One Sick Leader


When Rap Monster, leader of BTS, gets sick he doesn't tell the members. Soon he cannot hide it from them any longer.


4:34 am

The clock beside his bed shined through the pitch black room and Rap Monster stumbled to his bed after puking his guts out into the toilet.

Their recent debut had put his health over the edge and he'd fallen sick, he refused to tell the others though, he didn't need them worrying about him.


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SanasukeHowell #1
Chapter 2: please update this story i really want find out what happens to my bias
tutimeow #2
will you still update this story? please update it.. i really want to read a story about my ultimate bias..
Chapter 2: Я все ещё жду продолжения...
tutimeow #4
finally, a story about my bias, RM..