내꺼 하자!!! (Be Mine!!!)


(Minjung’s POV)

It has been a month since Shone came to our school. He’s kind, sweet, and good in studying. I really enjoy being friends with him. When Hyunseong is not here with me, he’ll always be here for me. He’s jjang!!! Hahaha~ As far as I know, he will be studying at our school for two month. Since the first month has passed, so one month left for him to study here. I’m not ready to say goodbye to him yet since I started to feel comfortable around him. But what can I do.

“Have you seen Shone?” I asked one of my classmates.

“No, I haven’t seen him since the school hour’s end. Sorry…” she replied.

“Never mind…”

I tried to find him around the school area but still can’t find him. I left the school area and went to the hill near the town. Then, I saw him, taking some pictures of the scenery.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re here?” I asked, realizing him the presence of me.

“I thought you were already went home with Hyunseong.” He said. I just looked at him. We kept quiet for a few minutes.

“When will you take my pictures?” I broke the silence. He stopped taking pictures and smiled at me.

“When will you be my girlfriend?” he replied with a question that I thought he was just kidding.

“Right now?? Hahaha~ Come on…don’t make fun of me. Give me this.” I took his camera and hugged his shoulder.

“We should take a picture together since we’re best friend.” I smiled at him.

“This is called a selca…” I continued and took some pictures together with him.

“Give a photo to me after this so that I can keep it.” I said, still holding his camera.

“If I don’t want to give you, what will you do?” he raised his eyebrows. I glanced at him.

“I will take this camera then, as an exchange.” I ran away from him.

“Minjung-ah, give me back my camera!!” he screamed. I laughed at him and went down the hill.

Unlucky enough, I was being caught by him. He tickled me until I have to give his camera back.

“Promise me to give one of my photos to me. If not, you can’t go back to Thailand.” I said while pinching his cheeks.

“But I still have to go back whether I give the photo or not.” He said, also pinching my cheeks.

“Then, I have no choice but to follow you going back to Thailand.”

“Ouchhh...ahhh…Minjung-ah, it hurts.”

“Alright…alright…on the count of three, I let go of your cheeks, and you will also have to let go of my cheeks.”


I counted to three and let go of his cheeks but he was still pinching my cheeks. Then, he laughed at me.

“Yah, let go~” I said. This Shone really need to be teach by me.


(Jeongmin’s POV)

I was on my way to Minjung’s house when I saw her running away while being chased by Shone. She laughed happily. I admit that whenever she hang out with Shone, she always smile, not like when she hang out with me. I can see through her eyes that she really likes Shone and if I’m not mistaken, I think Shone also likes her, but they didn’t admit their own feelings towards each other. I feel somewhat…..jealous. I just continued my journey. I waited for her to come home while sitting on the sofa at her house. I actually wanted to wait her outside the house but her grandma insisted me to wait inside. It’s a bit warm, she said.

“Yah, I said don’t touch my hair. If not, I’ll be mad.” I heard Minjung’s voice.

“Oh yeah? But still, I want to ruffle your pretty hair.” Then, I heard Shone’s voice.

“I’m being serious, you know. Shone!!”

As she opened the front door, I stood up and smiled at her.

“Owh…Jeongmin-ah…what are you doing here?” she asked as soon as she saw me. I looked at Shone. He was behind her while smiling at me.

“Mr. Jang wanted to give you this but can’t find you. So, he gave it to me and asked me to pass it to you.” I said.

“What is it?” she asked again, took a paper from me.

“He asked us if we could be the reporter for this year’s school magazine…alongside with Shone. Because he said, Shone have the talent of taking good pictures.” I explained.

“Really?” she said excitedly and gave a high-five to Shone.

“I hope we can cooperate well to make the best school’s magazine.” Shone said, reaching out to shake hands with me. Then, I shook his hands.

“Hopefully…” I replied.

“Jeongmin-ah, Shone and I wanted to do some homework together. Do you want to join us?” Minjung asked me.

“Sure, I have lots of homework that maybe you can teach me how to solve it.” I said but still staring at Shone.

“Maybe Shone can help you. He’s good in every subject, you know.”

“Maybe not…” I said slowly, didn’t want Minjung to hear it.

“Jeongmin-ah, are you okay? Do you want to join us or not?” she asked again.

“Yes, I would like to join…” I looked at Minjung and smiled.

Here am I, doing homework with Minjung…..and Shone. I admit that Shone is good in his studies, but I don’t know why, I hate that fact.

“Minjung-ah, do you know how to solve this?” I asked Minjung about one of the calculus problem. She looked at the problem for a while.

“Why don’t you ask Shone? I don’t know…I haven’t done that yet.” She said.

“I want you to explain it to me.” I insisted.

“Jeongmin-ah, it’s easy if you just ask Shone. I’m afraid that I will give you the wrong solution.” She kept replying. Shone was just looking at us.

“But you’re good at calculus. You’re the…..”

“Second highest in class but Shone is the highest in class. He’s the best…” I didn’t finish my sentences yet when Minjung interrupted.

“I don’t want…”


“You can just ask him if you don’t know, then you can explain it to me.” I left the question on her hands and did other homework. She just looked at me and went to Shone to ask. After a few minutes, she went back to me.

“Listen here carefully. I don’t know what’s going on with you lately, but I’ll just explain this to you once. So, focus and try to understand what I’m going to teach you.” She said to me and I just nodded my head. She looked mad. I’m sorry, Minjung…I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad. I just…

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i've post chapter one..^^..<br />
sorry if not that good..<br />
i'm new to writing fanfics..^^
good luck!!! excited to read your story!!!
i want to make it different from all the fanfic i've written before..hehe..and because,i'm really gone crazy over Shone's story right now..i've been watching that story for about 7 times already.. =_=
-natsukim #4
why shone here?<br />