SCENE 1 (GDragon)

A guy in formal outfit standing in an open field suddenly turned his back as he heard an unfamiliar melody which captured his attention. The melody captivated him. He started to walk trying to figure out the place where that melody came from. He reached a staircase. He gripped his hands onto the railings of the staircase. He slowly took a few steps up the staircase. The melody gets louder and louder every time he creates a step up the stairs, an indication that he’s getting closer and closer to origin of the melody. He stopped.  (camera goes down focuses on his black shoes.)

SCENE 2 (Seungri)

(camera starts from the shoes up to his face) An optimistic expression was seen on the guy’s face. He has a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He’s wearing his school uniform. He has small eyes which almost disappeared because of his ear-to-ear smile that time. He quickly went up the stairs. A girl also in school uniform was waiting for him. The girl faced him with a blank expression. The guy hugged the girl like is his last day on earth. The girl removed the guy’s arms that was on her shoulder and let go of the hug. She took the necklace she was wearing off her neck. She opened the guy’s palm and placed the necklace there. She walked straight and passed the guy after that. The guy stopped the girl from leaving by grabbing her arms. He made her face him. He tried to give the bouquet of flowers but the girl refused. He tried to confront the girl and ask what’s happening but the girl answered in silence. The guy was already in tears. The girl let go of the guy’s grip and continued walking away. The guy was left crying and clueless of what just happened.

SCENE 3 (Taeyang)

He went to the girl’s house forcing her to talk to him. The girl still remained in silence.  The guy was already in his knees begging for the girl to speak and explain everything but he failed. He started shouting.(Taeyang’s “HEY!!”) The girl’s brother, also the guy’s best friend, went out to stop the commotion. He ordered his sister to go inside the house. The guy thought he found an ally on his best friend’s presence but he was wrong. A strong punch landed on his face. He fell to the ground. He wiped the blood on his lips. He looked at his best friend with a what-the-hell-is-that-for look. His eyes were full of questions as for what is truly happening and his best friend knows that. Just like his sister he stayed in deep silence. The guy’s best friend looked at him with confused eyes. As if he’s trying hard to look angry but he’s not. He’s just someone who doesn’t have a choice but to do what he did. His best friend went in. The guy walked away weakly.



The guy reached home crying. He rested his back on the wall. The flows of his tears were beyond his control then he shouted angrily. He flipped the table on his bedside which made all the picture frames scatter on the floor. Some were broken but one frame remained in good condition. He picked it up and sat on his bed. He hugged the picture frame crying. (camera zooms in)


(camera zooms out. ) The guy was sitting on the sidewalk hugging a bottle of liquor. He lifted his head up just enough to have another gulp of the liquor. He stands up still drinking his liquor. He’s waving the bottle of drink as laughs, cries and sings like a crazy man on the road.  He walks in crisscross just like a drunk man. He loses his balance and tripped. Just before his face lands on the road an arm caught him.

SCENE 6 (Seungri)

A group of men surrounded him. One of them caught him before he lands on the road. They were his friends. They helped him stand up.  They try to take the bottle away but he refused violently. He tried to punch one of the men but he failed and fell on the ground. They try to help him again but he refused. He stood on his own. He wiped the tears on his eyes. He walked away leaving his friends behind. One of them tried to follow him but someone stopped him, the guy’s best friend. He shook his head. They just looked at the guy walking away.

SCENE 7 (Daesung)

The guy was walking alone again and crying. He threw the bottle randomly. He shouted angrily as if he doesn’t care who’s going to hear him. He fell on his knees then lied flat on the floor.

SCENE 8 (GDragon & Taeyang)

(Second Chorus)

The girl was lying flat on his bed crying. A paper that says about his medical condition was in her hands. He heard a familiar voice from outside and he went there quickly. The guy threw questions at her. But she did not answer a single one. She can’t even if she wants to. Her brother came and ordered her to go inside. She went in but she managed to peek through the window. She cupped her face as soon as she sees how her brother punched the guy, his best friend. She tries hard hide the noise of her crying. It’s her fault. Her brother went in. She grabbed his arms but her brother violently refused and looked at her angrily but with tears continuously flowing on his cheeks. Her brother went up the stairs and to his room. He does not want to do that especially to his best friend but he has to. It’s for his sister. The girl as well doesn’t any of these things to happen but on her belief it has to be like this. It’s for the guy.  She cried as she watched the guy walk away through the window.

SCENE 9 (Taeyang)

The whole group was in the hospital while the girl in the emergency room on a 50/50 condition. One of them tries to convince the brother of the girl to tell the truth to the guy but he refuses for it is her sister’s only wish. The whole group was already convincing him. He looked at his sister just nearby. He took his phone and called the guy.

SCENE 10 (Daesung & Seungri)

The guy received the call and knew everything. He hangs up and ran as fast as he could. Every second is precious for him at the moment. Every moment can be the girl’s last. He stopped. (camera zooms in to his face)


SCENE 11 (GDragon & Taeyang)


(GDragon’s part)  (camera zooms out; his outfit the same with Scene 1) His face was in complete shock to see who’s playing the melody on the piano. (Taeyang’s part)  (focuses on the girl’s face)  the girl smiled and stood. She’s in a complete white dress. The guy run and hugged the girl. He hugged her as if it was his last day on earth. The girl just smiled at him. They were both happy that time. They would exchange everything in their lives just to stay in that moment. They were both smiling.


The guy placed the girl’s hands on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around the girl’s waist. They started dancing slowly. It was so slow that every single beat of the song was felt, every single note was heard and every second of that moment was conserved as if it will drain any moment. The girl let go and started walking away. When she was about to go down the stairs she took her one last look at the handsome guy in formal outfit standing just nearby.  Just like every song, their dance ended. She wants to stay a little longer but she can’t. She smiled. (focuses on the girl’s face) (back to the hospital) The girl was lying in a hospital bed. The girl smiled just before she finally closes her eyes.














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