Chapter 3

We ... Got Married ?!

HyeRi's POV : 

So now , I supposedly look good enough to meet my husband . After the tediuos makeover Infinite gave me , I was ready to skip WGM filming and just go back to sleep ! 

" Aish ... I look absolutely fine woth my hoodie and jeans ! " 

" Meh . That will ABSOLUTELY NOT make a good impression ! " Hoya argued as he squirted floral scented perfume all over me . 

Damn . He may be my best friend ever since we were in diapers , but i feel like punching him so much now . 

" There , all done ! Go admire yourself at the mirror ! " Hoya triumphantly folded his arms across his chest as he beamed idiotically  at me .

The rest of Infinite guided me to their mirror , the big one in their dance practice room .

 I looked at myself in the mirror , undoubtly astounded  . 

Well well , Hoya may be right after all . 

Hoya's POV : 

Hehehehe , just see the look on HyeRi's face ! She can kiss the ground and admit defeat ! I did make her look a thousand times prettier ! 

My baby is all grown up ~ 

Thw flowy white dress she was wearing compliments her figure so nicely , whoever is marrying her is so lucky !

Anyway , if he ever makes her sad or anything ... he's so gonna get it from me . 


HyeRi's POV : 

Okay , take a deeeeep breathe ... omo omo this is so nerve-wrecking ! 

So the WGM staff absolutely refuse to tell me who my ' husband ' is , and I would figure it out soon . 

Ottokae ?! What if he's a disgusting , unhygienic guy ?? 

What if he's a ert ?! 

But ... he's an idol right ? Then I guess it'll be okay ... 

I seriously need to chill down . 

" HyeRi ! Let me explain this whole procedure to you . So we'll give you a map that leads you to 3 different destinations . At each destination , you will receive a clue as to where your meeting point with your husband is , got it ? " A staff from the WGM team informed me . 

I nodded and smiled at her . The plan seems simple , and exciting I guess . At least its not some boring date where i just go somewhere to wait for him . 

Perhaps today will go on great ! 

Kyuhyun's POV : 

Why did i trouble myself with this anyway . 

Oh right , tuekie and hyukkie hyung threatened to destroy my laptop and anything remotely Starcraft . 

Not to mention Donghae and Yesung , giving me lectures on how to treat a girl right . Tsk . 

And I even have Seohyun to deal with . I don't even know if i really do like her . 

Sigh . 

Now I'm here at this god-forsaken place , where there's a field and just ... wilderness . 

The only thing that I have with me now is a stupid map that supposedly leads me to the clues that leads me to my ' wife ' . 

I have a feeling nothing will turn out right . 










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Chapter 3: <3 <3 <3 o really like this!!!!!! please update soon ^^
zombiesrule #2
ahahahahhah kyuhyun :P<br />
and yeee hoya congrats for making ur bestie look so nice :D<br />
good story :)
i'm going to love this fanfic^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
zombiesrule #4
good story :D<br />
huzzah its kyuhyun!!!!! *o*<br />
first commenters ftw :3<br />
keep up the great story writing! XD