Happy New Year, Eunhae!

Happy New Year, Eunhae!


Sounds of the crowd rumble could be heard in the hall. The time is ticking as if the year is coming to an end.

But, that’s true that the year is coming to an end.

It’s New Year’s Eve, or you should just say it is 15 minutes until 2011 pass like the wind.

The sound of crowd cheering could be heard again as the crew already seen walking around getting things to set up for the countdown.

“You’ll be up at 5,” boomed the PD against the speaker which obviously only for the people who waited in the corridor to hear.

Oh well, aside that its New Year’s Eve, it’s also one of the music festival of the year which was held on exact the same day of New Year’s Eve.

MBC Gayo Daejun.

Sounds familiar right?

Of course it sounds familiar as every year especially year end there will be such festivals going on or award shows.

The crowd continues rumbles making blood rushing in excitement.

Throughout the corridors, there are artists lining up for the countdown stage.

Super Junior members are amongst the crowd as they too had been invited to join the excitement to perform on this special occasion.

Well, aside from Super Junior, there are Girls Generation, TVXQ, SHINee, f(x), 2PM, Wonder Girls, MissA, A-Pink, B2st, T-ara, Sister, Secret, Davichi, INFINITE,  KARA, IU, CN BLUE, MBLAQ, FT Island, U-Kiss, Teen Top, B1A4, K Will, Boyfriend, Brown Eyed Girls and etcetera which spice up the stage even more with all your favorite stars.

Everyone was excited and that doesn’t exclude our favourite OTP, the infamous Eunhae couple which were seen lingering around the backstage with the other artists.

“Let’s get some food after this recording ends,” chants Shindong which was standing not far away from the Super Junior crowd.

“Of course, we still have one thing to celebrate,” replies Eunhyuk as Donghae who was standing nearby had sulked immediately upon hearing what his boyfriend had said.

I want to spend time with you, pabo monkey!

“Come on, your time is up!” boomed the PD against the speaker which Donghae swear he will gone deaf if the PD keep on booming over the speaker.

Donghae stood at his spot as some artists had started to get them up onstage.

“Come on Hae, let’s get the best spot,” smiles Eunhyuk as he tugged the younger male’s sleeve nudging him to go with him which Donghae smile and followed him.

Well, at least he had thought of pulling me along with him.

The crowd is wild at the moment as they get themselves onstage.

The center stage was slowly filled with artists as the crowd, most particularly the fans were cheering and lights were flashing here and there.

“Don’t let go, Hae,” whispered Eunhyuk as he tugged Donghae’s sleeve, trying not to lose his boyfriend in the sea of artists onstage even though there are chances that fans might spotted them.

Well, even though they’d spotted they will think they are cute and squealed for their favourite OTP for God’s sake.

Donghae couldn’t help but grinned widely seeing his boyfriend tugging him along with him.

The microphones sounded as the emcees of the event started to talk where Donghae felt he was being pulled to a spot until Eunhyuk had stopped on his tracks.

“Gotcha,” whispered Eunhyuk as he pulls Donghae beside him before dropping his hand and places his hand over Donghae’which makes Donghae realize that Eunhyuk had actually pulled him to the very front of the stage.

“Here, the camera will sees us,” smiles Eunhyuk making Donghae realize that Eunhyuk was not kidding for getting the best spot.

The crowd continues rumbles as the excitement began to build.

The LED screen had immediately lit up as the countdown begins.




Artists were chatting or grinning ear to ear as the emcees of the day continues talking.



Donghae glance at Eunhyuk which at the same time, Eunhyuk had glance at Donghae where they share a smile before turning away.






“Let’s start our countdown shall we?” asked Leeteuk who was in charge of the emcee.


Donghae glance at Eunhyuk again.



Eunhyuk drapes his hand over Donghae’s shoulder making Donghae smile at his clingy boyfriend.




Eunhyuk mouthed Donghae “I love you,”


Donghae mouthed Eunhyuk “I love you too!”


Eunhyuk pulls Donghae closer to him.


Donghae smiles knowingly at Eunhyuk.

“1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!” the crowd boom as confetti explodes around the stage Eunhyuk had pulls Donghae into a massive hug as Donghae smiles and hug him back.

“Happy new year Hyukkie!”

“Happy new year Hae! And I love you!”

“I love you too!”

Well, due to the fact that they were in front of the camera that they couldn’t just kiss each other, Eunhyuk had practically noted to himself that he will made up with his boyfriend afterwards when they finish the countdown and when they reach backstage to wait for their turn to perform.

Everyone were hugging and wishing each other a Happy New Year where Eunhyuk had tugged Donghae’s sleeve again.

“Come on, let’s wish Sungmin hyung a happy birthday,” smiles Eunhyuk as he already pulled Donghae to the crowd.

Ah, I almost forgot, Sungmin hyung’s birthday.

In less than a minute, Donghae was being pulled as he found himself standing behind Jokwon, one of the emcees which he realize, he is exactly in front of the cameras.

“Happy birthday, hyung,” he heard Eunhyuk exclaimed as he saw Eunhyuk hugging Sungmin over and over again.

To tell the truth, he’d get jealous if seeing Eunhyuk hugging others like that seemingly that he is a possessive boyfriend.

But well, Eunhyuk has give him his first hug in 2012 and he couldn’t really just get jealous over something like that seemingly that Eunhyuk had so far dragging him everywhere with him on their new year eve.

Aside from that, he knew that Eunhyuk would not cheat on him since Eunhyuk is the one who had been really clingy recently which normally he is the one who will clings onto the older male more.

Donghae smiles at Sungmin before he initiated a friendly punch over his bandmate while wishing him a happy birthday.


Super Junior members had slowly went to backstage after their encounter of throwing Sungmin onstage to celebrate his birthday.

Donghae was looking around while searching for his boyfriend since his boyfriend was nowhere to be seen after the whole encounter.

I want to spend more time with him.

But before Donghae could even started to sulk he felt a hand on his wrist as he was immediately being pulled to one of the waiting rooms as he heard the door clicked to a lock.


He wasn’t able to comprehend when he felt he was being pinned onto the door as his boyfriend’s gummy smile comes into view and just then, he felt a pair of soft lips came crashing onto his.

Donghae parted his lips upon feeling his boyfriend’s tongue lapping on his lips as Eunhyuk had slip his tongue into his boyfriend’s cavern.

“Umm..Hyukkie..” moans Donghae as they engaged in a fiery new year kiss.

Eunhyuk parted their lips minutes later and smile knowingly at Donghae.

“Happy new year once again baby,” he smiles as he latch their fingers against each other.

“Happy new year to you too, my shining jewel,” the younger one reply and smile back at his boyfriend.

“I love you,”

“Love you to the max,”

They continue giving each other sweet words against the door and kissing each other occasionally since they know that they couldn’t exactly did what they had initiated to do to show their partner how grateful they are to have each other by their sides.

“I love your gummy smile, your milky skin and also your amazing dance moves,”

“I love your twinkling eyes, your cute pout and your…”

“YAH!!! LEE HYUKJAE AND LEE DONGHAE!!! JUST GET OUT WILL YOU!!! AREN’T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?” exclaimed a voice outside the waiting room which the couple frown confusedly hearing Shindong as the sound of door knocking could be heard.

“Oh yeah, almost forgot!” frowns Eunhyuk as glance at Donghae who had also realize what they had forgotten.

They had agree to go to ShimShimTapa with Shindong.

“Stop making out in there and just get your out, we don’t have much time!” boomed Shindong on the other side of the door which Eunhyuk and Donghae chuckles.

“Awh, another er,” frowns Eunhyuk as he presses his lips onto Donghae’s again.

“Let’s get out and show em some eunhae power,” he chuckles and pulls Donghae from the door before opening it up.

Eunhyuk turn around and glance at Donghae again as he smiles.

“How about let’s celebrate our own new year after the eating out later?” asked Eunhyuk which Donghae grins at him.

“First date in 2012?”

“As you wish Hae,” he smiles before tugging Donghae out with him and giving Shindong and playful punch.

“Race you there, fatsoo!” he grins like a kid before tugging Donghae and escapes together.

“YAH!! Lee Hyukjae you….” frowns Shindong who was standing beside Siwon who requested to tag along.

“And race you there too, eunhae er!” grins Donghae who is having a happy mood.

“YAHHHHHHH! You…” exclaimed Siwon but he was cut off by Eunhyuk again.

“Loosers get to treat Eunhae with an expensive dinner,” grins Eunhyuk as he turns to Donghae and giving him a smile.

Well, just like that, and we hope that there will be more Eunhae in 2012.

The end





Happy New Year!

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Chapter 1: Kyaahhh !!! Eunhae is real !!! \o/ they are so sweet >~< Eunhae together forever !!! thank you ^_^
eunhae.....2012 eunhae i think that would be great
Omo so cute. Me too. I also hope there is a lot of eunhae moments in 2012 and the rumour about the ring is true. I really want eunhae to be together.
OMO! This is dedicated to me?? Thank you!!!!! >///<<br />
This is just so cute and SWEET TO THE MAX! :DDD <3<br />
You made me watched the fancam again after reading this! hahaahaahaaa don't ask me why. xDDD<br />
More Eunhae in 2012 <--- I hit the LIKE button! xP
hyukkielicious #6
Happy New Year, EunHae!
hyukkielicious #7
LOL at the 2nd pic... hahaha~ XD<br />
Siwon? err... still praying? XD
btstaekookie #8
I swear this is so sweet. And the picture is just...<3<br />
LOL at Siwon praying.
readingpost #9
i came back!!<br />
i seriously love the fic and the pics. it suited so well -- awwwww.. and siwon praying at their side. more awwwww!!!! :)