call me maybe

call me maybe

It was hot outside, the sun was shining and I stood at my window looking out of it and there he was, cutting the lawn. God, he was so damn hot. These muscles under the shirt and how they moved, so damn y. Oh my god, he was taking his shirt off and gave me a better picture of all these muscles and the fantastic body and was that a piercing? So hot. And he had a tattoo on the left side of his chest, damn he was hot. I only could fan myself because it got really hot in here. , did he see me? He was looking up and I just ducked down. , that was so embarrassing. 
I just went out to meet my friends so that we could rehearse in my garage. I took a glance at him still mowing the lawn and he still was so damn y and did he try to kill me with this move? Why did he have to drink water like that and let some pearls run down his body? He saw us watching him and winked. Why was he so damn hot? 

My friends noticed that I had the hots for my neighbor and made a plan how I could get him. I saw him repairing his car the next day and so the plan of my friends went to action. They dragged me out of the house only in a pair of short shorts and a tank top with a bucket full of foamy water in my hand and shoved me to my car. They said I had to wash it and try to get his attention. So I tried everything to get him notice me while I was lathering the car with foam and tried out every y position on the car I knew. I was wiggling my well formed on the hood of the car and finally I got him to notice me when I was laying on the side of the hood and was polishing it. He looked up from his car engine and looked over and what did I? I fell off the car and just saw black. I started to dream as I was out and it was the best dream of all my dreams I ever had. There was me with him together, cuddling while the sun was going down and we kissed.

I opened my eyes and there he was above me. Oh I like the picture of him above me. And he was smiling so damn sweet at me. It seemed like he was laughing at me. Oh no, don't tell me I was making kissing faces. He helped me up, god he was so sweet. I said I would play him a song with my band as a thank-you. I just went in to get changed and when I cam back I started to sing to him while he was leaning on my car watching us. I gave my best to look as hot as I could while I performed for him. And as we finished the song I went to my car, getting a piece of paper out to write my number down. But as I looked up he was gone I turned around and there he was. He stood in the garage in front of my guitarist and was flirting with him and my friend was flirting back, why me? And there my neighbor just gave my friend a piece of paper with his number and made the call me move. Could it be that my hot neighbor liked them tall and tanned? And from the way he flirted it seemed like he was a bottom like me. Don't tell me I tried to get someone like me into bed with me. 

Why me? I turned around and there he was. And I just could ask myself, hey who is that hot guy next door? I really should give him my number and ask him to call me maybe. 




thanks for reading ^^


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