Chapter 2

Letting Go

Sighing into the phone I lean back into my seat staring at Daesung on the stage in disbelief and amusement, 'of course he would do something like this in the middle of his concert'.

"Daeri-kun, what are you doing." I whisper harshly into the phone trying not to draw too much attention to myself, "You should be performing!" I continue in a hushed voice.

I hear him huff through the phone as he starts to talk, "Can you cheer for me? Please? Pretty please?" I hear him plead into the phone playfully. He knows how I don't like drawing attention myself. I am a lurker and as a dedicated lurker, I have vowed to never be in the spotlight. I get too nervous and my face goes cherry red, and my voice starts to shake as my leg violently twitches beside me. Just thinking about this is making me anxious and I know that Daesung knows this as well. And although I know he isn't doing this to hurt me, he just likes to make me uncomfortable, they all do.


Sighing dramatically on the phone I hang up on him immediately, I can feel my heart racing as I slowly rise from my seat my light stick in my hand... Looking around me I can still only hear the complaints of the fans who are disappointed about Daesung.  My gaze moves to Daesung who is standing on the stage. I know that he can't see me, but I also know that he is waiting. Swallowing the big lump in my throat I bend my head so they can't see my face. Even though they wouldn't be able to with my face mask and hat. I scream as loud as I can, Jumping up and down and cheering for Daesung. And not even a second later everyone around me is screaming and getting pumped as well.


After cheering, I sit back down quietly and look towards Daesung to see him singing Look at me Gwi-sun. I finally breathe properly, my heart no longer racing. I don't know why he did that. He knew that there were fans cheering for him. Even though it sounded a bit quiet in the stadium even I could hear the cheers of fans from around me. It must be harder to hear them from all the way up here.

I go to put my phone back into my pocket when all of a sudden its slapped out of my hand. I stare at my now empty hand in disbelief... 'what the freak!' looking up my eyes meet light brown eyes who are staring at me in annoyance, disgust.... and is that pride? 'Who the freak does this little girl think she is?' Freak! The only day I choose to forget my phone case is the day some obnoxious little brat decides to hit out of my hand.' My eyes move from my phone to the girl at least several times before I finally ask what the freak she is doing.

"What are you doing? Why did you do that?" I try to reign in the anger my voice calm. I watch as the girl looks at me in mock surprise as she brings her hands up tp in mock surprise.

"Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed, " I'm sorry it was an accident! I swear!" I stare at her in disbelief as I process the words that just came out of .... 'An accident? She's literally in the row behind me, the only way she could've hit my phone out of my hand is if she reached forward and whacked it out of my hand... her foot I would have believed but not her freaking hand'  I continue to stare at her in silence, I didn't notice that she had moved and was now standing in front of me. As it wouldn't be too hard to reach me as I'm one seat on the edge of the row. I continue to stare at her hopefully starting to make her feel uncomfortable. 

Breathing in deeply, I just nod at her and reach for my phone. I don't feel like arguing right now so I'll just hope for the best and pray it is not broken. As my hand nears the phone all of a sudden I see a shoe come down and stomp on my phone. Hard. I clench my fist in anger as I lift my head to stare at the same girl who smiles at me mockingly before gasping dramatically. 

"Oh my gosh! I did it again! I've been so clumsy today. I am really sorry." I can hear the insincerity in her voice which only angers me. But I won't make a scene. I won't bring myself down to level. So instead I lift my head and look at her from under my cap and smile as brightly as I can. Although she won't be able to see it because of the face mask.

"No problem!" I say cheerily with a polite smile although my eyes glare into her eyes coldly. I see her flinch a little from gaze as she can now see my dark brown eyes that I know will now look black under the shadow of my hat, "I understand," I continue while trying to get on my knees to collect the pieces of my now completely broken phone. "I know the feeling, I'm clumsy all the ti-" My voice gets cut off as I accidentally stumble forward stumbling into her causing to stumble backwards. She manages to find her balance whereas my hands decide to land in the broken pieces of glass that came from my phone. I sigh in annoyance.. 'great, just great. Today really is my day isn't it.' 

Looking up I smile apologetically, "sorry, I didn't mean to..." I say nervously. "As I was saying I am a clumsy person and today just doesn't seem to be my day" As I finish picking up the rest of the pieces from my phone I see blood starting to form on my hands from the glass. 'Great just what I need right now'  Breathing a breath of annoyance I stand up and bow apologetically to everyone around me and make my way out of the stadium silently. I hear the protest of a few fans who had obviously seen everything. But I just ignore them and move still holding the pieces in my hand. I don't want to worry anyone as I can feel the blood rolling down my arm.

'What a great day this has been.. truly a great day'

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I wonder who the pairs is..i see bts and bigbang tag..n min hyorin too..cannot wait for the stories outcome..hwaiting~~
J-Horse_ #2
I can't wait until the next chapter comes out! Keep up the good work