I'm sorry (author note)

"Just bad" {block b zico FF}

hi everyone it's mia! 

how it's been? Well sorry for not updating I have been doing some stuff so my health is not doing well at the moment and I may not be able to get on anymore I'm getting homeschool soon because of my health I don't know yet I going to the doctor soon and they are gonna tell me how my health is I also been having a hard time and been pushing away the fanfics I ended the woozi fanfic because I just wanted it to end and start on the zico one I had a bambam one up but deleted I didn't have good ideas for it -.- so today I will upload a new chapter for this there will be 1 up today 2 up tomorrow the 2nd one that I'll be upload will be the ending so tomorrow I end this fanfic and start on my hoshi fanfic I have a good idea for the hoshi fanfic I was gonna make it a sad fanfic but then I was like nope let's start it off sad then get a bit happy and dancing uncorins xD okay so I will upload when I can I can't promise anything my health isn't doing well :(( okie bye


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"troubled boy"