Chapter 1

The Resilient One

People are put into classifications, pressured to conform, and taught to follow the norm. In this world we live in, there are two types of people, the ones who succeed and the ones who don’t. Jung Hoseok is part of the group that succeeded. He is the main dancer and lead rapper of the internationally loved idol group Bangtan. However, the world knows Jung Hoseok as Jhope, Bangtans happy virus. Yoongi knows him as his ex-boyfriend who took a piece of his heart with him when he left. The pair’s friendship was an unexpected one. Min Yoongi who was known for his glare that put scared many groups of underclassmen. On the other hand, Hoseok was a trainee from a small company ready to make his debut who always had a smile on his face. Seokjin (who was Yoongi’s best friend who has stuck with his for as long as he could remember) was one of the only people who knew about their relationship. He was also the only person who saw the aftermath of their breakup. Just like how their friendship started, Hoseok and Yoongi’s relationship ended just as unexpectedly.

On “TV Thursday” as Seokjin dubbed it, the pair stumbled onto a different channel than the one they usually frequent. Yoongi and Seokjin were getting comfortable with all their blankets and pillows when heard an MC ask, “The fans have been sitting at the edge of their seats waiting for this question. What is your ideal type?”
Thinking nothing of it, Yoongi continued to shuffle around until he got comfortable.
“I guess I’ll go first” a voice Yoongi recognized all too well said. Seokjin recognizing who it was as well, goes into mother hen mode by asking, 

“Do you want me to change the channel? Nothing good will come out of hearing his answer anyway.”

“It’s fine hyung” Yoongi responded lowly while keeping his eyes concentrated on the screen. He hasn’t really thought about Hoseok in awhile because thinking about Hoseok brings a lot of times when he over analyzed everything. Mainly blaming him self for any problem that occurred. “-ute, my ideal type is someone who is tall and has a cute smile. I also like somebody whose personality is bright like mine” Hoseoks responds with one of his breath taking smiles. Yoongi listens to his ex’s ideal type and looks down sadly when he realizes that he doesn’t fit any of what was said.
“Yoongi-ah, just forget about him okay? He doesn’t deserve anything, even an emotion like sadness from you.”
“I know that hyung. It just made me realize how much a bad match we really were.”
“You weren’t a bad matc-“, Seokjin was cutoff by the MC’s follow up question
“Jhope-shi, how you ever been in any serious relationships?”
“None that worth mentioning, they weren’t serious.”
Yoongi was glad that Seokjin turned off the television because he didn’t know how much of that he could take. Hearing Hoseok’s responses hurt more than he thought it would. He knew Hoseok never loved him, but hearing him say it on national television made it for final in his mind. Sometimes on the many occasions when Yoongi can't fall asleep he thinks back on his relationship with Hoseok, and wonders what went wrong.
. . . . . . . . 

Yoongi thinks it must have started the day Hoseok told him he would be debuting soon. It wasn't the fact that he was debuting because Yoongi was ecstatic when he found out, it was more that it meant less time with his boyfriend. And even though Yoongi can admit that he is slightly clingy it wasn't the reason that caused his worry, it was because debuting meant meeting more idols. More idols meant more people that deserve Hoseok more than he ever would and that scared the out of him. One day Hoseok could realize that Min Yoongi isn't the oNE, one day he could drop a bomb and never look back at the ruins of it that consisted of Yoongi. One day became April 17 2014, and that's the day Yoongi dreads ever since.
. . . . . . .

Ever since Hoseok debuted as his onstage persona Jhope, Yoongi knew he changed. Where there used to be cute good mornings texts ( good morning Yoongs (; or it's time to wake up yoongi bear) were replaced with messages that didn't seem as sincere (morning hyung or gm ) and Yoongi stopped looking forward to them. He also found out that none of his boyfriends group members knew about him and that would of been fine if they haven't been a group for two years and training for longer than that. And he knows Hoseok has been in the closet for so long that it's almost become second nature for him, but what really hurts is that he has never met or talked to any of the members of Bangtan besides Hoseok. He has been left out of a big part in Hoseoks life and it hurts because Yoongi fully supported his boyfriends dream when he thought he would still be a big part of it. Yoongi used wonder if any of the Bangtan members even knew who he was (but he doubted it because why would anyone want to know about Min Yoongi). When people choose to get to know him, they will remember that when he gets into one of these mindsets, he becomes brash. And and brash Min Yoongi is never a good Yoongi to be around. The two of them were supposed to meet up at an abandoned cafe to finally have some sort of a date because they haven't seen each other in what felt like years. Everything starting going wrong when Hoseok forgot because "hyung I forgot that my group and I had plans to celebrate our win on Music Bank" and that was one of many cracks added onto Min Yoongis heart. Even though Hoseok added "but I'll try to stop over at your place so we can meet" it felt bitter sweet. Why did it feel as though he was a burden and not really a boyfriend towards Hoseok anymore? That was something he wondered and wondered that day as night slowly came closer. The problem with that was that it meant seeing Hoseok and Yoongi finds it humorous that earlier he couldn't wait to see his boyfriend and now he wishes that Hoseok wasn't coming at all. The dark haired male loves his boyfriend to the moon and back but recently the feeling that it isn't mutual keeps recurring. He tries to push down the thoughts because he was Min ing Yoongi who dealt with worse than this (but is anything worse than feeling like you can't listen to your own thoughts). 

When Hoseok arrives his hair is dishelved and Yoongi would admire how handsome his boyfriend is until he spots a hickey on Hoseoks neck. A hickey definitely not from him because they haven't seen each other in almost three months."Hoseok-ah what the is on your neck?"

"What does it look like hyung?" 

Hoseoks response has Yoongi slightly trembling because why is he being such and when he's the one who did something wrong. 

Yoongi takes a deep breath and responds "Well, it looks like a hickey to me but it's definitely not from me because we haven't seen each other in months Hoseok, months! And when I do see you, you have a ing hickey on you and you're being an ."

Closing his eyes because he knows his temper is starting to get to the best of him and seeing Hoseok just makes him even more upset. He opens his eyes and looks to the side slightly and continues, "Can you just tell me why? Why wasn't I enough?"

Unfortunately Hoseok was a tad drunk and a drunk Hoseok is an honest Hoseok. 

"Because I don't love you anymore" comes out of Hoseoks mouth before he can stop it and all he can think is that he didn't mean it. 

Yoongi finally looks up at him again with  his shocked doe eyes that are covered with pain, not just shock. 

"I came over to end it Yoongi, we just-" Hoseok has to take a deep breath because he knows that what he's going to say is going to tear Yoongi apart but it's the only way.

"we just aren't working (which is my fault not yours). I need someone who can understand my ups and downs as an idol (but no one better than you) and I think we need to break up (but I'm going to miss you so damn bad)."

. . . . . . . . . 

Ever since that night, the now pink haired male could never look at anything that was Hoseoks because even though it was years ago, Hoseok was his first love. That night, replaying Hoseoks response on national television he tells himself that he is going to forget all about who  Jung Hoseok used to be. Before drifting off to sleep, Yoongis resolve was set to forget about the old Hoseok.  

One thing Yoongi never knew was that once Bangtan returned to their dorm, Hoseok broke down crying infront of s repeating "how could I say he wasn't memerable, how could i?" 

Authors Note : Hey guys, I'm sorry it took some time to get this chapter up but I hope you all enjoy it!

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Chapter 1: So in short, Hoseok ed up and didn't try to fix it and Yoongi suffered and he suffered and they both are now heartbroken but Hoseok just hit the nail to Yoongi's heart and he's so done with his now. Pardon my language... I'm curious to see how things will unravel and whether Hoseok tries to fix his mistake or not.
This sounds good :)