


(count word: 392)
Ship: yoonseok

Everytime hoseok was feeling down, yoongi was always the first one to notice.

He would sit beside him – sometimes for hours – and they wouldn't say anything for each other; But he would gently his hair, as a way of comforting, while giving his best smile. Sometimes, he would even try anything just to make hoseok smile back at him – and it includes to make stupid jokes or do dumb dances.

And even though he never once said he loved or like him, hoseok knew that was his way of saying it.

It was in the way his lips touched the younger's; or the way he would held hoseok tightly when he was feeling down or full of worries – even when most of the time hoseok tried really hard to hide it from the others members, but it never fooled him. Or, the most obvious one: through the way he looked at him.

Hoseok discovered he could understand all of his thoughts just by looking in his eyes.

For example, he would always look to the right when he was considering what to say. Or when he was really angry and hurt, he wouldn't say anything; instead, he would avoid completely eye-contact. To any cust.

Yoongi also would squint or go narrowing his eyes when he wanted to show disbelief – and to hoseok this was probably one of his favourites expressions of suga. It never failed to make hoseok smile instantely when he made these – funny – faces.

But to be honest, the one he loved the most was the way he smiled throught his eyes: it had some bright that always seemed to radiate interest or some amusement to the person he was speaking with. His eyes-smiles was probably the most guilty thing for making him fall in love with him. He loved the way yoongi could look at him, while smiling and looks like he was enjoying and listening attentively to every single word...

...even when it was something really stupid.

When they stared at each other eyes, it always would reveal so much. It was always so intense, so deep, so full of meaning.

Like he was always saying he would never let him go.

He really loved yoongi's eyes. It always told him everything he needed to know.

“... I love you too.”

He really didn't need words to know that.

Authors note:

This one is not quite a drabble; it started as one though, but I couldn't make it smaller... it just wouldn't make sense. Eyes is a side version to Verbal with hoseok's point of view. I think the next one I'll upload will be an oneshot with a different couple.
Anyway, thank you so much for the subscribes!
I know it is not good, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.

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hyun5saeng 392 streak #1
Chapter 1: Woww.. this is so sweet!!!!