Chapter 2

The Potion
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“Mr. Jeon!” Mr. Snape shouted until every student stop everything they’re doing and looked at Jungkook.

“Y-yes, Sir?”

“Did you planned to burn my class?” Mr. Snape groaned, he seems like gonna eat him alive, “Don’t put those liquid on your potion! How can you didn’t know the differences between those ingredients.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry. I won’t let that happen anymore.” He put the bottle on his table and reread his potion book.

I only could shake my head.



“Miss Chambers,” Mr. Snape called my name, right before I went out from his class, “I want to talk to you.”

I looked at him, confused. What did I do though?

“Can you help Mr. Jeon study potion especially teach him what is the differences between the ingredients that we use? I don’t want him made a mistake like what he did before.” Mr. Snape stared at Jungkook and back to me.

“Ah, about that…” With Mr. Snape’s stares that always made me scared ─that’s why I always asked Sehun to teach me because I don’t want to get trouble in Mr. Snape’s class. Honestly I don’t want to accept it because I never get along with Jungkook but Mr. Snape’s stares feels like stab right on my head, so

“Yeah, sure Sir. I-I don’t mind with that,” I answered his request.

“Good thing, Miss Chambers. And both of you better to start today because next week I want to see an improvement from Mr. Jeon.” And with that he left the class.

“Err so can we study at the library?” Jungkook asked me but his eyes still at the door.

I nodded my head and walked in front of him.




I started explain about the differences between every ingredient that we used on first and second year because there are some ingredients that we will use again on this year. I also explained again about the function of the ingredients and equipment in potion class.

And Jungkook?

He just frowned while listened every word I said.

“Jungkook, you better write it down what I said so you can read it later or if you forget about the function.”

“Ah, right.” He took his pen and opened his notebook then wrote it down. Suddenly he stopped writing and stared at me.

“Eh, sorry. What is the function of rose petal?” I sighed without him notice it and explaining the same thing I explained a ten minutes before.

While he was back write down, I stared at the bookcase in front of me, don’t want to get caught that I’m nervous beside him. Well, who doesn’t get nervous around someone you are not close with. Right?

And suddenly I remembered that I have arithmancy. Oh crap.

“Emm… Jungkook, I think I should go. I have class.” I collected my book and Jungkook stared at me.

“What class?”


“Crap. Me too.” He collected his book and pen fastly while I already ran to the front door.

I remembered that Jongin and Sehun had warned me about arithmancy’s teacher, Mrs. Septima Vector, loves to give a bunch of homework.

And here I am running all the way to her

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