Chapter 3

Different // Exo Fanfiction


I turned to mister Kwon and he smiled at me and said " i see you made a friend" i nodded and said "i sit next to him he is really nice though" i got into the car and we headed home when we got to the forest i asked mister Kwon "Mister Kwon am i allowed to go explore the forest today in my wolf form maybe i will be careful he nodded and said " you may there is another pack in the area but we don't fight or anything and they know that there will be a new wolf in the area so they won't do anything to you so feel free to go" i smiled and said "thank you once we get home i will do homework and eat then go explore i would be home before dinner" we got home and i changed out of my uniform and did my homework whilst eating the food mister Kwon made for me

Once done with everything i said goodbye to mister Kwon and Ran to the forest once in the forest i shifted into my wolf form and started walking around when i heard other wolves i went closer but i kept myself hidden in the dark that's when i got a big shock there was a big black wolf on the cliff i thought to myself this must be the pack mister Kwon was talking about but funny enough it was only one wolf there was no pack as i was taking a step i heard a crunch under my paw and i looked down then all of a sudden the big black wolf came running to me growling eish this is not what i wanted

I started running and running and the wolf was chasing me i really hope that other wolf pack is in the forest now i kinda need them badly right now i tripped over a tree root and the black wolf was right in front of me when i got up i took a deep breath when all of a sudden i heard a loud howl.


I heard the wolf howl it was the wolf that always came to our and the Lee's territory to mess stuff up i was hiding in the forest well not really hiding i went hunting with Kai and Tao when i heard the howl i went closer and i saw something or someone i've never seen before it was a purple wolf which was kind of weird then when the wolf stepped back it stepped on a twig which crunched under its paw the lone wolf looked at the purple wolf and started chasing it then i realized that miss Lee's granddaughter would be coming to stay with her that must be her oh no this is not good

I ran to our house in the forest as fast as i could and when i saw chanyeol i told him what was going on the lone wolf chasing the girl and he started running i told the other 10 and we all headed out we tracked the wolves and we got there just in time



I saw Sehun running really really fast i ran to him and he told me about the lone wolf chasing miss lee's granddaughter i ran as fast as i could and the others joined once they heard we got there just in time she tripped over a root of a tree and when she got up the wolf had her cornered i let out a big howl and so did the others when the black wolf looked up Xiumin shouted at her to run and so she did she was really fast and she sure was beautiful wow i was dazed for a minute or so when i came back to reality the black wolf was gone.

I looked back to the direction the girl ran off to i wanted to know who she was but i felt like i would meet her again so i let it go and me and my pack headed back to our home.


When i looked up i saw 12 wolves this must be the pack mister Kwon was talking about when the big black wolf in front of the pack howled they all howled which drew the wolf that was chasing me's attention when he looked up one of the wolves shouted at me to run i didn't hesitate i ran as fast as i ever could when i got to the end of the forest before i got to my house i changed back to a human and caught my breath and calmed down i didn't want mister Kwon to worry about this once calm i headed to the house i told mister Know i was back and went to wash up mister Kwon called me down for dinner and asked me about today i told him everything except the big black wolf and the other pack

He then told me "i forgot to tell you there i a wolf that sometimes comes into the area he only makes trouble he is really big and he is black be careful of him okay" i thought to myself welp to late to tell me that now i nodded after diner i helped clean and went to my room every time i close my eyes i saw the black wolf who saved me i wish i knew who he was so i could thank him and his pack i laid back on my bed in thought and slowly started drifting off to a deep sleep

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Kdrama1994 #1
Chapter 10: Please chapter 11 please .