I'm here

My Guardian?

           Everything is rushing. Staff running everywhere, and groups being told to take their seats because the event is just about to start. In the waiting room, though, first ones to show up are all practicig and revising their moves excitingly one last time before going on stage. However, one person has been biting on his lips and nails for God knows how much, and no one has been able to lessen his nervousness. 


It's Thirty minutes untill the first performance starts and Jimin just cannot sit still because he is basically one of the first performers for today's opeing. Is it a right move? No it is a left one. Do I move first or is it Hakyeon's turn? Will I do good? I doubt it. Will i make others proud? Will I do this, will i do that. All of these thoughs were making a huge conflic inside Jimin's head and he felt like he is exploding. He just wanted to be done as soon as possible. 


Everyone around Jimin knew he practiced day and nighs for this performance but he just felt like something was obviously missing. Yet, no one was really to figure it out. 


"Ahh, seriously hyung it has been so log since I left you to get ready and you are still here being all nervous for absolutely no reason!" Jeon Jeonguuk whines as he softly pats his hyung on the shoulder before someone else enters and gives Jimin the same atiitude. 


"Yah, Jimin, quit it." Namjoon enters next and gives Jimi a sharp, yet soft fatherly look before making the lost boy face him, looking totally out of this world. "Why are you acting like you have never practiced this before? we all know how much you have worked you off for this performance and the same goes for every performance ever," Namjoon sighs as he nudges the other members to cheer on the poor boy. "Yes ChimChim!" Taehyung yells enthusiastically before he continues, "we all know you have been practicing with little sleep so we are all sure you are gonna do just great, trust me!" They all od to the encouraging words before giving up in a group-sigh when they hear another whine from Park Jimin. 


20 minutes left and Jimin feels like his chest is about to explode. 


"Ah, seriously, boy, why don't you just believe in yourself for once? Just look at me while you are performing and you are gonna do just fine!," They all roll their eyes as Seokjin gives the most sheepish smile. Yet, they all smile at the words that make the lost boy open up. 


"Um did you eve see the ones who are performing with me? They are all obviously great! Besides, it is my first time performing with other people and that is makig me even more nervous, what if people did not like me? what if i messed the entire performance? what is i missed any move? Ah seriously I am doomed!" Jimin's head was filled of lots of other 'what if's' that he felt like suffocating. He whines earning him eye rolls from the members at how silly he just sounded. 


One thing that never changes about Jimin is how he always feels insecure and worried about everything he does. He is the type of person who will ask everyone how he did and hopes for the most positive comments or else he is just going to drown in his over-thinking world once again. The type of person who is very talented and passionate about everything, yet still looks down upon himself. The type of person who makes everyone smile, yet when it comes to him, he just takes all the burden on his shoulder. The type of person who totally needs someone to always remind him of how precious he is. 


15 minutes left. Jimin truly feels dead inside. 


His phone vibrates and he immediately picks it from a whining Taehyung who was playing games on it. Still not caring about anything because his mind was only focused on one thing since he left the dorm. 


You've got a new text messege!


I'll be watchig you. 


Jimin feels his body buzzing and face burning, however, this time it is totally not from nervousness. It is from some sort of lovely butterflies having a party inside his stomach. 


His sudden smile makes Taehyung's pout turn into a frown then a 'what the hell is wrong with this dude' look. Yet, he shrugs it off. At least he is smiling. 


He is watching me. 


10 minutes left. The nervous Jimin suddenly disappears and turns into an excited one now. Disappointed, Seokjin pouts at the fact that he missed the chance to tell one of his latest jokes to the now excited boy. 


5 minutes. 


"Good luck, Jiminie"   "You can do it chimchim!"  "We will cheer for you~" With these words, Jimin finally leaves the waiting room and goes to stand on the stage with his other dance mates, all ready to start the performance. 


It is starting, is he really watching? I bet he is sleeping... 


Jimin waits for the soft flow of music to start then begins to move his body slowly, yet elegantly and softly in sync with the music. From the moment he moves his body ad starts dancing, he forgets everything around. He just focuses on how well he should perform and make himself and s proud and happy. He dances like someone who should never be understimated. He dances like an angel who is ready to spread his wings anytime and fly. Park Jimin was not aware of it at the moment, but he truly owned the stage. Every move he did was very smooth that his heart danced with him everytime he head a 'woah' from the audience. He felt happy, yet still insecure about the entire performance, like usual. He makes the last move with his dance mates and breathes heavily while hearing Armys cheering for his name.


Park Jimin, Park Jimin, Park Jimin.... 


Jimin does not even get the time to think about anything as he finds himself being dragged by the staff giving him towels and bottles of water. He enters the room and silently sighs as he sees the cameraman approaching him. 


"Tell us about your performance!" 


He sighs. My performance? Everything was hitting him as if he did the worst ever on stage. "Ah, it was lacking," he hides his disappointment with a faint smile. "I could have shown better!" He laughs jokingly, yet bitterly before excusing himself to go chage and meet s, who were preparing for their group-performance. 


Jimin hears many complimets from the members and managers but still feels like something is missing. He has been silent the whole ride, only smiling softly everytime the members try to make his laugh or lessen his anxiety. 


"Chill, hyung. you really really dead great! I mean, everytime you did a move I heard the group next to us wowing specially at you, I'm not kidding, ask them!" Jimin smiles and ruffles Jeongguk's hair and only hums in response before going into his own world again. 


Still, something is missing. 


The six members finally enter the dorm, with Taehyung rushing upon them for a certain reason. "Yoongi hyung, we are here!" They all shake their heads at his childishness except for Jimin who feels as excited as Taehyung but decides to keep it down. 


"Yah, winning awards and doing great without me, huh?" Jimin's heart flutters at the sudden voice. He turns around to find the cutest creature ever. Yoongi came running wearing his bear-printed pj's with his fluffy messy hair falling softly over his head, and a huge proud grin printed on his face. Jimin's entire body relaxes as soon as he meets his gaze. 


They others laugh and go rushing to give the soft boy a hug before going to their room to take a shower and rest after the long day. 


Jimin, still not moving, does not take his eyes off his hyung, making the later frown and then goes to Jimin to give him a nudge that brings him back to reality. 


They softly smile at each other before Jimin slowly finds himself being dragged by Yoongi to their room. 


Silent fills the room and Jimin sighs as he feels Yoongi staring at him from the moment he closed the door of the room. Whining, Jimin tries to put the blanket on him but failing everytime Yoongi snatches it away. 


"What's wrong?" He hears him asking softly and can't help but sigh at the sight of Yoongi looking at him with concern showing on his face. He knows he can get away with the other members with any excuse, but when it comes to Yoongi, he just cannot even hide anything. Jimin adores all the members equally but when it comes to this certain Soft-boy, he just cannot hold himself together. Jimin feels home everytime he gets a smile from Yoongi. He feels the happiest with their little talks about how their day went or about anything in their life. They both feel safe with each other and Jimin feels like Yoongi is the only one who can truly understand him the most and how he really feels even if he is out there giving people smiles and laughs while feeling . He is just that special. 


"Hyung. Tell me how did I do in today's performace but promise to be fair and honest, okay?" He does not even let the boy talk before he goes on again. "Look, I know I missed so many moves and I was really nervous but I just kept thinking about how everyone was really great and I just, I just felt like a mess Hyung, I was really scared!"




"And I think everyone was just trying to make me feel better by giving me compliments but I know I did really bad, It was really lacking, wasnt it?"




"God hyung you don't know how much I wanted to disappear when I finished. I think I disappoin-"






Silence fills the room before Yoongi stands to sit next to the still surprised boy. "Listen, you idiot. Do you know how many times I freaking replayed this performance? hmm? I even kept looking for a focus cam of just you dancing because I couldn't even look at anyone other than you!" 




"God, Jimin you were literally glowing with perfection on stage like I never felt my heart racing that much by just watching someone dance but you just moved your body and made my heart dance with you and look I know I'll regret being this gross and cheesy at this late hour, but I just have to tell you that you, Park Jimin, is the most beautiful angel my eyes has ever been laid on and I just felt very sad because I was only watching you through the screen.." 


"H-hyung!" Yoongi does not eve get the time to frown at the sound of sobs and groans he heard before finding a flying figure falling and pulling him into the tightest hug ever. "Yoongi-ah you do not know how much your words made me happy," Jimin says between his uncontrollably sobs. "I-I don't even know what to say, I was thinking about you the entire day I wanted you to be there so much.." 


Yoongi feels his heart sink at the soud of Jimin crying, but still happy as the boy felt the same aa him. They both break the hug and Yoongi smoothly lifts Jimin's head to give him the softest peck on his forehead and lips. Jimin closes his eyes and feels his heart burning at the feeling of Yoongi's lips against his, still managing to give his boyfriend the sweetest smile. Yes, the lovers have been dating for about 3 years now. 


"Jimin, I do not care about how many times I have told you this but you are very beautiful inside and outside and you just bring life to this dorm with your cute little soft laugh," Yoongi says between his obvious looks of chest pain at his cheesy dramatic, yet real words. "you give us all energy during our rehearsals by just looking at you. You always care about us before caring about yourself, you always put us and our fans first but still underestimate yourself, like God Jimin, you are such an idiot!" 


Jimin's happy tears all get onto Yoongi's pj's as he pulls him into a tight hug again but this time, he does not let anything break this hug. 


"Hyung, I knew you would make me happy like you always do, thank you so much, my wonderful guardian angel," Jimin giggles as he hears Yoongi whining about the name. 


"Oh please do not ever call me that again!" 


They both fall into each other's arm with Yoongi gently playing with Jimin's strawbery-scented soft hair.


"Hey, Jimin?"


"Hmm" Jimin pulls himself even closer to his boyfriend's arms earning himself a satisfied sigh and a tighter grip. 


"I will always be your guardian angel as long as I'm breathing." 


But now, nothing is really missing. 









AAAAANNND IM DONE. wow ok breathes. I just watched the vid of Jimin saying his perf was lacking and looking down and all and i felt really sad because it's not really the first time Jimin looks down upon himself like that..I just want him to know that he's very precious and that he makes everything just perfectly fine veuase he works so hard to make us happy and im just :") YOU GO MY ANGEL IMMA BE PROUD OF YOU FOREVER. 


also sorry i just love yoonmin and it's so late rn but i just wanted to write this one shot inspired by that vid~ have a good day lovelies! ;D Oh! Comments are welcomed♡ 







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Ari2918 #1
Aww, so cute <3
So cuteeeee!!! n.n
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 1: *sniff* sO cUtE aH *wipes tears* mY fReAkIn fEeLs *grips chest* mY hEaRtU iS aH mY hEaRt DXXXX sO bEaUtIfUl *claps**squeaks* bEaUtIfUl
Krisso #4
Chapter 1: Estoy de acuerdo, detesto que Jimin piense eso de si mismo, siempre pensado que es menos.
Quiero que vea lo increible y perfecto que es.
Literalmente fui un yoongi en esta historia xD no podia dejar de mirarlo en la presentación, fue tan magnifico.
Mi Jiminie es un verdadero ángel, deseo realmente que el mismo lo note y que todos se lo hagamos entender.
Me encanto tu fic :)