Chapter 2

For You, I Fall in Love Again

"Oppa..." called Sooyoung to Kyuhyun who was lying down over her lap. His eyes was shuttled down from looking to the outside of the eyes.

"Yeah?" he answered without  bothered himself to open his eyes. The sound of the night really makes him as calm as the lake which is infront of them. The 6 yard park  with a half -yard-size lake was specially rent by him to celebrate his 3rd anniversary of being couple with Sooyoung, beside of calming himself from the office works.

"The moon...."

"Yeah, the moon... What's wrong with it? Does it have pimples?"

"No, oppa.... It's just so beautiful,"

As he heard Sooyoung complaint of the moon, Kyuhyun slightly lay his eyes over it. He looked at it with a long gazed. Something's playing in his head, maybe he's trying to arrange some words to reply for Sooyoung's word. After thought of suitable words to reply her, he looked at her with a strange expression on his face as if he was fallen for her again. Sooyoung was still in her own world of looking at the moon.

"I don't think so," he finally speak out.

"What? Waeee?" asked Sooyoung as her hand slapped tenderly over Kyuhyun's shoulder making him to pretend to scream because of the slapped. He laughed cheekly. He get up from Sooyoung's lap and faced her with an answered of his remarks.

"I don't think the moon is beautiful. It's just the light which lighten the moon is beautiful. Just imagine, if the light is suddenly off, of course the moon can't be seen, and only that time you'll know the real face of the moon,"

"Uh, oppa.. You really know how to prevaricate a fact, right? Just admit it.. You're actually jealous of the moon, right?"

"What? Why should i jealus of it?"

"Because the moon is fairer than you,"

"Huh, i've no time to be jealous of the moon just because of that,"

"Fine, you win,"

"That's really good of you. Always give up with me,"

"Yeah, whatever, oppa,"

"You know what's more beautiful than the moon?"

"What? The sun?"

"No, it's you,"

Sooyoung looked at Kyuhyun without words. She was stunted by Kyuhyun's confession just now. She never thought that, even it has been three years since they've become a couple, but still Kyuhyun's feeling is always be the same for her.

"I love you," he continued.

"Thank you, oppa,"

He smile and try to come nearer to her. But, Sooyoung suddenly speak out.


"Yeah?" he reversed his body a little far.

"Can you promised me something?"

"What it is?"

"Promise me first,"

"Okay, i promised,"

"If you ever..........."


"Fall in love again, please, do tell me,"

"Sooyoung-ah.......... Why are you talking like that suddenly?"

"Nothing, just........ But, you've promised me,"

"Go to hell with that promised !! All my life i will only love you ! You ! No one else !"


Before Sooyoung could finished her words, Kyuhyun have kissed her first gently.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, oppa,"

"Good to hear that,"

"Oppa, again....."


"Just now, you have....."

"Oh, i know.... So, you're also yearn for that?"

Sooyoung just smile awkwardly. She looked to the ground which is covered by grass as she too shy to lok at Kyuhyun. That time, she could feel a hand was gently placed over her chin making her to look to the front. Then only, again, she could feel Kyuhyun's lips on her own. She could feel that the kiss was true. But her heart, she could feel that it wasn't in calm. It's like something will happen to her. To him. To their relationship. But, she can't define what was it.

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don't ever thought that soowilldie because it'll never endlike that, hahahaha,,,
Okay, I am sensing that SooYoung has a disease and she will die soon and then BAM comes along SeoHyun and then Kyu falls for her and visits Soo's grave telling her that he found somebody new.

Okay xDD me and my predictions XD HAHA! Seriously though, don't make it end like what I just said xD I don't really ship SeoKyu :))) HAHA

Update soon~
Chocolate_loves #3
Yea kyuyoung moments(:
Update soon plz
KyuYoung~ please don't let this end to be a SeoKyu! :D kekeke :P
Chocolate_loves #5
I'll wait for your update :))
zndoctvn13 #7
THIS IS SOOOO ME!!! Really, update sooon!!!!!!!! <3
thank you,,, but, it would be only a few chapter,, i do not have any intend to make it to have a lot of chapter,,<br />
Chocolate_loves #9
Yea cant wait to read you story