Chapter Two: The Restaurant

Everyone is Hiding Something

[Key’s POV]

I’d ridden in the car next to Amber, who was next to, you guessed it, Krystal. She was always the least shy around her, and myself. I really don’t understand why she thinks that girl is so perfect. She seems... plain, to me. But to each his own I guess. Yet at the same time, I don’t feel their connection, I don’t picture them together, if anything I see a very broken hearted Amber, and a very confused girl band in the near future.

This could ruin all their careers, which is why I’m keeping all my feelings to myself. Only when I retire, and live in some remote country far away from Korea and this whole scene, will I finally let myself be free. In the mean time, I can only look over Amber and hope to be of some guidance to her. Sometimes she thinks too much with her heart and not enough with her brain. Too much in the now, and no worries about tomorrow. This type of reckless behavior is totally uncalled for. Maybe in America this behavior is encouraged, but here in Korea, not so much.

“I saw you touching her back.” I whispered to Amber, she chuckled and gave me a budge with her elbow. Krystal looked at us while she was doing that and winked at her. “Oh god, she thinks we’re together. She thinks you like me! This is golden, Amber, golden.” I said in a whisper. My gayness filtering through, a little bit too much for my taste. Nobody seems to notice how hard I try to keep this whole thing under wraps.
“But she’s so cute when she’s clueless!” Amber replied with a smile, this girl has it bad. So bad, it’s kinda gross.

“Hey Amber! You’re looking very cool today.” Taemin said from behind me, another evil stare at my direction.
“Thanks! You’re looking pretty cool yourself.” Amber responded with an innocent smile. Was she not noticing the evil in him right now?

“So, Amber, are you still uh... good friends with Krystal?” Taemin said, and even thought Amber didn’t notice it. I sure did. He was implying something. He was trying to get information out of Amber. I couldn’t let that happen.

“Taemin, I have to take Amber outside for a sec, be right back.” I said, and quickly grabbed her and pulled her out.
“What was that about?” She asked as got to the door.
“Something’s not right with Taemin lately, he’s been acting strange and I’m kinda scared.” I said in a hush tone, just in case.
“You’re probably just imagining things, silly.” Amber smiled. I truly admired her innocence sometimes.

“Amber!” I heard an all too familiar voice call out. It was Yuri, another one of Amber’s friends. Now they had chemistry. I wish Yuri was gay so she would date Amber, and Krystal would be out of the picture. I think they’d be good together. But that’ll never happen since Yuri is practically dating Minho. She was probably here because her producers told her Minho was going to be here. If there’s one thing I hate about the business, it’s the relationships that are formed for publicity stunts. I’m going to be dragged into one with Amber some time soon, I can feel it in my bones. But, if it’s going to be anyone, I rather it’d be her. “Jessica wanted to come eat with Krystal, so most of us tagged along. Hi Key! Is Minho here too?” Yuri asked, and just like that my hopes for my friends’ future crushed.

“He’s inside.” I said, with sad undertone. She smiled, and instead of going in, she stayed and started looking for something inside her purse. She pulled out a gift box, it was wrapped in very pretty and very expensive looking paper.
“This is for you. Don’t open it yet though!” Yuri said, and suddenly hope was restored. A gift for Amber? One only uses expensive wrapping paper if one wants to either really impress or really cover up something. Or maybe both. Maybe Yuri wasn’t all that into Minho as they seemed to be. “I have something for Minho too!” She said, and then hope died once more. “I’ll just run inside and give it to him. Be right back, we still have so much to catch up on Amber!” She said as she went trough the doors. The other girls had already gotten in. Amber was still looking at the gift in her hand.

“I wonder what it is...” She said, and shook the box. A little cling was heard inside. “It’s most likely a necklace of something. Want to go back inside now?” She asked, and I nodded. Getting mentally prepared for the riot that was awaiting for us inside. Three kpop groups, one tiny Italian restaurant. Oh the joy.

[Yuri’s POV]

I searched the room for Minho. Hyo Yeon by my side at all times, she really wanted me to get her a conversation with him.  So I wanted to make it happen.

“Minho!!” I greeted him, and he smiled at me. The same smile he gave me right before we almost kissed that one time. I wish I had enjoyed that more sometimes. “Hyo Yeon really likes your jacket, maybe you guys should talk about it.” I laughed, and so did they. Minho smiled big at Hyo Yeon, but she smiled even bigger at him, perhaps a little too much. I nudged her a bit, and motioned the mouth area so she’s close it a bit. She caught on very quickly. “Oh, Minho, I forgot, I got you something from the Philippines. It’s a home made remedy for that bad breath thing. It’s supposed to eliminate it in minutes!” I said, and afterwards realized I would have probably been better to have this conversation elsewhere. I was so out of it though. I only really wanted to see Amber that night.

Once I spotted her, I walked over as quickly as possible. I wanted to properly great her with a hug, but seeing as how she was surrounded by her band mates I thought it would be a little impossible now, I should have done it outside.
“How are you girls? Order anything yet?” I asked trying to chime into the conversation.

“I don’t know why I’m even here, I’m a low carb diet.” Krystal laughed, Amber joining in for a bit. I felt like someone was pulling the strings of my heart and tangling them into unsolvable knots. I always knew Amber kinda had a thing for Krystal. But tonight it just felt a lot different, it felt, like this was more than a thing she had for her.
“What diet are you guys on?” Krystal asked us, and I looked away hoping somebody else would answer.

“We’re not really on any diet, we just eat what our nutritionist recommends, or whatever we like. It’s very simple.” Soo Young said, her face hidden behind a menu.
“That seems cool, I really like your dress tonight Unnie.” Krystal said to Soo Young, who scoffed behind her menu.
“Thanks.” She replied, without removing the menu from her face. I wasn’t sure what was going on right now, but all of a sudden the air got heavy and everything felt wrong. Everyone was talking, but I wasn’t really listening. All I could hear was distant chatter and the clings of the silverware on the plates. Where was all this negative energy coming from? Why did I feel like I couldn’t breathe? And most of all, why did my heart feel like it fell from my body?

Soo Young noticed. She took my hand, and pulled me out of the restaurant.
“I told you it was going to end badly.” She said, pulling my hair away from my face.
“I hadn’t noticed...” I managed to whisper. I was desperately trying to make sense of it all. Why had this panic attack washed over me so suddenly? Nothing seemed to click.
“I hadn’t noticed either, but it really seems like Amber is really in love Krystal. Even more so than you are in love with her.” I spun quickly about to say something but Soo Young slapped me. Once I realized what she had done, I hugged her, and started crying on her shoulder.
“Is it that obvious?” I said, and I felt her nod.
“I’m sorry I slapped you, it needed to be done.” She said then something in the air changed, Amber had walked out of restaurant. I had my back to the door, but I just knew that it’d been her who just walked out.

“Are you okay, Yuri?” She said in a soft, sweet voice. Soo Young let go of me and walked into the restaurant. I didn’t turn around.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just had a tiny breakdown for a second there, you know how it is.” I laughed. I felt her walking over to where I was. I tried to walk away and escape, but it was too late. Amber had walked in front of me and pulled me into the best hug I’d ever gotten from anyone in my life. I let myself go for that moment, I just let her hold me in her arms, and then I put my arms around her so I could do the same to her. I closed my eyes, and let the moment last as long as it did.

“You’re amazing Yuri. That’s why your group is number one, don’t give up for anything, or anyone.” She said, as she let go. I desperately wanted her to stay, but I knew that after I said something she was going to go back in, and look at Krystal the way I wanted her to look at me. As soon as this thought brushed trough my mind, I knew I had to do something to keep her here, and away form Krystal. I panicked. I went in to kiss her, but instead of her lips, I landed on her cheek. But it wasn’t a normal cheek kiss between friends, it was something more. First of all, my lips stayed there for a good five seconds. Second, after I lifted my lips from her skin, I stayed close to her, considering moving my lips to hers. Third, when I finally decided to step away from her, I looked at her dead in the eyes and she did the same.

She’d understood. She knew. It was over for me now. My appreciation for her was no longer a secret. So in another state of panic, I rushed away from the restaurant. As I ran, in high heels mind you, I felt like the world was going to end. My world at least. Everything was going to change, and most likely it was going to change for the worse. Soo Young was right, this was going to end all wrong. I wish I hadn’t managed to get the girls to come to the restaurant today. No, I just wish I hadn’t met Amber. No, I wish I didn’t like girls in general.

[Amber’s POV]

Well that certainly was strange. Yuri was always a little weird around me, sometimes I just think she wishes I were a guy so she could date me. It’s funny to me, because she’s dating Minho. And I actually replaced him in one of her performances, that’s when we became friends. I have to admit, when she danced to that song, it was pretty hot. All the good ones are straight. I just hope Krystal doesn’t fall into that category. I really hope that one day she realizes how perfect we’d be together.
“Do I have to hit you?” Key said from behind me.
“Huh?” I said, turning around.
“Where you daydreaming about Krystal right now?” He asked, crossing his arms.
“Maybe... why do you care?” I said and crossed my arms as well.
“You should thank god you have me around to keep your feet on the ground, cause if not you’d be flying off to god knows where in your mind all the time and you wouldn’t be as focused as you are.” He said, pulling me into a side hug now.
“I don’t need you to stay focused, I want f(x) to be a top girl group more than anything.” I said defending myself.
“More than you want Krystal?” He asked, and suddenly I didn’t feel like defending myself. I felt more like I had just had a rude awakening.

“You mean to say I have to choose between what I want more? Krystal or f(x)?” Key nodded. “But I don’t want to make that choice. I can’t make it.”
“You can, and in your mind, you already know it’s already been made for you. f(x) is your job, your life, and your dream. You can’t let your feelings get in the way of that.” Key said, in the saddest tone ever.

“Is this how you feel?” I asked him. “Is this what you tell yourself in order to feel better about giving up your love?” I was on the verge of tears now.
“This is what I’ve wanted ever since I was kid, I did not work this hard to let it all go for some puppy love that might not even last.” He was on the verge of crying too.
“We should go back to our dorms, Key. This isn’t going to end well.” I said, and he nodded. So we jumped into a cab, and didn’t speak for the rest of the drive home. I saw him crying silently, and I did the same.

As much I wanted to fight for my feelings, and my love. Key was right. And if he could manage to keep his feelings in check, so could I. So from tomorrow and on, I would no longer be in love with Krystal. This had to stop. I had to follow my own advice don’t give up for anything, or anyone - even if it breaks my heart.

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alexacell #1
Chapter 4: update pleasee, this is really good
taliaamanda #2
Chapter 4: Yulber.. interesting!! Continue this story please..thx
juny98 #3
Chapter 4: plz update
yulber> 3
Chapter 4: This fic is forgotten. ;;
Chapter 4: Please update now can't wait for the Lost Treasure thingy part!
Kanji-123 #6
Chapter 4: Update update update update update!! Sorry good sorry I really love it can't wait for the update!!!!!
Jason17 #7
Chapter 4: Aww can you please update this Yulber fic..?
Chapter 4: please update soon.
Dont give up author.
SaturnineSmile #9
Chapter 4: oh Pimber... don't you dare break Yuris heart </3. Please update I need more drama! The suspense is killing me!