Is it.. Because of me??

Days to cherish with Him



When I fell asleep on the couch, I've heard someone who opens the door, I stood up half awake and check if who's that, then, I realized that the door in our room was the door that has been opened.


I went inside our room and go to my bed to sleep, but, someone's call my name

"Jeongmin-ah~ we need to talk, come here in the kitchen"


It was Donghyun hyung who wants to talk to me, so I stood up and went to the kitchen

"Waeyo hyung? I'm so tired, I want to sleep now." I said


"Where did you go after class? Why it takes so long before you came back? Is Zico the one who is with you that time? Tell me the whole story now, silly boy Lee Jeongmin."

Donghyun asked madly at me


"Hyung, I'm with a girl this time." I answered


"What!? Where did you go? Who is She?!" He asked again


"Well, she's my classmate, don't worry hyung, she's not my girl" I answered again


"Can I sleep now?" I added while making my way to the room


"Aniyo~ let's talk further, respect me Jeongmin! I'm your hyung! Go back here!" He said


"Hyung, please respect me too, I really need a rest" I pleaded while going inside the room


I go to my bed and I fell asleep so fast.


The Next Day


I woke up in the morning at 8:30am. I was so shocked because I really forgot to set my alarm clock in 7:00am in the morning(because the school starts @ 8:00am)

I was in a hurry but I can't go alone in the school, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo are on the way to their school but they didn't manage to wake me up

"Oh god, what is happening in this dorm!" I shouted


"Hey, goodmorning sleepy head, we don't want to disturb you on your 'beauty rest', that's why we don't wake you up, I hope this teaches you a lesson" Hyunseong hyung said


"Hyung, sorry for all that I've done wrong last night with Donghyun hyung. I know he said this to all of you, because I know he is really mad at me" I said while trying to hold my tears


"Okay. Talk to hyung, I don't care if you will apologize to me." Hyunseong said while packing his things because he will go to school


Donghyun hyung was the one who really woke up early because he always wants to go to his parents house and visit them, and he will go back 4pm in the afternoon to cook our meals and to do some chores


"Okay Jeongmin, I think I will go now, I hope you can help hyung in doing some chores here, see you later!" Hyungseong shouted while going outside the dorm


I just randomly nod


"Oh~ How can I contact hyung now? Psh. I think I will just go to sleep again now." I said to myself while walking inside the room



Choon Hee's POV


It was almost 8:30 in the morning, Jeongmin's still not here. I kept on staring on his chair, thinking why Jeongmin is still not here, I let out a sigh and I pouted


"Choon Hee-ah~!" Young Ah yelled softly

"Oh~ Young Ah~ waeyo?" I asked her while staring at Jeongmin's empty chair


"Why you keep on staring at Jeongmin's chair? Is there something wrong?" She said while trying to figure out what's in Jeongmin's chair


"Nothing Youngie, I just want to stare at some empty chairs." I asnwered


"Maybe.. You just miss him? Aren't you? Kyaaa! You're inlove with Jeongmin?!" She asked excitedly


"Mwoh? Aniyo! Of course I'm not. Psh." I answered defensively


She just smile at me and give me a teasing stare, but I just ignore it and keep on starng to Jeongmin's chair


Zico notice that Jeongmin is not here, so he stares at Jeongmin's chair for a while and he glance at me


I caught him looking at me and I just smile a little so that he won't get confuse why I keep on staring at Jeongmin's chair




I keep on staring to Jeongmin's chair every period of our classes, I didn't pay attention to the teachers, since my chair is located near at last rows, the teacher really didn't notice me or any other students that are near on the last rows


The time have gone so fast, and it's time to go home


Just like of what I'm doing, I didn't go outside of our classroom quickly, I want myself to be the last who will go outside the room(and since Young Ah need to go quick in the hospital, she don't have any time to walk with me to go to our homes


When I am the only one in the room, I sit on Jeongmin's seat, and I let out a sigh


then, suddenly, a voice came


"sitting on Jeongmin's chair is not a really good idea, Choon Hee" It was Zico who entered the room


"Why you are here? You're supposed to go home, oppa." I asked


"I just want to ask you why Jeongmin is not attending his classes today" Zico replied


"Mollayo, I really didn't know, maybe.. it is because of me.. He get into trouble because of me. I'm such a jerk!" I cried out loud


"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't cry, I know where is Boyfriend's dorm, we can ask them why, c'mon!" Zico said


He wipe my tears with his hanky, and he grab my hand


"Come on! Kaja!" He added


then, I just nod


I stood up and we run towards the corridor, but, he suddenly stop, and cover his face with a scarf, I let out a smirk, because I remembered Jeongmin is doing that too


He grab my hands again and we run to go out of the campus


When we're outside of the campus, he let go of my hand and we just walk


"What happened to Jeongmin? Why you're saying that he's troubled because of you? Is there something I didn't know about you and Jeongmin?" Zico asked confused


"Well" I said


"We just go to Lotte World yesterday, and we go home so very late, and he walk me home so that I can't be in trouble, eventhough he knows that his manager and his hyungs will kill him because it's so late at night,but he just continue to walk me home, and now, I think, he's in trouble because of me" I sadly answered


"Psh. Don't be sad, I know his hyungs will never do that. I know Donghyun and Hyunseong are such a good guys, just like me. hehe. U-kwon is always going home late but I know it's natural in his age, but until now,  I really don't know why he's going home so late." Zico tells 


I just laugh a little


"Oh well, here it is. Boyfriend's dorm." Zico added


Zico run on the doorbell and rang it many times, and he keeps on repeating it, again, again, and again


"Oppa, stop it! You're disturbing them!" I shouted to Zico


"Naa! Don't worry, I can handle this." Zico said and he let out a soft smirk


Suddenly, someone opens the door


It was Jeongmin who opens the door! I hugged him so tightly while saying


"I've missed you, why you're absent? Is there something wrong?"


Zico was so shocked at my move, so I released Jeongmin in the hug, and he just laugh a little


"So, Jeongmin, would you mind if we'll enter on Boyfriend's dorm?" Zico asked Jeongmin


"Ne, why not?" Jeongmin answered while smiling


"Minwoo and the Jo Twins will be here at 6:00pm because they need to go on Sukira, I don't know why they will go there, but I don't care. Hyunseong will not go home because He will stay at his aunt's house, while Donghyun hyung... He will not go home because of me, he is mad at me." Jeongmin said sadly


"Because you're so silly.. Right?" Zico asked Jeongmin while sitting on a couch


Jeongmin sat also on a couch, and me also


"Ne, I don't respect him. And I know it's all my fault" Jeongmin answered


"Everythings gonna be okay sooner, okay?" I said to Jeongmin


He just smiled at me


And I became a lil' sad because I don't gain a formal reply from him


"Jeongmin-ah~ where's the bathroom?" I asked Jeongmin


"There, just go straight." He answered while pointing the direction


"Thanks, I will just go to the bathroom for a while." I said


They just nodded


I walk to the bathroom because I feel so pity to myself, I think Jeongmin really don't care about me, so, maybe, It will be better if I will just go to the bathroom while waiting for them to end up their conversation.


I opened a door, and it was not their bathroom, it was..




I was a lil' intrigued on how their room looks like so I sneak out, and instead of going to the bathroom, maybe it will be better if I will just stay on their room until they'll end their conversation


Their room was so messy, jackets on the left hanging, pants on the right hanging on a lil' stair, fan's gifts, and some pikachu stuffs


I sat on a bed(but I really didn't know where it belong) and I let out a sigh


then suddenly. someone came on the room, it was Jeongmin, he was fully shocked on what He sees:


Me, on their room? Psh


"Hey, why you're here?" He asked me, confused


"Uhh.. Uhmm.. I... Ah.. Ahm-" I'm cut off because of the sound of the doorknob that has been locked


Jeongmin sit beside me and asked


"I will just ask you one question.. And I want a honest answer.. Do you like me?"


"Hey-" I'm cut off again because he shut my mouth


His face gets closer and closer to mine and he asked again


"Do you like me?"


"I don't know!" I push him away and I attempt to go outside of the room but he caught my arms and pull me closer to him


"DO YOU LIKE ME?" He asked again


"Aniyo!" I answered


He was shocked on my answer and he let go off me


I go out of the room


"Zico, c'mon, let's go home!" I shouted madly while walking to the door of the dorm


"Waey-" He's cut off because I added


"Don't ask me! I said let's go!" Then, I go outside of their dorm and walk away


Zico is trying to catch me up but I walk too fast, so, he didn't catch up on me


NOTE: Is this longer? I will just continue the next chapter later, because I want to make you all confuse on what will happens next. Mianhae~ ^^ saranghaeyo~~ :D please watch out for the next chapter!!

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:O Jdehehskaloaksjsnsbsnavxgfsrscsvshw
Oooo she fell for him that fast haha.. Btw, cool story! Update soon!