Trading Faces


After a mishap by a genius boy trying to get revenge on his sister, Yoseob ends up switching bodies with someone. Turns out that someone is a girl.



Changes: Characters, some of chapter 1, all of chapter 2. I also had a new idea, so I had to get rid of the poster pic. Hopefully I can either make a new one or I can find someone who can make one for me :P

It is highly suggested you start again from chapter 1. It's better quality, anyways~

More comments = less procrastination <3



He looked at his latest invention proudly. He picked it up and turned it on.

“Okay, now to test it out.” He said, aiming it to his pet cat. The laser shot out, identifying the cat as target 1. He then shot the laser it at his pet dog, which made it target 2. After each of them were hit with a laser, they both froze in place for a few seconds, and then moved around like if nothing happened. After 30 minutes, they both fell asleep, and when they woke up, they looked confused.

“Alright. Let’s see if this worked. Miki! Come here boy!” he said, calling the dog’s name. As he had hoped, the cat came over as the dog walked away to the cat’s bed, and started itself. The cat was wagging its tail eagerly, wanting attention. “Yes! It works! Now to switch you back before Hyonam can find out…” the boy said, repeating the process again. The animals fell asleep, and were back to normal when they woke up.

Looking at his invention proudly, the boy put it in his school bag, so that his parent’s or Hyonam wouldn’t discover it. He smiled to himself, his plan was perfect. He was going to make his sister, Lee Hyonam, switch places with her best friend, Song Mari. He never understood why Mari was friends with his devil of a sister, Mari was such a nice girl. After they switched places for a week, Hyonam would learn how to be a nicer and more respectful person.

And what better way to do so than have Hyonam act like Mari for one week. The plan was fool proof.

“Onew! Time for dinner!” yelled Mrs.Lee, his mother.


Title: Trading Faces
Author: Kirakoda
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Sci-Fi

Character Information:

Song Mari
Age: 18
Attending Byul High School, last year
Lives at home with parents and brother Daekyun.

Yang Yoseob
Age: 21
In a highly successful boyband called Beast
Lives in dorm with members

Yong Junhyung
Age: 21
Also a member of Beast

Lee Hyonam
Age: 19
Goes to school with Mari, who is her best friend

Lee Jinki (Onew)
Age: 19
Hyonam's genius twin brother


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Renebae_bae #2
Thank you
Slugiel #3
So great
LeeJinki-s #4
seems interesting
Chapter 2: I like this story. Please update!!!
please cintinue to update i love this stort and i have been dying to see what happenes next
HatrednAshes #7
Awesome fic! *o*
love this fic..
update more often!
plz continue this story is great
WAA !! finally an update !! ^^ <br />
this is awesome. I just watched "He's the Girl" , that must've been a sign that this story would update. That's soooo weird. <br />
Love you're story.<br />
I know it's going to be amazing.<br />
I love your user name, btw ^^<br />
Hwaiting, I'll be waiting for another update :)<3