Chapter 2

Different // Exo Fanfiction


The next morning i was woken by Mister Kwon he told me to come down for breakfast and then wash up and get ready for school i nodded and got out of bed i went down to the dining room and i smelt pancakes oh how wonderful it smelled i smiled and sat down and ate my breakfast i went to my grandmothers room to tell her good morning today she looked even worse than yesterday

I took a deep breath and went and took a shower when i got to my room a saw my school uniform laying on my bed it was a black skirt with a double white stripe at the end of the skirt with a white blouse and black tie and black knee high shocks and a white pullover i got dressed and did a side braid with my purple hair it was quite long so it took sometime

After i was done getting ready for school i headed down Mister Kwon gave me a backpack which had all my needed books in i smiled at him and he said "Well let's get you to school we don't want to be late now do we" i nodded and went out to the car mister Kwon drove on the road going through the forest i looked at the forest i promised myself that i will go explore it later it looked so beautiful once we got to school nerves started to hit me

I think mister Kwon realized it because he said "breath miss we don't want you to get uncomfortable it could not turn out well" i nodded and took a deep breath we headed to the office where a lady was waiting for us it was the principle and another teacher when the principle saw us she smiled and greeted "hello you must be Hye Su welcome to South high school please follow me and miss Kim here to my office"

So i did as i was told mister Kwon accompanied us once in the office the principle said "this is miss Kim she is your homeroom teacher and she is also a wolf i arranged it like this for when you feel uncomfortable miss Kim would understand if you ever need any help feel free to come to us okay?" i nodded smiled and said "thank you very much miss i appreciate it" she smiled at me and miss Kim then said "here is your schedule and you can follow me to your homeroom class" i nodded and got up mister Kwon handed me my backpack i hugged him goodbye and he wished me luck on my first day

I followed miss Kim and we chatted she asked me where i was from and my story i didn't hesitate to tell her seeing that she would be helping me in school i also told her about my problem when i start feeling uncomfortable she understood she also then told me that she will be giving us most of our classes so if i ever feel uncomfortable i could just raise my hand and she will excuse me immediately i thanked her for this she was really nice to me i smiled when we got to the class she told me to wait outside she will call me in i nodded and waited outside i heard her speak to the class.

"okay class today we have a new classmate i want you to go easy on her she went through a lot before she came here so treat her nicely okay Hye su you can come in now" when i heard her call me i stepped into the class all eyes were on me i took deep breaths i looked at miss Kim she then said "Hye Su please introduce yourself to your classmates" i nodded and turned to the class and said "hello I'm Lee Hye Su please take care of me" they all introduced themselves miss Kim then looked around class and saw a open seat next to a really tall boy with black hair she looked at me and smiled and said "Hye Su you can go sit there next to Chanyeol he is quite friendly so he would help you and remember what i told you on our way here okay" i nodded and she then said "chanyeol please raise your hand" so he did and i made my way to him when i sat next to him he said "hello i'm Park Chanyeol 18 years old and you are?"

I took a deep breath and said "hello nice to meet you I'm Lee Hye Su 18 years old" he gave me a big smile i smiled back and turned to the front of the class okay maybe i won't be that bad after homeroom we had study hall that's when everything i didn't want to happen happened the loud noise of my classmates made me nervous it's been a while since i was in a crowed i get nervous in crowds i did my best to cope with it thank goodness miss Kim saw i was trying not to freak out i kept looking down she immediately realized why i didn't raise my hand to leave because it was all ready to late.

She came to me quickly and said "uhhh Hyu Su they said you must go to the office for some uh paperwork Mister Kwon didn't know what to fill in at some of the places i'll accompany you okay Chanyeol you are in charge of the class okay keep them calm" he said to her he would and she helped me out of the class as fast as possible she took me to a big room and locked the door and just in time as well because all of a sudden i shifted to my wolf form oh i forgot to mention if i get uncomfortable my eyes go purple if i don't get out quick enough and it gets worse i change into a wolf wonderful right...after a while i shifted back to my human form luckily when we shift we don't lose our clothes thank goodness once i was completely calm me and miss Kim headed back to the class the class was really quite now i went and sat next to Chanyeol i smiled at him as i went to sit he then said "are you okay i know it wasn't for papers you had to go the office" i nodded and said "i have a bit of anxiety so if it gets loud or crowded i start to freak out and miss Kim knows this that's why she came to the rescue" i smiled at me and said "you should've said something i could've helped quite the class down they all listen to me so next time say something okay" i nodded and smiled at him

After study hall we had history then we had recess and then we had math English and Korean we had a lunch break and then we had a Dance class which i guess my grandmother signed me up for knowing that i like dance and then we had science and the day finally ended Mister Kwon waited for me at the front gate Chanyeol accompanied me to the car i said my goodbyes and he walked to his friends and they all left...

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Kdrama1994 #1
Chapter 10: Please chapter 11 please .