chapter 1

hands of destiny

hands of destiny
Chapter 1
By: Tanya Medlock
    Twas the night before christmas and not a creature was stirring, except maybe one. A tiny little creature called a Sprite. This Sprite was un-named because he had no one to give him a name. He crept through the house quiet as a mouse. There in the corner he spied a tree all lit up and twinkling. Boxes stacked underneath all in a row nice and neat. By the tree he found a plate of coockies and a glass of milk, which he happily ate a crumb or two, because he was starving. Next he moved upstairs where he found a bedroom. In the bed was a very beautiful child , no more than ten. The child was sleepling so soundly he didn't know he was being watched. The sprite was so in awe of the child's beauty that he said to himself, i will never leave his side , he is mine.
    Day after day, night after night, year after year he watched the little boy known as Taemin. Then came the day that Taemin turned eighteen. He can finally show himself , he just has to wait for the party that taemin's parent's threw him to die down. They had invited the whole graduating class it seem's like.There were three people there that seemed famliliar to the sprite, but he didn't think much of it because he had been away from the magical lands for such a long time. Thier names were Jonghyun, Minho, and Key. He decided then and there to keep an eye on them through out the party. He didn't know if they were good or evil.
    The biggest present thst taemin's parents got him was an apartment of his own , close to school. The sprite decided to follow taemin to his new apartment and waited for him to get moved in then he decided to show himself. A few night's later,  just before Taemin was getting ready for bed he noticed a very beautiful man standing in the middle of his living room and he was very shocked and started screaming his head off, which woke up Jonghyun, Key and Minho next door. they came to see what was wrong and rushed the door in order to open it. when they got the door open they saw Taemin screaming his head off and the spite in the living room. First they go to  taemin and tell him you can stop screaming now. Taemin says but there's a strange man in my living room. So Key says he's not strange we've known him for years, the sprite look's confused and says I have, I dont remember you. Minho say's of course you don't remember us you've been gone so long .
    Jonghyun tells Taemin to sit down and I'll go get you a glass of water.  Key say's we have some thing's to tell you but I need to make sure your the one that can handle it. The sprite speaks up and says I know he is the one I've been watching him for year's. This is why i screamed this guy's a stalker, stay away from me and he starts crying.  Key goes to him and starts to comfort him. Minho start's to tell him that even though you've known us for year's we're not who you think we are . We are Sprite's. We couldn't tell you any sooner because we are a wanted race. There is very few of us left but we are not accepted in this world. We have these ring's that allow us to change forms  but we only can change once in a lifetime. We only use these ring's when we find our mates, so apparently this Sprite is your mate. Now we will leave since you are much calmer and we will let this Sprite explain to you, just listen to what he has to say.
    The beautiful sprite sat down next to Taemin and says, first of all can i get some clothes? It's quite chilly in here.Jjust then Taemin noticed that the Sprite is indeed very . Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't even realize and he rushes off in embarressment to find some clothes for the Sprite. Taemin come's back with some of his old clothes that he never wear's anymore. He say's here you go this is the best I got, they will probably be a little small on you cause your so much bigger than me. The Sprite say's ok and start's to put on he clothes. He heard Taemin gasp and turned around to find Taemin starring at him. It's ok I get that reaction alot the Sprite say's. Finally dressed the Sprite say's come sit over here by me and I'll explain some thing's, so Taemin very shyly sits down next to him with his hands over his eye's. You can look now I won't hurt you or anything just the oppisite I love you and  have for many year's.
    Ok the Sprite says now  that  that's out of the way we can get down to business. First off I have to have a name, only you can give me that because you are my mate. Whoa, hold on Taemin said how do you know I am your mate. Well us Sprites all have this inner intuition that tells us that our mate is nearby. When I found your house 8 years ago it wasn't by accident, it was because my inner senses told me that my mate was near by and i found you. Now that your old enough I can finally reveal myself. Oh ok so what should I call you said Taemin. Anything you want said the Sprite. then I will call you Lee Jinki.
    Now that I have a name why don't I tell you a little about myself. My name is Lee Jinki and I am 20 years old. I was that last known Sprite in the land known as the Fae Realm. I was waiting for my mate to become known to me. I have lived my whole life knowing I would have a human mate. so I waited in the Fae Realm as long as I could, but the Snorks would have caught me if I had't of left when I did.
     Whoa hold on, Taemin said. What are Snorks? How come I've never heard of them and why do they want to catch you? Ok, slow down and I'll tell you Jinki said first off Snorks are a race of mystical creatures that are made to do one thing; to eradicate  the Sprites. Thats why we came up with these rings and had to become mates with humans. They all but made us extinct. Now you've never heard of the Snorks and Sprites and many other creatures because over the centuries your race have forgotten all about us. The people you call your forefathers knew all about us and we lived peacefully together until the arrival of the Snorks. Then your forefathers decided that they will have no alligence with us and stopped communication. There is a sector of your goverment that still communicates with us and have helped us to hide on your planet.
    Any other questions Jinki said.  Ya a lot Taemin said, but I can't think of what to say first. Well this may help Jinki said some words that Taemin didnt understand and something tiny popped out of his ring. Again he said mor words that Taemin didn't recognize either and then there in his hands was a very large book. Taemin is in shock, he thinks as he rubs his eyes. Here Jinki said, while handing the book to Taemin, read this and write down your questions and then I'll answer them. I'll go stay with the other guys while your reading this. Ok Taemin said they are right next door on the right.
    Jinki slowly came towards Taemin and put his hands on his shoulders. He looked Taemin right into the eyes and said I know this is a lot to take in, take your time, in reading this and if you need anything I'll be right next door. He could see the curiosity and wonder fueling Taemins eyes so he gently placed a kiss on Taemin's forehead and stood to leave. Wait, Taemin said why did you do that, ya know kiss me?
Because you're mine, Jinki said.


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