
First Dream

The view of the sky and endless fields of clouds, the excitement for a new experience in a different country and the fear of traveling abroad for the first time alone. Lia’s heart couldn’t help but race during her plane ride to Seoul, Korea. She knew that she was going to travel this year due to her first dream, but she didn’t think it would be so far from her home in New York. 


It still felt a bit surreal to her how it all happened. It was six months after college graduation and she was looking for a job. It wasn’t easy being an illustrator on the East Coast since everything was on the West Coast. So, she thought she would try out an internship before trying to go out in the real working world.


Lia was always a fan of comics, so she searched studios that would be willing to hire an intern for assistant work. After many applications and rejection emails, she finally got one. Only this one needed the intern in Korea. Her parents were against it at first, but after expressed how much she wanted to work for a studio there’s no way they could hold her back from this great opportunity. 


And now she was on that plane for Korea. 


“I can’t believe this is really happening…” she mumbled to herself as she looked out the window. All she could see was the endless blue sky and fluffy cloud meadows. Somehow watching them stroll by eased her nervousness a bit.


She closed her eyes, thinking about her first dream again.


A plane…an unknown city…a blazer and a man in black and dark hair…


There was no doubt that the unknown city was Seoul and the blazer represented a job. But she couldn’t figure out the man in black.


Black clothes and dark hair…it couldn’t possibly be death or something, right?


Or maybe it’s a sign saying to watch out for danger? Or maybe it’s going to be my boss?


Endless thoughts and guesses ran through her mind. Soon enough, all that thinking made her fall asleep.


But at that moment, her first dream continued.








The city was rustling and bustling with people. The feeling was no different from being in New York City, except that all the signs were all foreign words.


Lia had been walking in the streamline of people. She was wearing causal formal attire, which included a blazer. 


The crowd of people halted at the red stoplight before entering the crosswalk, signaling the cars to proceed on the street. Lia stood in the crowd and looked around.


Ah…this dream again.


She examined the people surrounding her. They also were in their work attire, so it only made sense that they’re were all going to their jobs.


Then, she looked at all the signs and billboards in area. Sure enough she was in a foreign city due to the amount of unfamiliar characters. Even though she couldn’t read them, at the same time they didn’t seem foreign at all.


Finally, the walk signal turned green.


Like the crowd, Lia also proceeded to cross the street. But at the halfway point, she bumped into someone.


Naturally, she turned around to apologize to the person. But at that moment, she realized that she couldn’t speak the unknown language of this dream.


“…” She stood quietly not knowing what to say or do. 


Now that I think about it, I don’t remember bumping into someone when I had this first dream…


“Are you okay?” the person asked with slight concern.


Lia picked her head up in response. The person who she bumped into was a man. And not just any man, but the man in black with dark hair. But she couldn’t get a good look of his face.


It’s him…! Wait, why I can understand him?


“Miss, are you okay?” he asked again.


This time Lia’s words naturally flowed out in the unknown language.


“Oh um…yes. I’m sorry.” She was a bit shock that she could communicate, but even more shocked about meeting the man from her first dream. This might be her chance to get to know who he is.


“Okay. Please be careful next time.”


The man went to walk by next to her, but Lia grabbed his sweater sleeve.


“I’m sorry!” She pulled him back in hopes of getting a glimpse of his face. The man turned back to her, feeling a bit uncomfortable. 


“Um, I’m sorry…” she retracted her arm back after seeing how she discomforted him, “would you mind telling me your name?”


“My name…?” 


Lia nodded.


He stood silent for amount, pondering why she wanted to know his name. But then he slowly opened his mouth.


“My name is-”


Suddenly everything became a blur and went to black. And then Lia woke up from her dream. 


The plane had finally landed in Korea.

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