The Disco Ball

The Disco Ball

She wearily kicked off her shoes and stepped into the apartment, completely spent from her day. She loved her job, but absolutely hated working holidays. Unfortunately, it was a requirement. With a sigh she flipped on the lights, only to be greeted by a sight that had her grinning from ear to ear.

"Surprise, Jagi~" Woohyun was standing in the middle of their apartment, a colourful bouquet of flowers in his hands. He was wearing the plaid shirt she said was her favourite on him, his hair was styled perfectly, and he had that goofy smile she adored so much. "Happy New Year."

He opened his arms wide and she immediately closed the distance between them to crash into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, planting as soft kiss in her hair. She mumbled a "Happy New Year" into his chest. She always loved hugging him. Just being able to have his strong arms holding her and to breathe in the faint smell of cologne on his clothes - there was nothing like it.

"Now that you're done with work, let's celebrate!" He happily waltzed her into the kitchen, relishing how her laugh echoed around the apartment and brightened up the place. "Close your eyes, Jagiya."

She did as she was told. Woohyun hurriedly opened one of the kitchen drawers and retrieved the "2012" headband he'd bought earlier that day. After satisfied on its position on her head, he manuevered her over to the table.

"Okay, open your eyes."

She gasped and covered at the sight before her. He had cooked everything on the table and arranged it so it was perfect.

"When did you have time to do all this?"

He shrugged. "I asked to leave practice early. They can't say no to this face." He cheesily flashed some aegyo, causing her to laugh and nudge him in the shoulder. Woohyun had that kind of cuteness that made your toes curl it was so awkward, but she still loved him for it.

"Thank you, Woohyun. This was so sweet of you, even if we will be eating at midnight."

"Wait, before we eat, there's something else we need to do." He glanced at the clock (11:55, perfect) and led her over to the other side of their flat. The wall was just one long window with a perfect view of the city below them. She gasped as fireworks started to light up the sky in bursts of red and purple with loud popping sounds. Woohyun's arms s around her waist and he planted a kiss on her cheek.

"This is perfect, baby." She sighed happily. Woohyun glanced back at the clock again, his mental countdown starting. Slowly, he untangled his arms from around her waist and moved so he was standing in front of her, his back to the fireworks. They lit up her face perfectly.

One hand moved to cup the side of her face. He brushed her cheek with his thumb before bringing his other hand up to the same position. He leaned in and kissed her nose.


He whispered against her skin and moved and kissed her jaw.


Her right eyelid.


Her left eyelid.


Her temple.


Her earlobe, which sent shivers down her spine.


Her shoulder, but he was sure to leave a slight mark there as a reminder of the night.


His fingers tangled in her hair and he pulled her to him, his lips capturing hers as the fireworks burst behind them. She wasn't sure when he had turned off the lights, because the only light in the room was from outside. It didn't matter anyway. The way his lips moved against hers and the way their bodies seemed to meld into each other - it was absolutely perfect.

"I love you." He pulled apart to whisper against her lips. She released a shaky breath and smiled. He returned the expression and kissed her once more, lingering for a moment before pulling away.

He walked over to the light switch. That cheesy grin was on his face again, and she couldn't help but think what did he do this time? He flicked the switch, turning on a big disco ball suspended from the ceiling. She couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

"Woohyun, did you really buy a disco ball?"

"Yeah, every good New Years Celebration needs one. Why are you laughing so hard?" He frowned and his lips formed an adorable pout. She giggled and walked over to him, taking his face in her hands.

"I. Love. It."

He smiled broadly and practically jumped her. He attacked her face with kisses and lightly tickled her sides until she was a giggling mess in his arms.

"I love you Woohyun." She managed to gasp between laughter. He released her, the smile never leaving his face.

"I love you too. Happy New Year, Jagi."

She stood up and pecked his lips. He chuckled and enveloped her in his arms, whispering sweet nothings into her ear for a moment. After a minute or two, he pulled away and grasped her hand so he could lead her back over to the table where all the food was waiting. He turned to her, his fingers linking with hers. He leaned into her ear, his breath fanning out across her skin, causig her to shiver.

"Happy Anniversary."

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Matocian #2
what a cute story (":
xxzunebinniexx #3
I love how he kisses her :3
But awwwh, this is super cute! Kyaaaah <3
Hahahahah, thank you! :D
kpop4every1 #5
WOOHYUN BABAY!!! D; <br />
Come to mee~
Onebrightstar #7
Very cute! I enjoyed reading this story :)