As Usual

My Saviour

(Italics are thoughts)

Mina POV
It is Monday morning and the start of another tiring day. I would have lost count of the number of days that had passed since the school year began(is it the 367th day yet?) if it was not for my wall calendar reminding me of my impending examinations. 
As I left my room, I peeked into my parent’s room through the door that was slightly ajar and muttered under my breath 'empty as usual', trying hard not to let my disappointment show. Sometimes I wonder if they care about me at all, they are always busy working. After so many years, I thought I would not be affected, still get depressed over the lonely silence. I sigh and left to walk to school. 
I was about to step into the school when I heard 'MINARI!' 'Sigh must she always be this loud on a Monday morning.Oh well her cheerful presence helps me and she know that.' I turned around and waited for Sana to catch up before we go to the cafeteria to meet up with Momo. That girl, always shoving food down , it is a wonder how she maintains her slim figure.
'Morning Sana.' I said which sounded more like a whisper. 'Good morning Mina.' 'Sigh. What's so good about the morning. Nevermind Let's go before we are late.' 
As we made our way to the cafeteria, we notice a duo with contrasting heights entering the school admin office. I guess they must be the new transfer students that Jihyo who is the school president was talking about.  
'Hey squirrel, the transfer students are here.' 
'Yah penguin. Since when did you care about new students.'
'Nevermind let's go, we need to abandon the racoon since we will be late if we meet her.'
'Oh my, let's go quickly I will call her to meet me in class directly.'

Freshman-Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Dahyun
Sophomore-Mina, Jihyo
Junior-Sana, Momo
Senior- Jeongyeon, Nayeon

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Chapter 1:
Someonnee #2
Chapter 2: I don't think you mean for chapter 2 to be seen rn