Her Name Was Emily

Her Name Was Emily

Chapter 4: Just American

I watch as the emotions play across his face like an antique film. Shock and confusion transform into realization. I watch unknown feelings swim in the dark brown pools of his eyes. I wait patiently for him to speak as a somber expression settles on his features. He opens his mouth to speak, but sound escapes his lips. Instead he continues to form words and utter nothing.

I sigh knowing that he most likely will not be saying anything for a while and decide to take the lead. “I found out who you are the second time we met. The first time we were properly introduced in the café. When you spun Cho Hee around and your hood slid off your head I recognized you instantly. Do not worry I’m not a crazy fan-girl stalker.” I say with a wink.

My explanation and playfulness seems to snap him out of the trance. “W-Why did you not tell me?” His brow comes together in thought as he gazes at me suspiciously. I let out yet another sigh.

“It is not my secret to share.”

“Oh…” he mutters glancing over his shoulder like someone is watching him.

Suddenly I am mad. “Listen there is no one hiding in the bushes outside taking photos. There is no one sneaking behind the counter video-taping us. It is just you, me, Cho Hee, and Ajumni here. I would never do that to you. I saw how you stared at me when your hood slid off that day. You were scared. This is your sanctuary. I get that. This is mine too. I figured you would tell me when you felt ready. Instead you question why I am holding back my personal life. How can you rightly demand that of me if you still have not told me about you, huh? You have a career. I have a career. Just because your career has a big cultural impact does not mean I have to go gaga over you. I am a female comic book artist. That is usually a deal-breaker when it comes to guys, so I don’t tell. I understand the need to hide certain aspects of your life, but do NOT ask for more than you can give.”

“…” He stares at me wide-eye as I huff out my sudden fit of rage as silence falls between us. This silence is not content or peaceful like before. The awkwardness hangs heavily in the air like a thick cloud. I find myself tearing my gaze away from Young Bae’s intense stare. Minutes seem like hours as the pressure in the room starts to suffocate me.

“Emily,” I painfully direct my gaze back to his to find, to my surprise a soft, warm smile playing across his lips. “What is your real favorite color?” It is a smile only Young Bae can give, one that says everything in the world and nothing at all, all at the same time. In that simple statement every bit of anger is depleted. The awkwardness disappears and forgiveness is given.



I skip along the pavement to the bus-stop. My senses are on cloud-nine. Young Bae and I agreed to meet up later this week and go somewhere. I smile wide. I am going on an outing with my friend Young Bae! Who happens to be none other than Big Bang’s Taeyang! I giggle silently to myself as I step onto the public transportation. We talked, like really talked. Not the normal chit-chat, but a real conversation. He told me about his career as a vocalist in Big Bang. He chatted about his weekly stresses and s (who according to him are crazy). I hold onto the metal bar hanging for the bus ceiling as the scenery passes by. I told Young Bae about my career too and the weird people in my apartment building. Its feels good, we did not have a very deep conversation or a shallow, surface-level one. We talked like real friends do.

I watch my workplace building flash by me snapping me out of my deep thinking. I yell for the bus to stop, hoping the bus has not gone far. With my cheeks flush with embarrassments I step off the bus and walk briskly towards the building. I am meeting my assistants today and I am already late.

“Emily, there you are!” I turn to see my editor as I enter the building.

“Hi Mr. Sang, I brought the manuscripts for the next chapter.” I smile at the kind older man approaching him.

“Good, good now your new assistants are waiting in my office. Follow me.”

“Sorry for being late,” I mutter as I trail behind him. He dismisses it with a wave of his hand as we reach his office. Mr. Sang opens the door revealing three young men. I step inside and find myself standing at least a head taller than any of them as they smile and bow politely to me.

“This is creator of Prototype 008, Ms. Emily Davis. She is our foreign visitor here on the DarkHorse Korean Project as you all know. You will be working under her.” Turning his attention back to Emily, “Emily, this is Woo Dong Minhe. He is one of our best background artists.” He says gesturing towards the shortest Korean man. He is geeky looking with big rim glasses and out-of-date clothes. He looks shyly at his feet and gives me a small bow.

“This is Min Ji Hoo. He is one of our best artists. He is just too lazy to work on his own.” Mr. Sang glares daggers at him. The tallest of the three and as skinny as a toothpick he just shrugs at Mr. Sang’s comment. He gives me a lazy nod and runs a hand through his long, dark hair looking bored.

“Finally this is Jang Hyun Shik. He is pretty new around here, but he has good skill in inking.” I feel myself blush slightly at the handsome man in front of me. He reminds me somewhat of the main male actor in Boys Over Flowers, just not as tall or as handsome or as stylish or as buff. But the black curls that hang down over his strong jaw-line and the smile he gives me reminds me of the character. While I try to search through my very limited understanding of Korean culture for the name of said actor, Hyun Shik gives me a soft smile and bows.

“Nice to finally meet you, Emily Davis.”

“Um… nice to meet all of you, I have prepared my apartment for us to use more easily as a studio. I hope you will not mine its size.” Immediately all three of them assure me the size of the apartment is not a big deal. I smile at their politeness. “Mr. Sang here are the manuscripts for the next chapter.” Mr. Sang smiles and takes the pages from me.

“Early as always,” he comments as he goes to his desk.

I turn my attention back to the three men. “If it is alright with all of you I can show you where my apartment is and we can grab something to eat.” I say cheerfully.

“I’m down with that,” Jang Hyun Shik says with a playful smile.

“S-Sure…” Woo Dong Minhe mutters and Min Ji Hoo just nods.


“Here we are,” I sing as me and my assistants arrive at Room 302. “Anyone have a problem with cats by any chance?” I say as I open the door into my small apartment. They just shake their heads and walk inside. I have rearranged the one and a half room apartment to a studio style. With my desk and a table for the assistants in the middle of the main room the supplies and comic collection are against the walls.

“Is there even anywhere for you to sleep in here?” Jang Hyun Shik asks walking into the middle of the room.

I roll my eyes. “Of course silly, all I had to do was make a pull down bed out of one of the closets.”

“Oh, nice, well this is a cute little setup.” He gives me a grin.

“Ouch!” I turn around at the sound of Woo Dong Minhe’s voice to see Tabi attacking his leg.

“Oh no, Tabi stop that. I’m so sorry Woo Dong Minhe. He is just wants to play.” I rush over and scoop up the playful kitten. “Tsh, tsh bad kitty, no biting the assistants.”

“Please, call me Minhe. Its okay I like cats. He is a cute little thing.” Minhe gives me a lop-sided grin and pets Tabi. I smile and give Minhe Tabi to hold.

“This is Tabi and I have another kitten, George. He is around here somewhere. Curious little thing should be out here is no time to see who the visitors are.”  Sure enough as soon as the words leave my mouth I see George peaking out from under a chair with his big green eyes. “Ah there you are Georgie.”

“Anyways this is where we will be working. Be here by 9am every morning that is needed. I will need each of your cell phone numbers so I can tell you if there is a schedule change. Also…” I trail off as I search through a drawer. “Ah, here we go!” I hold up three silver keys. “Here is a house key for each of you in case something happens and I’m not here.” I give them each a key.

“Now let’s go eat!”


I learned a lot about my three assistants over a plate of rice and Kimchi. For example, I learned that Minhe is 20 years old and in Art College. He is working as an assistant to help pay for his education. He hopes of making it big in the Manhwa industry, and though he seemed shy after we got him talking he turned out to be a chatter-box. I found out that Ji Hoo is a high school dropout and went into the comic industry because he has nothing else he is good at. He is 26 and in a long-staying relationship with a girl he dated in high school. Though he comes off as lazy I found Ji Hoo to be working hard to save money to marry his girlfriend. I also learned about the handsome Hyun Shik. That he is just a year younger than me and single. He said to have graduated from a top art college and was going to be a graphic designer when he read his first Manhwa and was immediately hooked. He is working as an assistant to get a feel for the art before pursuing his dream to have his own work published. I smile as I fix my hair getting ready for my outing with Young Bae.

“They are all going to make great manhwakas.” I say to myself as my cell dings. I slide open my cell to see a text message from Young Bae.

Water-park or amusement-park? –THETEYDADDY

I laugh at his signature.

Water~! :D –CrazyCatLady

I clap my hands in excitement and skip to my closet. I put on my baby-blue polka-dot bikini and slide on a pair of white short-shorts with an off-the-shoulder, black graphic T.  I start packing a bag with snacks, extra set of clothes, and towel when my cell dings again.

Got it! Remember to pack some extra clothes and a towel! I’ll pick you up in 20 minutes you crazy cat lady. ^.^  -THETEYDADDY

I skip around my apartment glad for the August heat as I finish packing.

I watch the surprisingly average white car pull up in front of my apartment building. “Hey what took you so long?” I kid as Young Bae steps out of the car. He laughs as he stands there in a muscle shirt, swim trucks, huge sunglasses, and a beanie.

“After you,” he says as he opens the passenger side door.

“Oh thank-you good sir,” I tease giving a curtsey and climbing into the seat. He rolls with laughter at my silliness and skits around to the driver’s side and without anymore foolishness we head towards the park.

“You know I don’t think I ever imagined that you would drive a 1999 beat-up white car. YG not paying you enough?” I smirk. Young Bae bursts out laughing. Trying to juggle driving and laughing he keeps both hands on the wheel as the laughter keeps coming.

“No….” He laughs more. “This… is my disguise car, so I can blend-in…” He grasps for breath.

I raise my eyebrows. “More like so you sell some drugs. This thing looks like a total drug-bus.” Young Bae gives me an odd expression as he stares at my serious face. “I can see it now.” I clear my throat. Grabbing a small bag of Cheetos from my sack I turn to him and in my best druggie Young Bae voice say, “Come her’ lil’ kid. Want som’ candy?” Young Bae chuckles at me and shakes his head. “Come n’ tis’ is the good stuff ya her’?” Young Bae starts going red trying to suppress the laugh.

“Stop you’re going to make us crash.” He says with a million dollar smile plastered on his face.

“Okay, okay. Where is this water-park anyways?”

“Blue Canyon is the name of the park. I have never been, but I am told that it is good.”

“Excellent.” I wiggle my eye-brows at him.


“Come on you slow-poke, race you to the tide-pool.” I giggle setting down my bags and run towards the water. I hear Young Bae laughing behind me catching up. As my feet are almost to the pool I feel myself be grabbed from behind.

“Gotcha.” I hear Young Bae whisper swinging me around before setting me down away from the pool and running into the deep water. “Ha! I win.”

I pout, “cheater!” He just laughs until he sees the smirk on me face and hears the horn for the waves blast through the park. Just as he goes to turn around a huge wave slams into him knocking him off his feet. I stand in the shallow part laughing my off. “Ha! I win,” I say just a little too soon as Young Bae pops up in front of me and drags me into the deep. “Gah!”

The day seems to fly by is the same manner. Both of us constantly teasing and laughing. We screamed on the extreme rides, dared each other on the high rides, laugh at each others silliness on the maze rides, and hung out on the easy rides.

“Hey,” I look up from my chair to see Young Bae staying in front of my with his towel drape over his shoulder. I could see his very nice body through his soak muscle shirt and the water glistening off his body did not help my cause of trying and failing to not be attracted to him.


“Want to grab a snack and spend our last few hours on the lazy river?”

“S-sure,” I stutter using the excuse of gathering up my stuff to tear my eyes off the handsome being now smiling radiantly at me.

“What do you feel like eating?” I hear him say as he picks up the rest of my things.

“Oh, I can get those.” I frown slightly as I try to take my bag and towel from him.

“Oh no you don’t, let me help. You have been carrying all of this the whole day.” He gives me a pout and walks out of the reach of my hands.

I shake my head, but say thank-you none the less. “How about some ice cream?”

“I love ice cream!” He says cheerfully steering me towards the nearest ice cream stand.

“Mint chocolate please,” I sing before turning to Young Bae. “What flavor do you want?”

“Chocolate,” he says instantly staring greedily at the gallons of ice cream. I laugh at his expression and reach for the ice cream cones. Handing him the chocolate cone I start digging in my bag for my wallet. “Oh I got this, Emily.” I watch him hand the boy manning the stand money. I frown and place my one free hand on my hip. He has been doing this all day. He conned me into letting him pay for my ticket. He brought me lunch and now a snack.

“Young Bae,” I hiss slightly as he looks sideways at me guiltily. “Stop buying everything for me. I realize that you are just trying to be nice and,” I drop my voice to a whisper, “you’re rich because you’re a bloody super star, but really! I am a grown woman with a job and all. I can pay for myself. Plus I hate the fact that I feel like I’m smooching off you.”

“You are not “smooching” off me.” He laughs at my choice of words. “I am being a friend.”

“Then let me be your friend and pay for anything else we buy here!” I declare marching over to the nearest bench listening to Young Bae chuckle behind me the whole way.

“Emily,” I turn to see Young Bae now sitting next to me. “You are the strangest girl I have ever met.” My irritation drains away at his soft expression. I can never seem to stay mad at him.

“I’m not strange. I am just American.” I give him a goofy grin making him start laughing again, his chocolate ice cream dripping on the pavement.

We sit in contentment our sweet treats on the worn wooden bench. I glance over at Young Bae to see him eating his ice cream hungrily. “You really like ice cream.”

He glances over at me. A smug of the chocolate treat on his cheek at his gives me a grin. One word, cute. I reach inside my bag for my camera and in a flash I have a picture of him with a goofy grin and chocolate ice cream on his face.

“What was that for?” He looks at me curiously. I hand him the camera to see the picture. His eyes go wide and he wipes off the ice cream on his face.

I laugh, “I think that is my favorite picture so far.” He blushes with embarrassment. “Come on let’s go on the lazy river.” I say eating the last bite of my cone. He finishes soon after me and we head towards the lazy-river ride.


“Ah… this feels good after riding all those rides.” I smile lazily. Young Bae and I float along the river with the rest of the crowds. I hold on to one of his handles and he does the same so we do not float away from each other. I listen to the children behind me splashing in the water and the laughter of others. I glance over at Young Bae to see him totally relaxed in his floating ring. His sunglasses on and his beanie pulled down low to cover his face. “I cannot believe no one has recognized you so far.” I mutter

“Hmm… people see only what they want to see. We are at a heavily populated family park. So the parents are watching the little children and the children do not know me. If I had picked a more teen populated park we would have had some trouble. It is nice to not be noticed.” he mutters back without even moving his head.

“Pfh, don’t fall asleep on me. I don’t want to have to carry you back to the car.” I snicker as a small smile slips onto his lips.

“Now that might call some attention to us.”

“Oh I can see it now; blonde foreigner is seen giving none other that Big Bang’s Taeyang a piggy-back ride out of the Blue Canyon water-park yesterday afternoon.” That earns me a head turn that seems to have snapped him out of his sleepy state.

“Maybe we should leave now. I think I might fall asleep on this ride if we stay on it any longer.” I agree and we get off the ride and go to our stuff.

As we are walking back to the entrance I see a photo-booth. I tug on Young Bae’s arm. “Hey lets get some pictures.”

He laughs, “Didn’t you take enough pictures?”

“Not really, I only took two or three. Come on, I haven’t been able to buy anything either.”

“Okay, okay,”


I stare at the little roll of pictures I got from the booth as we drive to my apartment. There is one were I was taking off Young Bae’s hat and glasses. One were I was wearing his stuff, one of us poses and flashing peace signs, one where we made funny faces at the camera, and one if us laughing at our own silliness. It is prefect sum-up of our day. My hair is curly because of the water. Young Bae’s Mohawk is flat and hanging in his eyes. We are still wet and our clothes are clinging to us. To top it off you can see our sun-burnt faces laughing. The prefect ending to our water adventure.

The sound of my stomach growling snaps me out of my thoughts as Young Bae’s stomach follows my stomach’s example a few seconds later. I glance over at him to see him smiling shyly at his stomach. “Looks like someone’s hungry.” I say as we pull up to my apartment.

“Well it is dinner time. We were at the park for a long time.”

We chat about our own hunger and examine each others sun-burnt as we walk up the stairs to my apartment. “You know I can make it from here. There is know need to walk me to the door. I know you must be tired.” Young Bae just gives me a look that says ‘I am going to walk you to your door, because I am a gentleman.’ I just roll my eyes as we reach my room. I let out a yawn and unlock the door only to hear Young Bae’s stomach again.

“I had a wonderful day. I’ll see you around Emily.” I turn as Young Bae starts to leave.

“Hey, you want to come in? I can cook us some dinner you must be starving. It is the least I can do since you paid for everything today and every drove us there.”

He turns back to face me, “Umm…”


Author’s Note

WOOT~! It is finished. This was a looonnngg chapter. Almost 10 pages long. Well sorry for the long absent. I have been extremely busy with school and all, but unfortunately (well I guess fortunately for my readers) I caught a cold two days ago, so I have had time to write this up while I have been laid up in a bed with a fever.

To answer a recent question, yes all of Big Bang will be in this story. I have just been developing the friendship between Young Bae and Emily till now. Big Bang members should be introduced around chapter 7ish. They will become heavily involved in the story after their introduction.

Moving on~ I have decided to give my readers a choice~ Is Taeyang going to eat dinner with her or not? :D I have two totally different ideas for the next chapter that revolve around this single event. It is not so much the event, but story after the event. I cannot decide between the two chapters. If the answer is dinner then the next chapter will most likely be in Young Bae’s POV. If no dinner it will be in Emily’s POV. So it is up to my readers to decide~ And I know what you all are thinking. Don’t go y on me~ *wink* It won’t be that kind of chapter.

Should he leave or accept her offer?

For all my lovely commenter thank-you~ For all the subscribes and my silent readers, I love you all~ :D




EDIT: Since the vote has been 100% Stay, I decided to go with that. Here is a short preview of the chapter to keep my readers on their toes. xD


Taeyang’s POV

I sigh in contentment as the warmth of the morning sun plays across my face. I hug my pillow and shift in my sleepy state. I know I should get up and ready for my morning run, but the bed is just so comfortable. Mattress seems to be clouds. I let a small smile spread onto my lips as it dawns on me. I did not hear my alarm clock. That is when I smell it, food. The smell of cooking meat and bread fills my senses. I slowly start to hear the beep of an oven and humming. Humming? I crack one of my sleepy eyes open to see petite, fuzzy purple house slippers in front of me. I let my gaze follow up the body to see none other than Emily standing over me.

“You awake yet, sleep-head?” She smiles down at me. I cannot help but stare at her honey skin and the slight red sunburn on her cheeks. She just gives a small giggle and goes back to the small kitchen. Her hips swaying under the large t-shirt to the music that plays in background. The movement sends the smell of cinnamon to my nose bringing back with a sudden force the memories of last night.

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michily #1
i dont like Hyun Shik.... Emily is for YoungBae enough said!
BigBang_VIP #2
Ahhhh so cute!!! but Hyun Shik needs to back off XDDD
Blackviolet #3
Thanx 4 writing this, I am really enjoying reading it! Keep up the good work!
BigBang_VIP #4
I can't wait!! :D What a great update!! :] And I wouldn't have minded the long update.. XD
thebunny11 #5
Yaayyy this is the best story update I have seen this week. Nicely written, and I like Emily's character <3

I am excited for the next update!
thebunny11 #6
I cannot wait for your update!! Kyaaaaaaa~
BigBang_VIP #7
I voted stay!! :D hehe this was a cute chapter!! <33 update soon! ^^
BigBang_VIP #8
This is really good!! :D please update soon!! :)
The story is really good so far. Taeyang is pretty much like I imagine him. <br />
Will the other BB members appear in the story!?