
Please Stay

I was making my rounds to tell the boys dinner was done and Jin wanted them down stairs in twenty minutes, and since Hobie was closest I'd go to him.

When I knocked on the door J hope was on his bed a frown was on his face but as soon as he looked up, he smiled shaking the frown as quickly as came.

"Hey can I come in?" He nodded and I walked over to his bed sitting on the edge not sure if he was comfortable with me sitting on it fully.
"What's wrong Hobi." 
He sat up a little bit and rubbed his neck.
"There's nothing wrong, what makes you think that?" He was avoiding my glaze , Why?
I moved a little to actually face him looking in his Brown eyes.
 "Hobi I can tell when someone isn't telling me the truth." He looked down and sighed and showed me his phone. Thousands of messages were booming on his screen. Message after message


After reading just three messages I couldn't handle it anymore it hurt seeing that he would receive something so awful, but evey since I found out that they were in a band I was excited for them. I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes and told him what needed to be said.

  "Jung Hoseok, you are no where near ugly. I felt amazed how can someone dance as amazing as you? you're crazy, loud, Funny, super attractive, you're getting all the ladies,and if these people have put you down for doing your job then your doing what your supposed to. Its not pleasant for them to say stuff like that, but there are somethings we have to brush off. And as for leaving BTS that's not going to happen, I as one of your fans won't allow it, your what keeps the band going every single day. Please understand the boys completely adore you and let me tell you I don't ever want you to question whether or not if your good enough to be in BANGTAN or think we don't love you. Cause we love you to the point where it hurts." I shook my head trying not to cry at a moment like this.
"You get hurt so easily and that pains me to see. Can you honestly tell me what other artist wrote his mother a song? Tell me who can dance like you, who can write sick lyrics, tell me who can make the group smile when they don't want to." I pointed at him.

"It's you, your such a lovely person. You have such a big heart and want nothing but some love and respect but there's already so many people that do that for you, no questions asked. And as for those who keep putting you down, I'm sorry to say but those people aren't fans, I remember in one article that V asked us fans to love you all equally. So don't feel like you're obligated to leave the band because your doing what you're supposed to."I hugged him tight 
He had tears in his eyes 
"Thank you Daylin I needed to hear that." I nodded and smiled like I did something good for a change. I hugged him one last time and walked out of the room but before I could leave 
"Hey Daylin."
I looked at him 
"You think I'm attractive." He smirked. My jaw dropped did he not listen to a word I said 
I nodded "Very much so and I'll keep reminding you until you believe it yourself." 
I walked out of the room and 
bumped into Suga
"Hey Lin, thanks for that It means a lot to all of us." I looked at him 
"Of course he needs to get that though his thick skull and realize He's apart of BTS. There are so many people that love him, all of you guys are loved and adored never forget that. I know its harder said then done, but I don't want you guys to every feel insecure, you guys worked to hard for you to quit now."

I walked away to my room crying silently, I couldn't understand why people didn't like Hobi, he's such a amazing person. Can't we just love him equally?

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Rinahopie1994 #1
Chapter 1: Thank you for writing this . I believe it's not hoseok who has a thick skull but some of the immature fans who only loves certain members in the gp