Starry Eyes, Starry Night

Starry Eyes, Starry Night

His fingers drummed agains the table impatiently.

Soohyun was, simply put, bored out of his mind. He figured it would be a fun night with the other U-KISS members and the company staff in order to ring in the new year, but it turned out to be the exact opposite. He had already spent an hour listening to Dongho tell the same story he told almost every month, and God forbid Eli open his mouth next.

He jumped when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He semi-discreetly checked the message, his lips already curving into a small smile as soon as he saw who it was from.

Hey baby. Happy New Year. I know I'm early but I wanted to make sure you got this before midnight. Hope the dinner is going well, I love you.

As soon as he had seen those last three words, he already knew what he wanted. It wasn't a night out with the members - he got plenty of those. No, he wanted a night out with her. It was only fair. What good is New Years without the midnight kiss?

With a simple "I'll text you later" to Kiseop, Soohyun left the restaurant. He called his girlfriend and told her to meet him at the usual spot before hanging up and taking off at a run. He was so happy to be out of that dinner.

He found her casually swinging back and forth on the playground swing set. She immediately perked up as soon as he came into her view. His hair was ruffled from the wind and fell in front of his eyes. He looked so attractive it was unfair. She immediately jumped up from her perch and went to hug him, allowing his arms to wrap around her and his head to rest on hers.

"I missed you..." He mumbled into her hair. She laughed.

"You saw me this morning."

"Yeah, but I still missed you. It's not New Years without you, you know."

She laughed lightly at this and squeezed him playfully, leaning up to quickly kiss his cheek. He took her hand in his and they started walking towards the soccer field. All the while he complained and groaned about Dongho's boring stories and Kevin's annoying laughter - something he normally would never complain about. She guessed he must have just really wanted out of that dinner. When she told him this, he laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so. I just really wanted to spend the night with you," He stopped walking and glanced down at his watch. "Almost midnight." He grinned and placed his hands at her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Five minutes?" She brought her hands up to rest on his shoulders. He nodded, excitement slowly building up in his stomach. This would be the first New Years day they spent together - he wanted to make it meaningful.

She brought her hands up and he allowed her to absentmindedly play with his hair. She loved doing what they were now; the two of them standing so close without saying a word. Her fingers gently brushed over his cartiledge piercing, causing Soohyun to shiver.

"This is my favourite piercing of yours. You look so y with it." She whispered. He smirked and leaned down to blow on her ear so she would just what she was doing to him.


She nodded. He pulled back and stared at her for a moment. He was about to lean in for a kiss when the loud popping of fireworks startled them. They glanced up at the sky and marveled at how the colours lit everything up and left a warm feeling deep down. She was still smiling up at the night sky when he kissed her.

He hummed against her lips and pulled her so that there wasn't any space between them. Her fingers tangled in his hair as his hands trailed up and down her sides lovingly. He felt like he had been waiting weeks for this moment, even if it had only been hours. A small, needy feeling grew in the pit of his stomach and he deepened the kiss. He wanted to show her just how much he needed her without actually saying anything. But eventually, she pulled away so she could take a breath.

He rested his forehead against hers, watching her as she tried to catch her breath. His kissing had knocked the wind out of her, as it always did.

"H-Happy New Year, Soohyun." She barely managed to breathe out. He chucked and captured her lips once more, eventually pulling away just enough to whisper quietly.

"Happy New Year baby. I love you so much."











I'm sorry it's so short D:

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#1 soohyun even more >.>
Rianne2580 #2
no no no no. DO NOT be sorry!!!<br />
I loved it~~~<br />
omg. the cartilage. i thought it was just me. XDDDD<br />
and oh gosh amazing.. soohyun<3<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<br />
so sweet ^-^ I would love my boyfriend to do that to me., hahaha~<br />
though I certainly wouldn't mind if Soohyun will., XD
Oh, Soohyun, you do look y w/ it. Hahahah. Thanks for the lovely update as always. It was so cute! Happy New years! Now go to sleep! D:<
Sniff sniff. Do I smell new fanfic?<br />
Yes, I got the update saying you have a new fanfic! Finally, right? All this time, I was waiting for the orange word. Haha. Anyways, this sounds like a good fanfic as always. Update! (=