My Last

To say the least Kai hated me.

It wasn't like I did anything to him but the return sass so… needless to say he always had it coming to him.

I can only thank my brothers for keeping me witty.

Back to why Kai hates me: I’m apparently a good dancer. According to most teachers anyway. I thought I was pretty basic, honestly.
The assignment Teacher Choi was simple, too. He chose partners for us, and we had to do change solo choreography to a couple piece.

I was paired with Kai (woop-de-doo) so I had to learn his dance, make it more ‘couple-like’ and make a small addition at the end.

“Why can't you teach me the dance?” I asked in frustration.

“You’re not worthy.” Kai smirked. “And anyways, I don't have the time.”

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “The grade depends on both of us. How do you expect to pass with only one of us knowing the dance?”

“Like I always do…” he got his face close to mine. “Talk my way out of it.”

I narrowed my eyes at him as he backed away with an amused chuckle. He left, seeing nothing else to say.

I blew a raspberry and looked at the mirror.

“C’mon Naya, we can figure something out.” I told myself.

I had to think hard for a solution.
Then it came to me.




“I can't thank you enough Jun.” I smiled gratefully to the videographer.

“No problem.” He smiled. “Do you mind if I ask why you needed this choreography?”

“Stupid Kai won't teach me for a project and so I had to find a way to learn the dance myself. Thank god you record all the workshops we do.” I tightly held my ipad that now held Kai’s workshop video.

“Sounds like something he’d do.” Jun nodded. “Well I hope you rub this in his face and get a good grade.” He put his hand up for a high five.

I met his high five. “Thanks oppa. See you later!” I waved as he left.

“Let’s see how you react to this Kai.” I smirked looking at my ipad ready to learn his piece.





Said boy looked behind him and smiled when his friend Sehun come towards him.

“What's up maknae?”

“Have you and Naya been having… problems with the assignment?” Sehun asked carefully.

“No necessarily. She may have a problem but I don't.” Kai bobbed his shoulders.

“Oh ok well she said she couldn't get a hold of you, so she wanted you to see her part of the dance.”

“What do you mean her part?” Kai asked in confusion.

“The partner that learns the choreo had to add to the original choreo. It’s part of the assignment?” Sehun tried jogging his friend’s memory. “Don't you listen in class? Anyways see you later!” And with that Sehun left.

Kai debated on going to the dance room. The last time he was here was a week and a half ago when you both got the assignment and I needed to learn his dance.

“It’s not like she knows the dance. How could she add anything?” Kai scoffed to himself, showing how proud he was of his logic.

Oh how wrong he was.

He stood at the window of the dance room, hoping to see me frustrated and lost, but there he was, open mouthed and amazed.

He heard the music but wasn't expecting to see me dance his choreography.

I smiled as I finished the dance and took a spot in front of the mirror to go over my ending part of the dance. It was hard but I needed to make the couple part more convincing so I had a lot (and I mean a lot) of skinship in my few 8 counts.


“What the-!?” Kai jumped in surprise and turned to see Sehun.

“Whatcha doin’?” Sehun peered into the room. “Oh good you’re in time to see Naya’s part! But why are you just staring through the window?” He asked with an eyebrow raised.

Kai cleared his throat. “No reason. I was… uhm giving her time to make sure it looks good before I barge in.” He shot a smile to the maknae.

“Mm hmm.” Sehun fake nodded in agreement.

Kai took a deep breath and (with much drama, I might add) barged into the dance room, nearly giving me a heart attack.

“Kai!” I clutched my heart in attempt to slow it down. “Was that really necessary??” I put my hands on my hips.

“Not really.” He chuckled at my reaction.

“Ok so why are you here?” I was genuinely curious.

He hadn't tried to help me before, why come now?

“I was told that you came up with your end of the choreography. So I’m here to see it.”


He gave a single head nod. “Yeah. Really.”

“Hmm.” I raised my eyebrow and started the music.

I’ve been around… I’ve been around the world…

I remembered Kai’s intro in the video and repeated it to the best of my ability. The whole dance was so him; the moves, the attitude, the flirty feel. I channeled as much of what I tried to decipher in his video out for my ‘performance’ today in front of the original choreographer.

The dance came to a finish and I hunched over trying to catch my breath. I took a look at Kai to see him just standing there.

“So?” I asked.

I knew the choreography would look better if he just taught me himself but I had to work with what I got.

“Look I know it’s not exact but I did my best learning from Jun’s recording-”

“It was ok.”

I looked up from my rant in shock. “What?”

“Yeah you could have done better, especially at this move.” He proceeded to show me which part I could have done better.

I watch and mirror his movements. Well attempt to.

“No no see you need to make these movements singular. Da da da.” He showed me slower.

“Hmm. Ok well with a little more time and muscle memory I should have that down in no time.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

I proceeded to practice more with out the music this time, hoping Kai would leave the room.

But he didn't.


I stopped and turned to face him.

He cleared his throat. “Uhm… let’s go over the dance together. Then uh I can show you the parts you need to work on.” He suggested.

“Oh. Uhm… sure that sounds… good.”

Kai nodded stiffly. “Let me uh… just change into my dance clothes. I’ll just be a sec.”




Kai couldn't find out why he was so awkward with me. It wasn't like I wasn't picking up the moves or anything. In fact we were moving quite quickly for not doing anything for two weeks!

“Kai?” I asked entering the practice room for today’s session.

“What’s up?” He looked up from his stretching position.

“I wanted to try something today… with the choreo.” I hope he goes along with it, I prayed.

“Uh sure what do you have in mind?” He asked.

Now he was standing, just waiting to hear my idea.

“It's a couple dance now right?” I ask rhetorically. I take my bag off my shoulder and toss it aside. “So there are parts we can play around with to make it look more like a couple dance.”

Kai raised an eyebrow. “I’m assuming you have ideas already?” He teased.

“You could say that…” I nodded. “For example, the intro. ‘I’ve been around… I’ve been around the world… I’ve been around…’ you know?” I sing a bit of the intro hoping he knows what I'm talking about.


“So for that intro maybe we’ll walk in and then do a stop, ha, da, pop and stop, ba, stop, something like that.” I begin popping to demonstrate.

“Hmm. Ok let’s do it with the music.” He jogs to the speaker to play the song.

So I walk to center stage and he vibes off me since literally we just had the idea moments ago.

We do the intro (mostly a lot of freestyling) then he turns and starts the dance with his back facing the mirror while I do it face front.

“I like that.” I smile.

“Me too.” Kai smiles back.

And it was all downhill from there.



Well not exactly.

We got around to perfecting Kai’s dance, so all we needed were changes to make it look like a couple dance. Add a couple body rolls here, a bit of hand on the other’s hip there and one could think we were dating. Or at least flirting with each other.

So now for my choreo.

“So I hate to say this Kai but there isn't enough here.” I sigh catching my breath. We finished doing the ‘couple version’ of his dance.

“What do you mean?” He caught his breath.

“It’s not enough to shout flirty. And that’s what this song is about. A guy telling a girl she isn't the only one he’s been with.” I explain.

“I guess it doesn't help that I don't understand english.” He chuckled.

“Ok Kai well my part will more than likely depend on both of us getting close physically so come on. There’s an idea I want to run past you.”

He gets up and stands next to me looking at the mirror.

“Ok so the last part is ’and you really gon’ hate me too’. So my idea is instead of the side to side move, we go away from each other then we’ll do… kind of like a stare down.”

“Ok I'm going to be honest with you: That was a lot of words Naya.” He gave me a lost look.

“Haha yeah I know it was a lot so I will show you.”

That I did. From his dance to the transition into my choreo.

“So what do you think?” I ask.

“It looks awesome.” Kai nodded. “Let’s keep going.”



It was D-day and I don't know about Kai but I was nervous as heck. I was on my way to the stage but I was running behind since I got stuck in traffic.

“Where’s Naya?” Kai asked JinSoo (my roommate).

“She said she was on her way Kai, she just got stuck on a bit of traffic.”

Kai ran his fingers through his already pushed back hair.

All the girls backstage tried hard not to ogle but it was hard. How could a guy look so good in a black, long sleeve turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up, and some athletic pants and tennis shoes? It shouldn't be acceptable.

“Kai! I’m so sorry!” I barged in as soon as I could hoping to ease Kai of any worries.

But I don't think he expected my attire either.

I had light makeup (different from the none I would wear to practice). My black hair was straightened covered by a cap. A black sports bra under a black sweater halfway zipped so my torso was a little exposed. Then some leggings (tighter than the sweats he was used to seeing me practice in) and athletic shoes.


“Oh uhm yeah I’m glad you made it.” He coughed.

“You look nice.” I nodded to his outfit.

“You too.” He gave a stiff grin.

“Black seems to work for us huh?” I chuckled.

“Like my soul.” He joked.

“You two ready?” The stagehand asked.

We both nodded.

And as soon as we got on that stage, we both put that performance face on.





I knew she could dance but this was something else. I’d never seen her ever do a partner dance so I didn't have expectations of her bringing out anything to show the emotions that should show in a partner dance

but I stood corrected.

If I was watching from the outside I’d think she were flirting with me. It didn't help that on my end I made it look flirtatious already and that the couple variations to it made it more realistic.

What was worse: those couple variations felt so comfortable.

Most of the time partners need time to get comfortable doing intimate dance moves together, but with us two it flowed and she didn't hesitate to get (what seemed to me) closer than what we’d practiced.

Guess she really wanted that good grade.




Your POV

Once I got off that stage I was so relieved!!! Oh I wished to shout my excitement for being done with that assignment.

“Oh my gosh Naya that was so good!” Jisoo hugged me after I got off stage.

“Ugh I’m so glad it's over.” I smiled.

“So…” Jisoo pulled back. “You and Kim Jongin huh?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“What? Are you crazy??” I gasped.

“What do you mean am I crazy? You’re the one all up on Kai as he’s giving you y stares and whatnot!” Jisoo threw her arms in the air.

“It’s just a dance Ji.”

“And you know how important emotions are when it comes to dance.” She retorted.

“Look let me ask Kai what he thought and I’ll prove to you nothing is going on between us.” I smiled proudly to go find my partner.

There were dressing rooms down one hall and I assumed he’d be there since some of his friends were performing too. I mentally cheered when I heard him through one of the doors that was slightly cracked open.

I was going to knock but their conversation stopped me.

“You guys were on fire!” Chanyeol cheered for Kai.

“Thanks man.”

“So… you and Naya huh?” Baekhyun asked.

Kai sighed. “I don't know man. It’s been a weird couple weeks when we practice together…”

I silently agreed.

“But it was nice just being around her.”

I could almost hear the smile behind that statement.

“So do you like her?” Chen asked.

“I don't know yet hyung. The way we danced today had way more passion-”

“And lust apparently.” Sehun mumbled, earning some snickers.

“Ok maknae we get it.” Kai deadpanned. “Maybe I do like her. But I think what happened on that stage was nothing more than mere professionalism… at least for her.” He sighed.

I walked away from the door shocked.

Kai possibly likes me?!?




Coming back to dance class the next day felt a little weird. I didn't want to make it obvious that I overheard Kai and his friend's conversation about me, it was clearly private.

“Hey Naya.”

I smiled at Baekhyun. “Hey Baek.”

“Didn't get a chance to tell you that you did a good job on your assignment. Didn't know you had it in you to make Kai look so good.” He grinned.

“Hmm I guess it’s a hidden talent.” I joked with a shrug.


“Hey Kai.”

He looked at me with a small smile and began stretching.

“Back to being enemies?” Baekhyun asked next to me.

“Not sure. No smart comment about what I'm wearing or how I look so maybe we’re moving forward?” I look to Baekhyun with an ‘I don't know’ look.

“Hey Jongin.” Baekhyun jogged up to the said boy.

“Hey hyung.” Kai smiled back.

“So you gonna tell Naya anything?” Baekhyun asked in a hushed voice.

“Not sure. I don't think it’s a good idea.”

“Don't know if you don't try.” Baekhyun grinned. “Just ask her when you’re both comfortable. It’ll go smoother then.”

Kai thought about that idea a little longer then glanced at me. I was too focused on my stretches to notice him hold a smile to himself.




“Naya!” I turned to the voice.

“Hey Kai what's up?” I smiled.

We had talked comfortably for a few weeks now and it was really nice.

“Can you meet me in front of the library at around 4?”

“Uhm sure I guess. Anything you need to talk about?”

“Kind of?” He gave a small chuckle. “You’ll find out if you come at 4!” He waved bye to go to his next course.

4 came around quickly and I couldn't be happier to clean up a bit before meeting with Kai. It was summer turning fall so it was still a little warm.





I turned to see Kai in a black button up, black pants, a sweater around his waist and a drink in his hand.



“Hey.” I pointed to his drink. “Cold drink in cold weather?”

“Hey don't judge my life choices.” He jokingly sassed back.

I only laughed at his answer.

“C’mon. Hope you're up for sitting outside.”

“I am wearing what I thought was ok for the outdoors.” I gestured to my outfit.

He chuckled. “True. Follow me. We’ll walk and talk.”

We walked for a bit and got to talking. The topics were random: why we dance, who are inspirations are, if we plan to keep dancing.

“I've always liked dancing.” I say with a smile. Kai planted himself down on a bench so I followed. “My family was musical. My brothers play instruments, my mom used to dance. It’s practically in my blood.”

“Hmm. I was always just good at it.” Kai admitted. “My family never hated my love of dance but they never understood it. My teachers taught me that I had a talent and I knew it was something I could do for the rest of my life to be happy.”

“That's a nice story Kai.” I smiled. “It takes a big man to admit to liking dancing so much at a young age.” I sigh.

“You’re around it all the time though.” Kai said with slight envy.

“That was my downfall though. My brothers were amazing freestylers. If they heard music they just… danced. I was the poised ‘give me choreography and I’ll do it’ type of dancer. Being comfortable with freestyle came way later for me.”

Kai turned his head to look at the me.

I was looking out at the nearby park, where kids were running and families were laughing. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Kai smiled when I did.


I looked at Kai.


He stood up and held out his hand.


“C’mon get up.” He chuckled.

Baby~ before you make me change my mind~” I sang Janet Jackson's song swaying back and forth.

Kai smiled and shook his head. “No seriously come on.”

I took his hand and got up. Little did I know Kai’s plan was to get me trapped between his arms.

I gasped as his hands rested on my hips, ever so lightly, almost like not touching me at all.

“Kai what-”


I looked him in the eyes. And since at eye level I only sat his jaw, I had to look up slightly. His blonde/silver hair was golden since the sun began going down.

“Yes?” I practically whispered.

“I… I-I think…” he gulped.

“What?” Again, almost inaudible.

“I think I like you.” He said with the most sincerity.






“What do you mean why?” he looked at me confused  

“I’m nothing special. Why me?”

“That’s probably why.” He smiled. “You aren't special to everyone else. But for me you are.”

I could feel my cheeks heating up.

“You must be getting cold.” He stepped back to take the sweater from his waist and wrapped it around me.

“Kai you don't-”

“If I want to be considered a gentleman, I do.” He grinned and fixed the huge sweater to fit on my shoulders. “There.”

I only looked up at him with confusion. He took a deep breath and looked at me.

“I honestly wish I could tell you what makes you special, Naya. But… I don't know, something on the day of our performance clicked in me that I like you.”

“That was a while ago…” I thought about how long ago that performance was.

“I know, I know. I would have said something sooner, but I wanted to be sure it wasn't just admiration.” He stopped to take a breath.

“So… what now?”

“Honestly I would have liked this confession to be a little more romantic, but since that parts long gone, will you be my girlfriend?” Kai asked.

I looked at him, hoping to stop the funny feeling in my stomach. It didn't work.

“What would you do if I said no?” I asked holding my smile.

“Hmm. It would hope nothing awkward would happen between us after today.” He bopped his head from side to side.

“And if I said yes.”

“I’d probably kiss you.”


“Hey can't blame a guy for doing a flirty dance with a gorgeous girl and not being able to do anything.” Kai threw his hands up in defense.

I shook my head and chuckled. “Well then…” I pulled him down by the collar for our eyes to meet. “What’re waiting for then?” I asked teasingly.

He smirked and moved forward to meet his lips with mine.

I don't know where that boldness came from but I’m glad it happened.

Kai moved his head and I only did the same. This feeling was euphoric and I didn't want to come down from it.

Kai hooked his fingers around the belt loops to bring me closer (if that was even possible) and my hands cupped the back of his neck, combing through the bit of long hair.

I eventually pulled back to catch my breath. Kai set his forehead on mine as we panted.

He tilted my chin up so we could meet eyes. Then he pecked my lips with a smile.

“Can I ask a favor from my girlfriend?”

“You’re already asking favors? We haven't even dated for 5 minutes.” I exclaimed incredulously.

“It's not a big favor,” he smiled returning his hand to my waist. “Can you call me Jongin?” He gave a slight pout.

“As in your birth name?”



“C’mon Naya.” He whined.

“What? I just want to know why I’m getting this request now?”

Jongin is who I really am. You knew Kai, the jerk in dance class. If we’re going to be close, I’d like you to use the name my mother chose for me.”

My heart felt like melting. I tilted my head back and forth like I was contemplating it. His face only showed hope for me agreeing.

“Hmm… Jongin?” I smiled letting the name roll off my lips.

He looked like a kid who just got a huge lollipop. Seeing this guys trying to hide his smile was too adorable.


“I think I’ll use that name. Sounds better for you anyway.” I smiled.

“You know you may be the best girlfriend I’ve ever had.” He hid his head in my neck.

I smiled but thought again. “Wait, run that by me again?”

“Not my first,” he pecked my neck then pulled back to see my face. “But my last.” He smiled pecking my lips.

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Iamtwentyfour #1
Looking forward to this