What Happened to Us?

Love You Still

SM Entertainment announces a 10th anniversary comeback for their girl group that has been on hiatus for 3 years.

"Tiffany" taeyeon anxiously closed the door as the girl walks in to their old dorm.

The taller hums smiling
"Nothing has changed here" she walks around the house before sitting beside the leader on the living room. They sat there quietly for a minute.

"it's been a long time" Tiffany broke the silence

"Uh.. yeah" Taeyeon smiles, not much of a talker herself.. she's mentally wishing the other members change their minds and come back to the dorm tonight. Much to her dismay, they wont. It would be just the two of them for the next two days.

"what happened to us?" Tiffany asks looking at the floor. Both doesn't have the courage to look at each other.

3 years ago the group decided for a break. They managed to establish their own name through their solo careers. Even when everyone left the dorm they constantly contact each other and try to meet up once in a while.
Tiffany and Taeyeon managed to sneak out and have their mini dates for a year but the communication slowed down when tiffany flew back to her hometown for her US scheds. Then they stopped.

Looking back at the memory lane. They built a strong friendship during their trainee days and grew their relationship more when they debuted in a group

'The unbreakable couple' as their co-members call them.

But what really happened? There were questions still left unanswered. Who gave up? Is the love gone?

Taeyeon can't utter a word knowing that she's not sure of the reason as well. She stayed silent.

The silence broke again when tiffany let out a grunt
"Ugh. Fine! don't talk! You're still the same!" Tiffany storms to her room. The leader was about to follow her but a door bell called her attention.

"Pani-ah~.. Pizza's here" Taeyeon said after knocking on the bedroom door twice,
The door opened with tiffany already changed to her PJs. She glared at taeyeon for a second before walking pass her to get herself some pizza.

Taeyeon smiled. Knowing that for tiffany, Everything gets better with food.

They started cleaning up with the television's sound the only noise that emits in the room, Washing the dishes side by side. Tiffany seems to be in a better mood now, even when they're still not on speaking term.

Tiffany browsing for a good movie on the list while taeyeon prepares Chips and two bottled beer from the fridge.

They sat there both on the opposite side of the couch.

Tiffany glancing at taeyeon, she slowly moved closer to rest her head on the leader's shoulder.

She knew she had to make the first move. Taeyeon mostly doesn't initiate skinship but she responds well.

Taeyeon stretches her arm allowing the girl to move closer as she rests her arms around tiffany's shoulder.

She smiled triumphantly as she rests the side of her head against the nook of taeyeon's neck.

It's like they're back from those good old days when they just hang out quietly snuggling each other.

Tiffany's unanswered question awhile ago flashes back to her memory.

"Taetae.. what happened to us?" She asked again, hopeful that this time she might receive a proper answer.

She sighed when again.. There's no response from the girl.

Seconds later, Taeyeon shifted her body to face her.

"Pani-ah~" she stared lovingly at tiffany's eyes.

"Instead of finding out an answer for that.. don't you think it's better for us to pick up where we left off?"

Tiffany's eyes slowly turned to a crescent shape. She liked the suggestion.

"Uh.. taetae" She said happily before trapping taeyeon with her hug.

"I love you pani, I never stopped loving you" Taeyeon finally confessed

Tiffany planted a kiss on taeyeon's cheek then her lips

"I love you too taetae"

Taeyeon smiles and closes the gap between their lips again. Kissing her deeply.



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maemae08 #1
Chapter 1: Waaahhh i love itttt. More pleaseeeee
Chapter 2: thank you authornim.. i miss this kind of story of taeny.. i mean the story its like a real thing..