Serendipity at its finest

What you reminded me of

   So this is how it all begins.


   Jimin and Jungkook works at the same office. Jungkook's a new employee, while Jimin has been here since he graduated from university, which means like, Jimin had been stuck in this company for 3 years already.


   Well, 'Stuck' is... the perfect word to describe it, actually. The only reason for Jimin to hang on is because the company gives decent salary to pay his rent and quite frankly, it's enough to cover up pretty much his every needs. Even sometimes, he finds himself working overnight, given generous extra from the boss, and bam, Jimin got to treat himself a little. A lot, actually...


   Another reason is, Taehyung, the living support machine, is always there by his side. 


   Taehyung is... Quite absurd to say the least, sometimes Jimin finds himself questioning whether he's a real muggle or an alien or- nevermind. Taehyung is weird, but he's the kind of friend everyone needs.


   Got any doubts? Tae can smell it easily and wash it away by cheering you up, with his own ways.


   Got any problems? Tae will help you get through it, even if you tell him not to worry, he insists helping. 


   Got a little too tipsy on saturday night and you forget the directions to your apartement? You can call Tae, and he'll immediately realize how drunk you are, asks where exactly you are right now, (and even though your answer is confusing sometimes) and he will pick you up to drive you home, even if it's 2 in the morning. 


   Yep. Tae Tae is pretty much the reason why Jimin is still here even when Jimin feel like he shouldn't, because someone with a Bachelor of Music degree like Jimin should be composing songs out there, instead of working in front of the computer for hours, handling the the company's administration.


   Everyday felt like a torture for Jimin. Not because he couldn't keep up with the work, because damn, Jimin is one of the best staff. He gets a lot of praises form his colleagues here and there.


   ..The reason he hates his job is because Jimin simply feel like he didn’t belong here. And being the boss' favorite isn't helping because it means he would have to pretend that he loves what he's doing, and that he’d stay here for a long time. And that's... That’s quite a pain to put up with everyday, really. Forcing a smile, a happy face, and a pleasant voice is actually very hard when he’s slowly dying inside.


   But then again, thanks to TaeTae, who makes all the pain bearable. 



   Now let’s talk about the new employee.


   The new guy is... Well,... He's alright. Not that Jimin paid any attention to every former new employees, but Jungkook...


   Jungkook was something.


   Somehow, Jungkook caught Jimin’s eye from the very first moment. He couldn't figure out why. Maybe because Jungkook reminds him of Taehyung at some point? Because the taller has the same amount of positivity, only, Jungkook's is much, much more calm and much more mature. And it's an irony because as Jimin recall, Jungkook is younger than Him and Taehyung. 


   And Jimin learned that Jungkook has such a radiating positivity, since Jungkook decided to spend his working hours next to him. Yes. Of all desks, he chose the one on Jimin's left. Super.


   And as expected, Jungkook also brings positive vibes to the whole room. He's eager, enthusiastic, yet always calm and collected.



   It was lunch time and Jimin finds it cute how Jungkook and Taehyung had already managed to get fond of each other. So, Tae asked Jungkook to tag long during lunch along with him too.


   And this is the first proper introduction with the new guy. Earlier this morning the get-to-know-Jungkookie wasn’t much more than exchanging names and hellos. Jungkook offers a hand and both of them shake hands, and the warmth of Jungkook’s palm reminds Jimin of a rainy morning, where he’ll find himself tucked in a fuzzy blanket, drinking hot chocolate, while watching lame morning talkshows. The warmth isn't much different with the ones radiated from Jungkook’s hands.


   Now, Jimin, what the hell was that? 


   Jimin was taken aback by himself for thinking such things. Jimin stay stood for a while until Jungkook taped his shoulder to wake Jimin up from his daydream. "Jimin-ssi, You okay? You dozed off a while there," Jungkook asked. Jimin turns to look Jungkook, and gives a little assuring nod, more to himself. They didn't realize Taehyung gives Jimin a knowing look. 


   Each minute passing by, Jimin learned something new about Jungkook. 


   Turns out, Jimin was right. Jungkook is younger by two year than him and Taehyung. But that didn’t stop him to think that Jungkook seems a lot more mature than he and his bestfriend does. Jungkook also has a Bachelor of Arts degree, but his mother forced him to work at the office because- yeah- it gives more steady income. But Jungkook seems rather fine with that.. Unlike Jimin, Jungkook is not wearing any masks when he's all smiley at the office. Jimin envies him for it.


   How did he do it?


   “You know you just gotta change your mindset,” Jungkook explains. “I think of it as an initial step before I go further in my dancing career,” he continues, and Jimin doesn’t understand. What does office administration has to do with dancing techniques anyway? It doesn’t make any sense, he thought. Sensing the confusion from Jimin’s expression, Jungkook elaborates, “Let’s just say that I’m going to work very hard here to gain income as much as possible, thus I could save enough money to build my own dance studio,” and with that, Jimin kept quiet for a while, and then nods without giving any comment. Jungkook has a brilliant mind. Why didn’t he think much like Jungkook?


   And that day Jimin learned a lot about Jungkook already, enough to make him think about the younger for almost every hour. At night, Jimin no longer worries about how uncomfortable working at his current company, or how badly he wanted to quit and just run away already. Something else is occupying his brain right now. That ‘something else’ is no other than the great artificial sun, Jeon Jungkook. Jimin now realizes what made Jungkook different from the others. Jungkook reminds Jimin of something. Something very, very special. Something that warms Jimin up just by thinking about it.


   Jungkook reminds him of clear blue skies and fresh green hills, of rocky roads and curvy lanes,


   Jungkook reminds him of the sweet smell of korean pancake, the one that his mother usually makes when he got home from school,


   Jungkook reminds him of the warmth of love,


   He reminds him of Busan. 


   Jimin doesn’t know why, but he just does. And he finally gets it, the missing pieces that fits the puzzle perfectly. He finally knew why just sitting next to the latter brings him peace.


   Jungkook reminds him of home. 



   The next day, Jimin arrives at the office early, (he didn’t get any sleep so yeah) and it's surprising that Jungkook is already sitting on his desk in the room.


   And the first thing Jimin does whe he sees jungkook is to ask him, "Did you come from Busan?",  and  Jungkook, was stunned and taken aback at first. Who wouldn’t, the older came out of nowhere and he looks terrible (but still adorable af), and the random question just popped out suddenly. But after awhile the taller managed to reply calmly, "Yeah, you too?", and Jimin nodded enthusiastically he feels like his neck is going to break anytime soon.


   And then there’s silence for a solid 2 minutes whilst Jungkook is studying Jimin’s tired figure. It wasn't awkward or comfortable. It felt just right


   Jungkook finally asks, “Didn’t get any sleep?” and Jimin had to giggle, and it was the most beautiful sound Jungkook has ever heard. Jimin nodded in approval and added, “Spending the night thinking about stuffs,” and Jungkook didn’t ask further even if he badly wants to. And then Jungkook leans forward from his chair, pulling himself closer to Jimin and shyly asks, "Jimin Hyung, I know it's way too early, but I want to know more about you. So, would you go out with me for a dinner?" And for once, (except the times when he’s with Taehyung), Jimin is smiling. This time, for real. And Jungkook couldn't help but to smile as well. What can he do? Jimin’s happiness is very much infecting him.


   "Only if you’ll take me to a restaurant that serves Yooboo Joomeoni*," Jimin replied. At that, Jungkook laughed, and it was beautiful. "Noted, sir. And I'll take that as a yes," he said afterwards.


   Silence again. When Jimin opens to speak, suddenly a wild Tae Tae appears.


   "I KNEW YOU GUYS HAD EYES FOR EACH OTHER!" he shouted. Thank heavens noone else had arrived, yet. Or else, god knows what Jimin would do to Taehyung. Nevertheless, he still pinches Taehyung to teach him a lesson as Taehyung runs for his life immediately.


   When Taehyung had left the room and it's just the both of them again, Jungkook takes Jimin’s small hand to his bigger one and stares at the chubby fingers that belonged to the shorter, and said, "I don't know about you, but since the first time I saw you, it feels like I’m finally home." 


   And Jimin sincerely smiled again.




Author's Note:

Lol guys how was it

I am so sorry omg I wasted your time didn't I

ANyWaYSSS tell me what you think about this fic ok smoochies

*Yooboo Joomeoni is a Fried Tofu Pocket, a famous dish from Busan.

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Chapter 1: Yaahhh~ this is what I need seriously. I should have known.
Chapter 1: this story is pretty good.. It got them warm happy calm fuzzy vibe.. :D
Chapter 1: OMG WHAT R U SAYING DO U EVEN HEAR YOURSELF RN ;; you did very good babe dont worry!!!<3

I N FACT I LIKE IT VERY MUCHHHH its just so cute and you just had to make it cuter bcs of taetae:(((
jikook is love jikook is life
Strawberry_girl98 #4
Chapter 1: Its so good authornim!! (灬♥ω♥灬) i love it!!