Meeting Donghae

He's Our Son....Right?


After dropping Jayden off at school, and Donghae at the SM Ent. Office, I drove home and decided to relax. Taking care of two children is really tough. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch to watch TV. I think I’ll take a nap. But as I was starting to relax, my brain decided to take a trip down memory lane, back to the events that led up to me meeting Donghae, and eventually having Jayden.


6 Years Ago


“Oppa, where are we going?” I asked. He was dragging me through the SM Entertainment building, like literally dragging me.

“I’m going to introduce you to the hyungs. I know you just came back from America and don’t know a lot about Korean music, but tell us what you think about our song.” He sounded really excited. I guess he couldn’t wait to embarrass his noona in front of his hyungs -_- evil dongsaeng.


We walked a little more down the hallway, and finally got to the door he was looking for.

“Ok noona, this is our practice room, but whatever you do, don’t do anything to embarrass me arasso?” I rolled my eyes.


“Yah, evil dongsaeng, you probably already embarrassed yourself; you wouldn’t need me to do that for you.” He stuck his tongue out at me, and opened the door.


“HYUNG!!!!!” He called out so loudly it blew my eardrums out. “Eh? Where is everyone?”

I walked into the room, and stood next to him. It was a huge room, and at one end, there was some sky wallpaper with all these clouds on it. But there was one thing wrong with it, there was only one other person in the room practicing.


“Hyung, where are the others?” Kyuhyun asked the guy. Man, he was cute. He had these adorable eyes, and muscly arms. He wore a whit wife-beater and grey sweatpants.

“Oh, manager hyung gave us the day off, but I wanted to practice a little more.” He answered Kyuhyun. He took a quick glance at me when he thought I wasn’t looking though, which I found very odd. Kyuhyun smiled that big evil grin of his. “Really? Well then…..hyung can you take care of my noona for me? I’m gonna go home and play starcraft….I study for school….hehe BYE!” And he bolted out the door.


“Yah, world’s worst dongsaeng, why are you leaving me here alone?” I yelled after him, but if he heard me, he didn’t respond. I turned back to Kyuhyun’s hyung.

"I'm sorry if my dongsaeng is a bother to you. My name is Cho Miyoung." I was going to shake his hand, but then remembered in Korea you're supposed to bow.


He smiled, "My name is Lee Donghae, one of the lead dancers of Super Junior. Don't worry, Kyuhyun is a pretty good kid, but sometimes he gets too addicted to playing Starcraft." He laughed, of course Kyuhyun would be addicted to stuff like that, he was always a geek. "So let's give you a tour of the whole SM building. It might get a little boring though, there's nothing special about this place."


2 Hours Later

"Ok, so here's the cafeteria." We walked into the place filled with trainees eating at tables, there seemed to be hundreds of them. I wonder how many of them would actually be able to debut some day.


"Hyung!" A boy called out, he was about Kyuhyun's age and had really chubby cheeks, almost like a human mochi.


"Oh, Henry-ah, how's your training going?" Donghae asked. They seemed to be really close for a sunbae and hoobae.


"It's actually really fun! But it's so tiring," he pouted. I could hear a slight accent in his speech. "Hyung, why is Korean so hard to learn?" He pouted. Donghae just gave a small smile, "Miyoung, Henry here is from Canada, he's really talented." He turned back to Henry. "I'm giving Miyoung a tour, maybe I'll see you later k?"


"Ok hyung, see ya later!" He bowed, and went back to his friends to eat his lunch.


"Miyoung, I'll buy you lunch ok? The food here is ok, but it beats a lot of restaurants out there." I held back a giggle, he sounded so serious when he said that. While he went to get the food, I sat down at a table and waited for him to come back. It was full with all kinds of good food, although I didn't know what most of them were called, he brought back a LOT of kimchi.


"KIMCHI!!!" I screamed so hard, I think I blew out his eardrums. "Oh mianhae, it's just that, kimchi is like my FAVORITE food." He just laughed at me, and we started eating. Although we didn't talk much during lunch, it was a pretty comfortable silence.


"Ohhhh, oppa, I'm SOOOO full!" I leaned back in my chair and sighed. Man, I usually don't eat this much, but the food was AMAZING. I don't get why he said it was okay. This time, he wasn't successful in holding in his laughter, and started laughing super evilly at me.


"What?" I pouted at him. Hey, I can do pretty good aegyo if I feel like it.


"Nothing, just....why did you call me oppa? I thought Kyu said you were older than me."


"I like calling people oppa cause noona makes me feel old. SO if you call me noona, you're so dead." I stuck my tongue out at him and stood up. "So, are we going to continue this tour or what?" Without waiting for an answer, I just walked out. I could hear him running after me though. This was fun.


When he caught up to me, we walked back to the SuJu practice room I met him in. He showed me some more dances, and he sang some songs for me too. He had a really nice voice, and was super light on his feet, although his English could use some work kekeke.


"Wow, that was good," He just finished singing Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely. What was weird was that, the whole time, he was looking at me, right in the eyes. He had this really intense stare too, which kinda freaked me out.


"Miyoung-ah.....I have a question...." He looked down at his shoes. What's wrong with him? We spent the whole day together and he STILL feels awkward?


"What is it oppa?" Seriously, they way he didn't look up was freaking me out, he didnt seem like the kind of person that got shy easily.


"Ummm......I was curious.....I mean, I was wondering if you would...." He mumbled that last part to the ground, and I couldn't even hear him.


"Hae, I couldn't hear that, can you say it again?"


"Do you wanna......" He said again, but it was still uncomprehendable.


"Yah, Lee Donghae, if you're gonna say something, then say it already." I got really annoyed, and when I get annoyed, I usually start acting like a mom. He laughed at me, and he seemed slightly less nervous, then he said it really fast.


"Do you wanna have dinner with me tomorrow night?"


So HAI GAIZ xD yeah, I feel like there was a lot of fluff in this chapter, and I at writing....and yeah, I didn't really like this chapter.....and this was SUPPOSED to be up on Kyu's bday, but skool got in the way so.....yeah Happy Belated Birthday Super Junior's evil maknae!! *throws confetti* *sets off firecrackers* 


Yeah.....ok then.....anyways, comment, and if you like this story, please subscribe thanks ^^ see you guys in like, 2, 3 weeks? I'll try to update soon, k thanks bye!

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Kisskiss4ever #1
So cute
Long chappies! hehe!
Very few updates but SUPER long chapters, of course!! <br />
<br />
Update soon~!! ^^
~~!!<br />
XD Good luck Unnie! Fighting~
anything would be fine :) try your best! im sure we'll love it! do update it soon! hwaiting!
Semi-.... I still don't want to ruin my "innocent" mind too much..
Kisskiss4ever #7