First Sketches & Introduction:

A series of bad sketches.

Well hello there!


I am going to post the first few sketches and mini bad drawings down below that I've done so feel free to comment down your opinions or whatsoever, but let's introduce me then!


The name I often go by is Esrae, I use this name for numerous websites using alias' and such when I play games or use anonymous websites where you have to have a login. I also go by other alias' such as bambi, lance and such but you can all call me Author Nim or Artist Nim. My age is well, you don't get to know that but let's just say I'm not too old and not too young, how's that? (I'm almost finished high school, how's that for a big hint?)I have been sketching and drawing since I was around 8 years old and I have been writing poetry for around 5-6 years on it's own. I usually sketch when I am bored in class and I usually write poetry when I'm feeling a little down in the dumps and such. I actually stopped sketching a few years ago but recently have picked it up again and the reason behind that is up for an option if you guys would like to hear it. 

I may be...slightly weird to you, since I don't consider myself as a female or male - but I often switch between the two and the name for this is well, gender-fluid. So I can be a boy one day or a girl one day! I often like being a boy and wearing cute skirts and dresses! I would describe myself as quite shy but I'm friendly once I open up to you, I'm always up for new friends so if you want to press that add button please do! I would also describe myself as very honest and bold, as I hate lying and I often hate liars. I'm very technology-savvy and I know my way around most desktop programs that there is.

My interests would be the main popular ones, and very stereotypical user ones for this website so I'd say K-POP, K-ROCK and K-RAP, but I also listen to a very large variety of music spanning across all genres and languages, for a starter I would recommend Yellow Love by Citizen! It's a very peaceful song that would most likely help you sleep if you are having a rough night! I often recommend it to those I meet and people come to me when they need a new song recommendation. 

[ Large inhale. ] But, if there's anything else you'd love to know that's itching at your skin! Or you want to see my face, or something strange! Please ask away at either of the social media links that I will drop below or even on this website too! (And don't be shy to follow me too!) 

Thank you for reading! I hope you like the bad sketches! 


- Author/Artist Nim!

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