His Eyes

His Ocean

 ​​His Eyes

 His eyes, are the entrance to his world where I can see

everything that he holds dear. His dark brown eyes tell me a

story of how much he loves me. In those eyes I can see the

truth in his lies and lies in his truths. We could spend

hours not speaking but our eyes would some how talk to each other.

In his eyes I would like to stay with them forever. 


When we first met in the middle of the Summer

and I was sitting under a oak tree reading a book and

​you sat beside me, the first thing I notice was your eyes.



 They told me you were a good person with a good soul.
​'Hi my name is Joonmyean, can I sit here?'
His words made me stop looking into his eyes.
​'Sure you can sit here.' 
 That was my first memory of you.
Even when I turned away from your eyes I
could still feel their gaze on me.   
'When I look into your eyes, I tend to lose my thoughts' 
When I'm on my own and my head is up in the clouds 
I always relive the times we started getting
friendly with each other and you randomly
tucking back a strand of my hair behind my ear.
Your brown eyes were looking so deeply into mine.
It was like you were looking into my soul.
Thinking about it still makes my heart flutter. 
But when I think about you it always end
with the look of sadness you gave me when you said
​'I'm moving to Seoul,I don't know when I will see you again.'
I felt my heart shatter into fragmented pieces.
'Maybe we should end it here.'
​The single tear drop coming out of your brown eye
I could see the pain that you felt because
the shine in your eyes was gone.     
Sometimes His eyes hunt my Dreams.
​This happens because I think about
all the happy times we share together
then I realise it's ​GONE. AND IT WAS ALL IN THE PAST.
​His eyes still mean everything because it
captured our memories, our story, our laugh, our life.
Today I wonder what our memories would look like
through ​His eyes.       
​I miss hiS eyes
I wish they were looking at me now
I wish they were mine. 
'The eyes are useless when the mind is blind'  
End Of Chapter One    
~written by Grace~












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Welcome back gracey :)) this was so nice and loving cant wait until the next chap x