The same type

The same type

Dancey is walking through the park with her earphones in. She bobs her head up and down to the music. She is having a good day.

She suddenly stops , her face begins to turn into a frown. Dancey takes her earphones out .

She walks over to her boyfriend Smooz who is with another girl 

" So you like the same type "

  Her boyfriend freezes seeing her. He has a scared expression on his face. He doesn't turn to face her.

His other girlfriend starts to speak.

" Who is she?"

He turns to her scared. He looks back to Dancey.

" Let me explain"

 Dancey interrupts him.

" We're wearing the same color and everything, she has the same haircut as me"

" I'm sorry"

" Save it"

 She says pushing him out of the way.

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