A Separation

He is Love

Leo just thought that this day can’t get any worse.

But… you can’t just predict what will happen.

And Leo certainly didn’t expect to wake up to a sick Lucas.

When he woke up and saw Lucas scrunching his forehead and let out incoherent sounds, Leo thought that Lucas was just having a bad dream.

He kisses Lucas’ forehead, hoping that would ease him. But to his surprise, Lucas’ unusual temperature warms his lips.

Lucas is having a fever.

The only thing that’s been running in Leo’s head now is how he supposed to leave Lucas in this circumstance.

Heck, Lucas doesn’t even know about he’s leaving, yet.


After taking bath, Leo packs his luggage. Want or not, he will have to go to Korea today.

Done with his packing, Leo decided to cook porridge for Lucas.

He must make sure that Lucas eat and take medicine. Otherwise, it’ll be so much harder for him to leave.

Leo is still stirring the porridge when he heard Lucas’ weak voice.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“Yao Wang.” Leo called out when he turn around to look at Lucas.

“Why did you get up from the bed? You should just lay down.”

Leo offs the fire on the stove and closes the lid of the pot.

He comes closer to his boyfriend. He checks Lucas’ temperature with his back of hand on Lucas’ forehead.

Lucas is still hot due to the fever. That’s hurt Leo’s heart.

“I saw luggage and bags that’s already packed in your room. Are you going anywhere?”

Lucas is happen to see it when he search for Leo as soon as he wake up without Leo beside him.

“Come, let’s lay on the bed first okay?”

“It’s true, right? Where? Korea? No, no way.  Your schedule there is supposed to be next week.”

When it seems that Lucas is troubled by the fact that he is going, Leo hugs him softly.

Lucas is sick and he is not supposed to be stress by that matter.

“Let’s sit first and then talk about this. I’ll tell you.”

Leo releases the hug and lead Lucas back to his bedroom. They end up just sitting on the bed since Lucas refuses to lie down.

Lucas has a serious look on his face while waiting for Leo’s explanation.

Leo takes a breath in and out before open his mouth to talk.

“Okay. As you know, I supposed to go to Korea next week. Unfortunately, production there wants to shoot earlier. So, they want me to go to Korea this week. By that means… today.” The last word Leo said, come out in a low voice.

“When did you know this?”

“Err.. yes- yesterday.”

“Yesterday?!” Lucas unexpectedly raises his voice.

“Look, I- I know-”

“You knew it yesterday and you didn’t even try to tell me?! How do you expect me to wake up this morning just to have you’ll leave me!”

Leo reaches out his hands to hold Lucas’, but Lucas reacts faster and slaps away his hands.

“Yao Wang, listen first please. I was trying to tell you yesterday. But since you’re not feeling well, I can’t find the right time to let you know.”

Lucas doesn’t say anything after that.

They went into silence for a few minutes.

Leo’s eyes fixed on Lucas. While Lucas looks everywhere but Leo.

Leo can’t stand this situation. Definitely cannot.

“I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told you the moment I knew it. Please don’t be mad at me. I can’t leave like this.” Leo’s voice just sounds so sad.

That’s when tears start falling from Lucas’ beautiful eyes.

That surprised Leo, though he immediately hugs Lucas as soon as he can to calm him down.

It didn’t help that Lucas’ temperature seem to be rising. Leo can feel it.

“Please don’t cry. It’ll be harder for me to go.”

“Then don’t go.” Lucas pleads, grapping Leo’s shirt tighter. God, he really hopes Leo won’t go.

Lucas was never like that.

Everyone knows that he is matured enough to be professional of work and personal life.

But right now, he can’t seem to let Leo leaving him even for work matters.

It must be because of the fever.

Lucas just doesn’t want to be away from Leo.

Leo kisses Lucas’ head repeatedly. Hoping that would somehow make Lucas feel just a little bit better. Even though, Leo himself feels miserable.


When Lucas has calmed down, Leo brings the porridge and medicine into the bedroom and feed him.

And none of them say anything.

As soon as Lucas takes his medicine, he lies on the bed. Giving Leo only his back.

And Leo knows better that his boyfriend still upset with the idea of him going to Korea.

Leo takes his phone from the table beside the bed and dial his manager’s number.

“Ge, can you postpone my flight to Korea?”

“What? Why so sudden?”

“Please, I beg you.”

“Is something happen?”

“Yao Wang is sick. I can’t just leave him this afternoon. It’s so soon. Just give me time, a bit more. Please, ge?”

Though Leo can hear the manager lets out a sigh, he feels glad that the man agrees anyway.

“Fine, but only until tonight. I’ll take the midnight flight for you. I can just do that much. Make sure Yao Wang takes medicine.”

“Already did. Thank you so much, ge.”

Leo hangs up the phone and joins Lucas lying on the bed.

“I asked Xiao Long ge to postpone my flight until tonight. We have about half of the day before I go.” Leo explains, but Lucas doesn’t give any response.



“Can you please turn around?”


“Please… we won’t be seeing each other for days.”

Seconds after Leo said that, Lucas turns around and snuggles into Leo’s embrace.

Leo waste no time, wraps his hand around Lucas and hugs Lucas closer.

“I’m sorry.” Lucas said with his face in between Leo’s neck and shoulder.


“I shouldn’t get angry at you. Sorry for raising my voice.”

“Shh.. it’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

“It’s just… the words of you leaving and we’ll be apart. There’s just this feeling… I don’t know how to say it… I just.. hate it.”

“I know. I feel the same way.”

“It wasn’t the first time we’re being apart from each other, but it feels so different now.”

And Leo agrees with that.

Since they are together now, few things have been different.

Before this, being apart wasn’t so hard. But now, it feels miserable just not having the person you love close to your side.

“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry.”

“Were you trying to convince me?”

“Well, part of it. The other part is for convincing my own self.” Lucas chuckles, trying to hide his sadness.

Leo kisses Lucas’ head, inhaling the good smell of his hair.

“I will miss you so much.”

“Of course you will.”

They both smile at Lucas remarks.

Leo feels relief now that Lucas is somehow a bit okay.

But still, his temperature doesn’t seem it’s going down.


So, they spend most of the time lying on the bed since Lucas is still sick.

It was already 9:30 p.m. and soon enough Leo has to go to the airport.

Lucas has his head on Leo’s chest and he doesn’t want to let this remaining hour wasted.

Leo who’s silently Lucas’ hair surprised when Lucas suddenly get his head up and look at Leo straight in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Leo caresses Lucas’ cheek as he asks the question.

Second after that, Leo feels Lucas’ lips on his own.

They both closed their eyes, and Leo remembers that they haven’t kiss on the lips today.

When Leo feels Lucas moves his lips, he slowly flips their position. Leo have Lucas under him.

Then, Leo starts to devour Lucas’ lips.

Lucas wraps his hand around Leo’s neck, bringing him closer.

Their kiss becomes deeper. As if showing just how much they are going to miss each other.

And Lucas doesn’t let the fever take over him. He doesn’t want this moment to stop. Leo’s kiss feels so good.

Leo takes a new move by biting Lucas’ lower lips slowly.

And when Lucas part his lips, Leo’s tongue dive in.

The sensation is so strong that Lucas finally lets out a moan.


Lucas parts their lips upon realizing that he made such a sound.

He feels embarrassing and his face becomes red.

“Don’t be shy. You sound beautiful.” Leo said and continues to kiss Lucas.

Their kisses are deeper, but Leo makes sure they have it sweet and slow.

Lucas can feel so much love from Leo’s kisses. And unintentionally, he lets out few more moans because of that.

“You’re still hot.” Leo said when they finally stop kissing.

Actually, Leo already feels Lucas’ hot temperature when they started kissing.

But Leo can’t just stop kissing Lucas because the feels was so blissful. And when Lucas lets out his moans, Leo becomes greedier.

However, he can’t ignore the fact that Lucas becomes hotter. His temperature has rising.

So he stopped their kiss, not wanting to force more on Lucas. After all, Lucas is still not well.

“Well, I’m having a fever. Of course I’m hot.” Lucas reply with his red face.

Truthfully, his temperature rise not just because of the fever but mainly because of their hot kisses.

“Wasn’t it because of our kisses?” Leo asks.

Lucas feels shy and looks away, trying to avoid Leo’s eyes.

Leo chuckles at Lucas obvious action.

“I love you so much.” Leo confesses and pecks on Lucas’ nose.

It’s a simple but sweet gesture that Lucas always loves.

“I love you too.” Lucas smiles and giving Leo a body sign indicating that he wants a hug and Leo has nothing to refuse.


“I want to send youuu.” Lucas is whining to follow Leo and their manager to the airport.

He didn’t have any intention to release the grip he had on Leo’s shirt.

“Yao Wang, you’re not well. You should just rest at home.” Leo persuades Lucas.

“No. I don’t want to.”

Leo brings Lucas in his embrace. Giving the most comfortable hug he could.

And Lucas stops whining. Apparently loving the closeness between them.

“Just stay at home, please. Just this time. Please, babe.”

Leo releases their hug, cups Lucas face between his hands and kiss him firm on the lips.

“I’ll ask our assistant manager to look after you while I’m being away. So don’t skip your meals and medicine. I’ll check on you from time to time.”

As Leo gives a last peck on Lucas’ lips, he doesn’t forget to say “I love you.”


Lucas is tossing on his bed.

It feels so empty now that he is all alone without Leo.

And tonight, Lucas finds it’s so hard for him to fall asleep.

Of course he knows the reason why. Leo isn’t there to cuddle him to sleep.

After they are officially together, they have been sleeping in the same bed since then. Sometimes in Leo’s bed, but most of the time, it’s on Lucas’.

Lucas has been so acquainted to that situation, now it feels like he can’t get used to sleep without Leo.

“Oh god, I miss you already, Yang Ye Ming.” Lucas grumbles as he hugs his Pikachu doll.




A/N: Sorry like a million times that I had to let you guys wait for every new chapters. Well, study was taking over everything. Hope you like this chapter and give me comments about it okay! I love you guys!!!

Btw, any of you guys here love Zhujian x Zhajie CP? Gosh, I recently falls in love with them and now I feel confuse whether them or Leo x Lucas is my first favourite CP idk hahaha XD

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aedmwog #1
A few months ago i did found this ff on wattpad with the same title. But, apparently it was gone already:( please author-nim, continue this story here:((((
San_br #2
Chapter 11: My instagram é marvel_cinema_br
San_br #3
Chapter 11: Please continue, I love this story, give me your address on wattpad. I want to see the continuation. Please.
San_br #4
Chapter 7: So cute! I love Leo Lucas
San_br #5
Chapter 4: Eu chotei muito, estou chorando
San_br #6
Chapter 1: Lindos, amo muito esses dois.
truuuut #7
Chapter 11: Wo de tian its abandoned??????
YeolsWifw #8
Chapter 11: Why are you doing this to me...i want to know how the story continues!! Can you please tell me what's the story called on wattpad?!
tiffffany #9
Chapter 11: please continue updating:(
tiffffany #10
Chapter 10: OMG this story is really goood!! it made me so happy to look at this story. but i feel like theres not enough drama and tears? i want something to happen between them with jealousy and stuff so that i can cry over it haha.. but its just my own opinon;) you have a really great story so continue writing:) i really love leo and lucas hahha AND YES PLEASE WRITE ZHUJIAN AND ZHA JIE PLEASE I LOVE THEM ALOTT thank you<3