tickled her sides.

She flinched. She’s laughing so much with my tickling hands. She can’t stop moving and it made me more. I was having so much fun but I think she might lose breath. I’m about to stop when she moved hard and suddenly I’M ON TOP OF HER. Gosh.


I don’t know how but it happened. My hands were on the both sides of her face. Her hair was in a mess. As well as my mind. I was left speechless with the beauty that’s under me then she suddenly spoke after a while.






“uhhh” she’s shy. I can see through her face that looks on somewhere else but me.

I did not talked back to her.

I’m just looking at her.

I felt my heart throbbing every second that’s passing.

“I…” she spoke again. I can’t figure out what she’s about to say.





“I want omelet rice.” I chuckled and she faced me with a puckered brow.


“Okay” I said as I sat up and she followed after.


She fixed her hair using her fingers and I was awed by the sight of it. It’s like commercial! Ridiculous but it’s true. I laid in the sofa again as I think we’re having an awkward atmosphere. I don’t but, I think she is. Did I make a mistake?



Seventeenth Hour


I’m still staring at her. She was ruffling her hair a while ago. But right now, she’s staying still. Is she having a hard time answering again? I want to help her but I’m being careful right now. I’ll just observe her.



“Should we go to grocery store later?” she suddenly spoke that I can’t reply instantly.

“I think we don’t have eggs.” I have eggs. I shook my head as I want to shake off my thoughts. I think I’m infected of San’s y-ness.

“O-okay” I finally answered.

“Let’s go at five” I just hummed in agreement. She never looked at me. This is bad.






Silence filled the air until…



Eighteenth Hour


She stood up and went to her room. I don’t know what she did there but when she finally went out I saw a goddess. Her hair is in bun and she changed her clothes to a white tee and denim shorts. She went directly to the front door. My eyes were just following her.


“Aren’t you coming?” she faced me for the first time in the past hour.

“Y-yes” I was startled and hastily went to her.


We went out and walked side by side. The atmosphere is indescribable. It’s not awkward for me but I guess it’s a yes for her. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn’t grasped that I’m so near to her already.


Huh? Oh. Our hands brushed with each other.


It keeps brushing with each other. I’m liking the feeling of it.


Again. Should I just hold her hand?


Another one.


Again and again




“You know, just hold my hand if you’ll just keep brushing it intentionally.” I blushed looking at her. She’s biting back her smile.

“It’s not intentional!” I just grabbed her hand and looked away. I heard her giggle. Her giggle that’s like music in my ears.


We then walked hand in hand.




We reached the grocery store and there’s not a lot of people. It was just in their village. She pulled out her hand first to get a cart. She started browsing around. I snatched the handle of the cart and I just followed her around. She kept looking each item thoroughly. I just enjoyed the free taste foods. It’s been more than thirty minutes. I thought we’re just going to buy eggs but… I just sighed.



“Not going to get anything? I’m going to stand in line now.” She said after finally buying an egg, soy sauce and snacks. Aigoo.


“There’s noth- oh. Wait. I’m gonna get something.”


I handed her the cart and rushed to get THIS. HEHEHE.


I speed-walked but I saw her talking to the cashier guy smiling. Take note, it’s a guy! She’s showing her precious smile to another guy. This thought made my heart felt a stab.


‘Are you doing fine reviewing? Do you want me to help?’ I heard the guy said. NO NEED. I’M HERE.

‘I’m-‘ she was about to say something when I interrupted.

“Love! I’ll take this.” I grinned at them. Then the guy whispered something to her. I’m gonna punch you!! Go away!

I put the box at the counter “Who’s he, love?” I hugged Dahyun at the side. I’m bein

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Chapter 4: Just Stumbled upon this fic. Did you just predict some lyrics of Yes or Yes? “Reject your rejection” and it’s Dahyun’s part too! This fic is written in 2017 and YoY released in 2018 woah! :O
Chapter 4: My lovely ship!!!!!! *dies*
penguincubcutiebunny #3
Chapter 4: Re-reading this againn ahhhh ~~~~~~~ Please make moreee DahMo !!!!!
15 streak #4
Chapter 4: Good ending :)
Chapter 4: whoaaa yayyyyy! thank you so much! this is too cuteeeeeeeee! :')
camel1010 #6
This storyy too cutee ><
doyansendokir #7
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaak Dahmo still alive :"v ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Saida destroyed my jokbal :"v
Go back to your Chewy you cutie y clumsy Sana :"v
Chapter 3: Kyahhhh..i love the ending..
TOO CUTEEEEE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING! is there any sequel for this? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 2: Ahh So cute~