Sunny jumps from her bed clutching her phone cackling

“Holy ing ” she says while laughing. She keeps scrolling, when she sees another set of photos, she laugh some more and immediately starts texting to the person

“Hey what the heck are u doing in those photos” a second later a messages arrives

“Idk what you are talking about :P”

“Why are you acting like a “thirsty boy in Tinder”?

INMEDIALTY her phone rings, she answers and the first thing she hears is laughter and then “what do you mean thirsty? I AM JUST SHOWING OFF MY PROGRESS IN THE GYM!!

“Right and I am pure innocence, who are you trying to impress?”

Taeyeon scoffs “I don’t know what you are talking about”

“Really, so it has nothing to do with that girl you you’ve been seeing the past month?

“pffftt…What?.. hah I am offended you are accusing me of being desperate?“

“Taeyeon not even you believe that”

“Leave me woman!, I don’t say anything when you post those cringe dance videos”

“Nah ah, you aren’t turning this about me

“I am not doing anything, I am… loving myself, appreciating my body

“Really for the whole internet to see?”


“Ha! So it’s for someone’s appreciation in particular?”

 The line stays silent for a few seconds until sunny speaks again

“woah, you must really like this girl”

“What I do not… you know what, I am hanging up, I’ll talk to you later”

Before the line is cut off sunny screams while laughing “you aren’t fooling anyone”

And just like that the phone call was over, sunny put her phone down and left it there “that was enough internet for today”  





“SooYoung pass me the chips please!“ Tiffany begs her friend whom is being hoarding the bowl since she arrived. She scrolls through her feed wanting to show something she saw right before SooYoung arrived, when she suddenly stops

“Oh my god!!!!”

Tiffany almost chokes. She quickly tries to leave the site but SooYoung sees the open tab and immediately laughs

“Holy cannoli, Isn’t this the girl you are sleeping with?”

Tiffany eyes widen and her voice comes out higher than usual “we are not sleeping together!”

“Right… “, she says unconvinced “wow I didn’t know you were into pictures like this”  

“I am not! They just appeared!“

SooYoung ignores Tiffany’s embarrassed protest and looks at the screen closer “Oh wow Taeyeon, seems a very interesting person all of a sudden”

“Shut up, don’t say that” she pushes her friend

“Uuh getting touchy are we”

There on the damn tab is the girl she’s being going out with for the past month in the most cringe pictures she can think off, because really pictures of one showing off your nonexistent abs can only be described as that, and still…

 “Damn you Kim Taeyeon” she mutters and SooYoung snickers even more letting the bowl of chips fall to the floor


Taeyeon looks at the pictures she’s taking when she gets another notification message

“T-Hwang liked your picture”

“T-Hwang liked you picture”

“T-Hwang liked you picture”





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tipco09 #1
Chapter 1: It worked!
Chapter 1: Aww Tae is working hard to impress her Fany :)
OMG, THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!! Absolutely perfect! xD I've been thinking about this ever since I saw Taeyeon flashing her "non-existent" abs on Instagram. Lmao