
Hotelroom - Yoongi - Suga

A/N: Ok so this is actually my first time trying to write... I am sorry for all the mistakes. 

But I hope you are going to like it as much as I like it. 



I couldnt get him out of my head. Last night I spend thinking about what he said: She is cute.

I wanted to get to know him, wanted to know all his secrets, his dreams and visions.

Standing in front of the refrigerator in the small supermarket, I tried to think what I should buy for food but I all I coukd do was  think of Yoongi, the stranger who lend me his jacket.

I decided to take some fruits, bread, cheese and tons of ramen.

On my way to the Hotel it started to rain and I  ran back. Seeing the elevator door closing I quickly said: "please hold the door." A hand came scooting out of it and hold onto the door, stopping it from closing in front of my nose. I got in and immediately gave thanks... to no other but Yoongi, the man who has been in my head the last 24 hours.

I felt embarrassed, my hair a mess and wet from the rain, and I wanted to get out of the elevator, but the door already closed.

"How lucky I am to meet you again!" The raspy voice from behind said. A bright pink rose on my cheeks. I turned around with a shy smile, still not saying anything. "I am Min Yoongi. I would also like to know your name, so I have a name to the beautiful face." I turned as red as a tomato.


"Thats a nice name." I didnt know what to say. So I stayed silence.

"Did you go buy some groceries?" He pointed to the bag I was holding onto. I nodded.

"So you are staying here for a while?"

I nodded again. "I am spending my vacation here. Its my first time in Daegu."

"Well has someone shown you around? To the river, downtown?"

"No. I guess I am going to figure it out by myself!?" I didnt want to tell Yoongi that I wasnt planning on going outside and that I rather spend my days indoors.

The elevator door opened and we stepped out. Yoongi letting me go first.

"Then I am going to do that. I grew up here. I will show you around!! I am the D-Boy"  With that he winked at me.

"Are you going to be ready in 30 min? I am going to pick you up."

It all went so fast I almost couldn't follow. I managed to nod, smile before he tipped onto his snapback and walked to his door.

I opened my door and got inside. Closing it and sliding down the door, my knees too weak to support me.

Did he ask me on a date? Was it just his kindness towards a tourist like me? Or did he actually wanted to spend time with me?

Eventually I got up, rushed in the bathroom to fix myself up. I applied a little bit of mascara and then made a run towards my closet. 

I chose my clothes and while I looked in the mirror one last time, I heard the soft knock on my door.

"Here we go" i said to myself and opened.
Yoongi well, he looked good. Better than good.
"Are you ready to discover the outside with me?"

"Of course I am!!"  We walked towards the elevator.
Inside he started to pull up a face-mask but I didnt say anything.

"Where are we going?"

"Thats a surprise! Just trust me. You will love it." He smirked down at me.

"But you dont know anything about me do you? How do you know I will like it? " I said humorously.

"Well we do have some time on the way. And the next few days to get to know each other. I would like to know everything about you. You seem to be a very interesting girl."


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